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Everything posted by SWAT_BigBear

  1. Vista 64 with 158.24 drivers, works for me and 4gig ram. With 163***, I have to disable Memory Hole Remapping in my bios, system only uses 2 gig ram with that change. (Not all MB's have this option, or it may be called Hardware Remapping). OFP has absolutely NO issues running with 4gig ram, with any drivers...so far.
  2. SWAT_BigBear

    Vista Black load screen?

    ooops. my question was actually to Lange. I see now, sickboy's quote of him, doesn't have his name. I myself fiqured, that if Vista would not run games, I would just put XP on this pc. Well, since my bios has the MHR option.... this particular Vista issue, is not enuff reason to install XP. I've been patient, since Feb 07`, and I can still wait on this one. Hell, I bought Asus video cards for Gamer OSD, which, drivers for Vista64 were just released recently in October.
  3. SWAT_BigBear

    Vista Black load screen?

    Not that it matters, but where do you get this info from?To my knowledge, at least people with Nvidia cards only have this bug since the 163.xx series, which is how long now? 1-2 Months? yea...when I used 158.24 drivers..4 gig memory worked. So whom do you blame?
  4. SWAT_BigBear

    Weird texture problems and CTD

    I can't find those drivers, got a link?
  5. SWAT_BigBear

    FPS Vest

    cyber sex will have a new "feeling"
  6. SWAT_BigBear

    Porblem with Dedicated Server & XML

    Would you have to uninstall it? It's an enable/disable feature.
  7. SWAT_BigBear

    ArmA Football

    You are correct, maybe this is why soccer fans prefer the tension and before/after game brawls that may result with a few deaths? Pretty ladies dancing in skimpy outfits (American football), is just my opinion, and my prefrence.
  8. SWAT_BigBear

    ArmA Football

    I gotta try this mod soon....... Now he needs more mods like, Popcorn girls, Cigar girls, Cheerleaders, Cheerleaders,
  9. SWAT_BigBear

    CoC_CEX Battalion Strength

    Thanks, Due to my job.. it will be several (3-5) days before I get a chance to try the coop version.
  10. SWAT_BigBear

    NVIDIA 163.69 BETA

    I say Nvidia's fault....after all...4gig memory worked fine with 158.24 drivers and ArmA.
  11. SWAT_BigBear

    Would this help any?

    yea....it's more complex than your thinking.....thats why he is able to charge an amount for it. It has many features like, auto banning, auto alerts, in game messages, multi-game compare of info (ip/name search) ect. But like I said..seems Nutty has a clue.
  12. SWAT_BigBear

    Would this help any?

    dunno, but I will ask. The tool does ask "What Game"? which, ArmA would not be in the list.
  13. SWAT_BigBear

    Doolittle CTI

    I'm hoping this statement from here:Source makes things easier for those working on cti's..especially coop
  14. SWAT_BigBear

    CoC_CEX Battalion Strength

    With my limited time available...if I get to play, it is always coop. I will be watching this thread for coop, and would like to test it on AMD's best (for now )
  15. SWAT_BigBear

    Would this help any?

    This sounds like it would work alot like AliasFinder....(for those whom used it). It will scan any server logs you ask it to, even thru ftp (if the creator of AF has the game included), I've used it for RVS, BF series and Americas Army, but several more games are set up for it. It creates it's own data base that will compare cd keys, ip's, and ALL names used and produce an alias list for finding someone. It is really sweet, but it has to read the PB server logs, which is just 1 of my reasons for endorcing PB. Anyhow, hope you can get it to work.
  16. SWAT_BigBear

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    It's only a matter of time before someone with the right contacts gets annoyed by their exploits of the games features. There are Federal Agents that enjoy ArmA, they just haven't seen "first hand" of these kiddies way of attempting to reek havok and disrupt open servers.
  17. SWAT_BigBear

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    Actually Victor, they have put a filter on the "other" letters. I've all ready been spanked for spacing the letters out, which I should not have tried. It was edited by a mod, with a personal pm from him.
  18. SWAT_BigBear

    Linux Dedicated server

    They cost about $20 per month less, and will not have all the windows processes running in the back ground, which allows the game server/s to run a bit smoother.
  19. SWAT_BigBear

    ArmA's Box Displays Fast Roping.

    My Atari box has the fast roping, it's on the inside covers. The odd thing is...they are not repelling, it's more like free falling down a pole, hands and feet are hanging on. If no one else gets a picture, I will after work this eve.
  20. SWAT_BigBear

    Linux Dedicated server

  21. SWAT_BigBear

    Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

    There ya go.. "Kentucky Fried ChickenS" to play against us legit/ly.
  22. SWAT_BigBear

    Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

    Actually I'm refering to the new "KFC" kiddies...
  23. SWAT_BigBear

    Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

    Concidering the reason of this thread, could you elaborate as to why you voted no? We are just looking for good games amongst us, with out silly kids joining our servers.
  24. SWAT_BigBear

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    Why do you ask a question to a person whom has been banned from these forums? Maybe you did not know?
  25. SWAT_BigBear

    NVIDIA 163.67 BETA

    Vista 64bit, Other than a slight 3dmark06 score increase........ nothing else changed, gaming wise.