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Everything posted by SlipperyJim

  1. SlipperyJim

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Your conclusions about this poll are extremely opinionated and most likely completely wrong. A forum poll only reflects the hardcore crowd that visits this forum. In no way was it scientific and in no way can you think it reflects all of Arma's players. The majority of people who play Arma NEVER visit this forum. Only 190 people responded to the poll. It is safe to say that more than 190 copies of Arma were sold. From the hardcore crowd that DO visit this forum over 30% of the people said they don't care about Arma's VON. What are the real numbers when you take into account all of Arma's players and not just the fanatics that visit this forum? Most gamers are casual players that have no interest in reading or visiting forums.
  2. SlipperyJim

    XAM 1.4 Light

    Will be difficult for your mod to shake the reputation that it crashes servers. Ever thought of a complete name change instead of the vague "light" title?
  3. SlipperyJim

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    In your typical fanboy fashion you attack anyone even mildly critical of the game. How do you think you are being productive for the community by insisting time doesn't matter? You can stick your head in the sand all you want. The servers continue to empty out and people are moving on. The simple fact is that most of the developer are busy working on Arma 2. If they had put the proper number of people working on the patch it would have been out the door long ago. You can try to argue that all you want but it is just more PR bullcrap.
  4. SlipperyJim

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    I am only objecting about the time it is taking. They get complete credit for making sure that the final patch does not leave the game in worse condition. The problem is that so many people have given up on the game and the remaining people are splintered between the two patches. By the time they finally finish the patch they will have successfully killed off the rest of the community. In terms of Arma 2 sales I guess it works out great for them, lol. Come on BIS, put more people on the patch and get it out the door!
  5. SlipperyJim

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Lets look at this long timeline: - June 2007 1.08 patch released. - July 2007 - August 2007 - September 2007 - October 2007 - November 2007 - December 2008 - beta patch released - January 2008 - February 2008 - March 6 - another beta test announced. At this rate the final patch won't be released until around July. Congrats BIS a year between patches. I assume the patch will be perfectly timed for Arma 2's release?
  6. SlipperyJim

    ArmA Gold supposedly releasing next week in NA.

    Hopefully the Gold release will generate some revenue so they will take Arma 1 from the "abandoned" shelf and finish the darn patch.
  7. SlipperyJim

    Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

    As a few people already mentioned, I loved the fact that Suma's answers were candid and didn't seem filtered through a PR department. It is appreciated. Stating that there won't be any more support for Arma2 than Arma1 is a concern. Did I hear him correctly that he said there would be even less support? I keep thinking about how long it has been since the last patch and I shake my head in disbelief. I guess the only safe thing to do with Arma 2 is wait a year after it's release and check to see if it has been patched properly. After having so many Arma 1 games totally ruined by kids running client-side scripts forgive me if I am a little cynical about Arma 2.
  8. SlipperyJim

    Online Arma?

    Gamespy Arma Server Stats
  9. SlipperyJim

    Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

    1) Does he think it is acceptable that the last patch was about 7 months ago? 2) Do they expect us to buy Arma 2 when Arma 1 is crippled by hackers and still not fixed yet?
  10. SlipperyJim

    Your no.1 arma site?

    Armedassault.info would be a good site if they didn't have the popup telling me to turn off Firefox's Adblock. Screw that, lol. armaholic.com is where I go.
  11. Sounds just like the way Republicans deal with an election
  12. The simple answer is if we wanted BF2 or Cod4 or Quake or Counter Strike we would be playing those games. I personally prefer coop.
  13. SlipperyJim

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    As I said they are acting just like UBI, dump the game for the next one in the series before it is done. - When AI has fired last M136 round and you order them to fire on a tank they should say something other than "negative". Negative you can't reach it or negative you are out of ammo? Which is it? - Fix the problem with game losing track of your AI. "where are you?" repeated over and over from a phantom AI. - M240 and M249 should not be able to be fired while standing with any sort of accuracy. Go back to 1.08 config when standing. - Tanks stopped by trees is ridiculous and a pain. - Street lights should be able to be shot out - NVG clamp down far too much when bright object viewed. Inside car is a real problem! - Need to be able to shut VOIP off completely! Need to have some sort of local feedback so people know if they have a good volume on mic. Would be great if we had ability for background sound to lower temporarily while someone is talking. - Since missions like Evolution are very popular would love to be able to see how long the mission has been running in the game browser. Would help you to decide what server to join if they are just starting or almost ending a mission.
  14. SlipperyJim

    Do the Bis Team hate Russia?

    Does it have Kirk Cameron in it? If so do we get to shoot him?
  15. SlipperyJim

    Nothing in Arma2 Seems much Different

    As I have already said in other parts of the forum, I suspect BIS is starting to act like other game companies like UBI or Vivendi. They release a "sequel" that really is just a patched version of the previous release. Fix Arma 1 if you want our money BIS. How many fanboys can you depend on to blindly buy your games? Your name will only be as good as your last release. I love Arma 1 (even with all its faults) but please don't go for the easy cash grab.
  16. SlipperyJim

    Do the Bis Team hate Russia?

