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Everything posted by SunTsu-PHiL-

  1. The Village v1.1 beta updated The village is an Attack & Defend mission. In this mission, BLUEFOR is holding four strategic positions and his goal is to keep them or at least one of them. The OPFOR hold only one position at startup and he must take another one, as fast as possible. The features: - You may select 5 respawn points - Every vehicule that's destroyed respawn - You may select 7 type of soldier : Â Â Â Â 1) Special force (MP5SD) Â Â Â Â 2) Heavy Sniper (M107/KRVK) Â Â Â Â 3) Light Sniper (M24/SVD) Â Â Â Â 4) Heavy Machine Gunner (M240/PK) Â Â Â Â 5) Light Machine Gunner (M249) Â Â Â Â 6) AT soldier (AK74,RPG7/M16,M136) Â Â Â Â 7) Assault soldier (M4GL/AK74GL) Bugs and other crappy things: - When vehicule respawn... He respawn 2 times... fixed - Sometimes the flag type is not correctly updated... General Information: It is my first multiplayer map for arma and it's still beta ! There are maybe bugs, securtity holes and many other crappy things... But as far as I've tested the map it's working very well. Enjoy this map and do not forget to give your opinion cause it could help to make this mission better ! Click the link to download the PBO file : The Village v1.1 beta PHiL From the Belgian Forces Studio Belgian Force Studio Web Page
  2. SunTsu-PHiL-

    Armée Belge WIP

    Hi I've made the FNC for Belgian Force Studio... You can use it if you want just ask me the 3DS model and texture, but please... Wait for Oxygen 2.... And be more accurate with your "Belgian soldier"... PS: Hi DezzerX it's a long time ago...
  3. SunTsu-PHiL-

    Armée Belge WIP

    Excepting the Camo nothing seems to be like reality... The Belgian flag on the side of the arm is no more, the helm and the chest webbing is not the same as it is in reality... Wait for the release of oxygen 2 before releasing this "Belgian" addon ! Our Belgian Army is not "crappy" ! Do not forget we have one of the best Special Force group on earth and that many of the weapons used by great or small nations come from FN => (Fabrique Nationale) MAG (M240), MiniMi (M249) We have also the F2000, P90, the Five Seven... And all of these weapon are made by our country ! Have a look at BFS (Belgian Force Sudio) Web Site and you will see what we've done for OFP.