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Everything posted by Seitan

  1. First impression was: Worst game i've ever bought. I was ready for some minor bugs as i've played bis games since ofp, but jeeeesus i wasn`t ready for this. Even as free mod this would have been a bad start, but pay 30€uros. huh. At least after 1.02 it's possible to play campaings again. So it's not all bad. And i know they are going to keep fixing thigs. Vehicles, weapons, soldier models, map terrains etc. All top quality. Sounds are terrible. Ears bleed. So far mp is a no go with the desync and there's like one big russian server and then 3-5 player locked servers. I have not lost all my hope with this... keep checking the updates. But atm it's nearly imposible to enjoy this.
  2. Seitan

    Available on Steam now..

    :j:Already 10% off the price at Steam. Well i hope bis got some of my money from bisstore.
  3. Seitan

    1.61 patch question?

    If I buy the game from BIS-store it's already patched right?
  4. Why. If it anoys you. Just mute every player from the player list.Also text chat is part of the game and as the direct text or voice doesnt work. It's usefull for players to make friends etc.
  5. BIS should give this guy a medal, raise or at least a day off :) Probably more then 6 months since i last played ArmA2. ...before this mod. Now i see guys playing this mod who hasn't played any of the BIS products before.
  6. Have to say, I'm sold. DICE really hit the jackpot with this one. Never ever i've had the same kind of feeling being in the middle of a battle then with this game now. Atmosphere is just awsome. Graphics and sound. woot. Game engine does the job. First fast paced FPS since CODUO for me that i enjoy. (mainly BIS products 10 years, some Red Ochestra) Sure there are some stupid things in this game... but hey so does OFP/ArmA and i've played those 10 years. ...and waiting ArmA3 eagerly. :D edit. oh yea Origin sucks but i like the battlelog thing.
  7. Time to try something different after ArmA. At start a bit fast for old ofp/arma player. :) Too bad the last patch screwed up something badly. Alt+tab usually crashes the game and pb enabled servers has horrible pings now. Artillery lags the server sometimes... just like in arma lol. But i'm enjoying this one so far. Nice to kill some ArmA-players.
  8. Seitan


    Flying boxes in a game! Woah! :p Better late then never i quess.
  9. Seitan

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    wow, this was a surprise! :D
  10. Seitan

    FDFmod 1.0

    Onnittelut ja Kiitokset! Reason to play ArmAII again. :bounce3:
  11. PMC campaign was good. I enjoyed it. Had problem with cut scenes. But no gameplay problems or any bugs in the missions. Proving grounds missions were the best. XM-8 discussion makes me laugh. :D
  12. First thought was, wow this looks like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :)
  13. Seitan

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    I want snow! Winter island, winter camos etc.
  14. Same problem. Had to use "esc ---> skip" in every cut scene.
  15. Seitan

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Winter DLC would be nice.
  16. Yei. Patching went without errors. First time in years. Now i just need to wait PMS.. erm PMC to download. 170kbs. :butbut:
  17. Ooh yes. :bounce3: Just got back from work. Now downloading everything and soon patching everything. Then playing i hope... I just dont remember any update without problems. :rolleyes:
  18. I can confirm this. No mods or addons except the BAF units in use.
  19. Seitan

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    Patch wont install. BAF installed.
  20. Got mine today. Looks good. Goes to the wall. No need for in-game map now. lol.
  21. I don't think it sucks in vanilla ArmA II. But in Arrowhead - Takistan, it sure does. It's like AI is trying to use the shortest way to get to the waypoint. No matter how high mountain there is in the way. They just start to climp hills straight away. Altought not sure how much this has to do with the mission (Warfare BE). But happens like this. I'm other side of the map. I order vehicle from base. It spawns and start to climp nearest mountain if it's the straighest way on the map. No matter if there's road near. Who needs roads eh :)
  22. Not happy to see BIS go this way with DLC. But hey who wouldn't want to get money from work you do.
  23. Seitan

    Where is everybody?

    That's the main reason here. Home is too hot. PC gets too hot. My ass gets too hot. It's not fun to play when you are dripping sweat in front of your PC. When you can go out by the water and have a cold beer.I'm sure it gets busier when the dark depressive fall sets in here at the north. :)