    I would certainly buy a game if the bad guys were American. Storyline: Insane American Christian Neocons start WW3 lead by President Frank Shrub. The world must rise against a fascist government that spends more on war than the rest of the world combined. Basic underdog story.
  17. SlipperyJim

    Freezing for 2 seconds while ingame

    Got the freeze problem the other night also. Only had it with the 1.09 beta. Asus Nvidia 8800 GTS 320 mb Driver 169.21 Windows XP service pack 2. 2 Gigs RAM
  18. SlipperyJim

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    You think sticking your head in the sand is constructive? Yes, standing it is more accurate compared to the previous recoil settings. I am talking about the normal prone position of distances over 500meters (roughly). It seems much more inaccurate.
  19. SlipperyJim

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    It is "whining" not "whinging". By the way as I am sure some moderator will point out that it is against forum rules to post an opinion like that in a sig pic. Too bad you won't be able to use it DeadMeatXM2 was correct that I forgot about the fact that this patch was released just before the holidays. I however still stand by my pessimism about the future of Arma 1 and how BIS will treat the game. I suspect you will need to pay for Arma 2 to get the fixes this game requires. I would love to be completely wrong though. Back on topic: people mentioned freezes above. I had a nasty one the other night with 1.09. Was playing Evolution for a few hours and the game suddenly froze with sound stuttering like mad. Never had that with previous versions. Normal crashes to desktop sure but never a solid lock like that. Nvidia 8800 GTS 320 meg 169.21 driver Heatseeker wrote: I was using the M249 last night over long distance and boy has it changed from the 1.08 patch. I was about 500-800 meters away and couldn't hit a thing. I thought something went funny with my internet for a while because I couldn't hit a single enemy from a large patrol. According to Wiki that was within range of that weapon. Yes it is a long distance but I should have hit a few, lol. Edit: Happy New Year!
  20. SlipperyJim

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Funny how we never get a developer asking us for clarification on bug reports in the forums. Is this "beta" purely a PR job meant to stop people from complaining until the patch is finally done? Nothing wrong with that if it is true but the community wastes time giving reports that will never be used. Unfortunately the days of Opflash are gone I suspect. BIS seems to be acting more like UBI now. Look at the Rainbow Six series and GRAW series. Lately all the games are released extremely buggy and after a few token patches they announce that the next game in the series is being worked on. Each new game means the last game is dumped and ignored. I would feel more confident in Arma being fixed if Arma 2 wasn't on the horizon. I keep having the "where are you?" bug from phantom AI when Arma misplaces count on the AI in my squad. Is this an Evolution bug or an Arma bug? (my guess is Arma problem) As for Voip several people have asked for a method of locally testing their microphone. This is really needed because I can't understand or hear properly 50-75% of the people using it. I don't know if it is just bad compression/codec or if it is people not setting up mic properly. Perhaps it is mic quality? Either way we need more controls over the whole system. The ability to turn it off completely is a must!
  21. SlipperyJim

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Still have the very annoying bug in which the game loses track of one of your AI and you end up with a "ghost" AI that you can't dismiss or control. Sometimes you are left with an empty slot. It seems directly related to vehicles and if an AI gets killed (?). For instance, you end up with an AI in F2, F3, F5 and F4 is permanently missing. Sometimes you end up with 4 yelling repeatedly "where are you!" even though 4 is dead. Rejoining the server is only way to fix it. 1.09 seems better for onboard sound (realtek alc850) but after a few hours of gameplay the old crackle sounds are back when I pan the "camera" around. This is the only game that gives me grief with audio.
  22. SlipperyJim

    Poll: do you care about voip?

    Much has been said about the VOIP in the new patch that is currently in beta testing by the community. How many people actually will use these new VOIP features or will you just end up using TS or Ventrilo? I am curious to see how many people the VOIP will benefit.
  23. SlipperyJim

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck then it probably is a duck.
  24. SlipperyJim

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Perhaps this was a quick and lazy fix for the problem of the Russians being able to pick us off so easily. Instead of fixing the AI they just tweaked the weapon stats. Some of the feedback in this thread from people who have tried the beta scares me. They need to set aside Arma 2 for a while and fix Arma 1.
  25. First off I need to make it very clear that this thread is not meant to be disrespectful in any way towards the hard work that mod makers do. You guys are the best. Last night I was looking through all the mods in development shown at Armaholic and two things struck me that I wanted to post about: 1) A lot of great mods in development are ruined (if you pardon that expression) because the mod maker wants to make it a "Greek" tank or a "Italian" helicopter or a "Chinese" uniform. They may be modeling an American made vehicle but they want to add a country flag from where they live on the side of the vehicle. Why limit your mod so much? It seems a shame to do this. It is great that you are patriotic but more people would enjoy your mod if it wasn't so restrictive. Perhaps also release a different version of your addon that isn't so restricted? 2) So many mods won't ever get finished because they are biting off more than they can chew. For instance they plan on making all these vehicles for a large "Chinese" mod or a large "Turkish" mod but the cold hard reality is that 90% them will NEVER get finished. Perhaps team up with other mod makers instead and make a mod not based on a specific country (or do the countries involved in Arma instead). These is a lot of amazing freaking talent in the community but it all seems splintered. Everyone is off doing mods for their own country. Hopefully people will not take this thread in a negative way. A big thanks to all mod makers for your efforts and good luck with your projects!