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Everything posted by Schwab

  1. Schwab

    RTS - Farm Wars

    cow tipping is a myth ^^ its time for mythbusters :) but cow stealing will be an interesting part of the game... you just need the possibility to steal more then 1 cow at a time, maybe free all of the enemy cows with opening the fence ?
  2. Schwab

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Heyho TiGGa! I like the semi-automaitc mode already very much, it already looks like we get very close to a playable demo! Some smaller things i noticed: -AI should take a break when mounting cows or dismounting. -The meat should be in packages like the cows are delivered to the factory -there should be a setting for the scroll speed, its defenitely too slow for me -maybe u can add some predefined base-layouts for easier building ? i like the one in your last demo -is the option available that you can drop units out of your group when mounted in static guns and they are still alive? -mark static guns when empty with a (blue?) dot -limit the tractors - looking very powerful -add useful missions for the other players who are not the commander .... things from our chat just that they dont get lost: -a nice intro would be that a plane is cruising with the team onboard and waits for the commander to mapclick - then flys to the mapclick and drops all team -more efficient ai when conquering towns ? -special side missions to get some nice cows, weapons or money -transport animation for cow (make player slower) Defenitely a very creative mission , looking forward to it !
  3. Schwab

    Linux server beta

    Mail sent
  4. Easy description, no solution yet: I have flagpoles all over sahrani, i added an action to them which calls a script. The script says <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _caller = _this select 1; _callerside = side _caller; ... switch (_callerside) do { case west: { (_flag) setFlagTexture "\ca\misc\data\usa_vlajka.paa"; }; case east: { (_flag) setFlagTexture "\ca\misc\data\sever_vlajka.paa"; }; }; The flag turns correct to west or eastflag depending on who is calling the script. But wtf ? 5-6 seconds later the flag turns into this blue-white striped thingy again ? Any idea why ? It's the only place in whole mission where setflagtexture is used. Maybe the effect is not global ? Do i have to publish the flag at the end ?
  5. Schwab


    Nope. The flags are set in the editor, so in the mission.sqm. The addaction is added there aswell.
  6. Schwab


    Nobody an idea ? Some1 who changes Flags successfully with an Actionmenu in his mission maybe ? Local its working correct and it does not switch back. Only when on dedicated it first gets new texture, and then switches back after some seconds. Even if i publish the flagpole after switching it does switch back.... What can this be ?
  7. Sure you can ? Having an Object "oldshilka" and a Logic "dahin", executing a script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _tempstring = format ["newshilka = %1",oldshilka] + ";"; hint _tempstring; call compile(_tempstring); newshilka setpos(getpos(dahin)); Will place the oldshilka at the position of the trigger. Or are we talking of 2 different things ?
  8. ups...sry fasad is of course right -.- too early in the morning boat should be the vehicle, whatever name u gave it. yourteamleader is the name of the leader you spoke of, if its always you, you can use player instead. i edited the foreach above btw ^^
  9. how about you just add a ; to your string if it says missing ; ? so <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> groupOne = format["%1",[guy1,guy2]]+";";
  10. Schwab

    Team Status Dialog

    Ah i should tell you i removed the double entries from the stringtable aswell and replaced them in the sqf (not in the attached version). There was about 3 vehicles and something else.... The lock group problem wasn't too difficult. Well written Script and easy to understand. Btw: I did not attempt anything with the Stringtable cause i play ArmA in english. But a member joined and got the error so i took a look at the stringtable and searched for a solution (so i did not remove or add anything to the table before the problem occured).
  11. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> { waituntil{_x in boat}; }foreach units(group(yourteamleader)); Then you set a variable to true and put that in the Wp condition.
  12. Schwab

    onmapclick placing objects

    if u could specify your problem with that script people will help you. just writing a script for someone who is too lazy to look it up himself is not very popular, you know ? maybe i can help you to get an easiert start with some links, and you show us then what you made out of it ? first you need this to add the command to something: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction with that you can start a script which will include this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/onMapSingleClick then you will need this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle thats all i think. hope youll find your way now...
  13. Schwab

    Team Status Dialog

    For some reason the Stringtable did not work properly with any other language than english. In the Wiki it says 2nd column is default, but this does not seem to work. I added german language to your stringtable and removed everything else and added all words in german. stringtable english/german for tsd
  14. Schwab


    use jpgs ? :P
  15. Schwab

    Team Status Dialog

    Great Stuff. I have a question, i have 11 Groups at start and i want to lock 1 of them to be removed in all cases. Is there a way to do so (and if yes where to put it in)? Edith says: Found it, but i am almost sure i will have some more questions later Mhh the Stringtable is not working with other languages than english ? I get a Missing Stringtable STR_TSD9* when i open the Dialog with German setting for example ? How can that be when the 2nd column is default and filled in correctly with english description ?
  16. Schwab

    unit knowsAbout target

    i think i readed something of 0.6 somewhere, but can't remember atm exact where - i guess at wiki at reveal ? Edith says: Ah no was 0.7 but at Cold War Crisis, ignore it
  17. Cant see any problems with http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/weapons and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ammo and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeAllWeapons and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeapon and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazine
  18. compile makes string to code, call executes the code. so if you want to have the code newarry = [1,2,3,4] you need a string "newarry = [1,2,3,4]" and compile this and call it then. so what you need is <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">call compile("newarry = " + arrystring)
  19. A:Can a pubvar be an array ? Q: No. It took me many hours to realise that. Build a String out of your Array and Pubvar the String and Compile that back to an Array if you need it.
  20. All these chat things (globalchat, sidechat) and so on have effect local, so if you run em on the server and you are not the server - you can't see them. Use the suggestion of Manday is the only way to debug something which only runs on the server. If you have a chopper transport script which does not run yet in MP remember the vehicle is always local to the driver
  21. I want to create a trigger which detects vehicles. So far no problem. I do that with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _mytrigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", position _vehicle]; _mytrigger setTriggerArea [2, 2, 0, false]; _mytrigger setTriggeractivation["VEHICLE","PRESENT",true]; But now i want to attach this trigger to an other vehicle, which should not be detected by this trigger itself. Usually i would do that with _mytrigger triggerAttachVehicle [_vehicle]; but in my case the trigger gets active then with the vehicle its attached to and does not deactivate after that, even if i resize it to zero. Is there any way to do so ? Would prefer a way where i don't have to change the trigger in size or position. I tried the following now: I added to the Triggerstatement: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> mytrigger setTriggerstatements["count (nearestObjects [mytrigger , [""LandVehicle""], 5])>1",_triggerstring,""]; So this should only return true when 2 Landvehicles (including the 1 the trigger is attached to) are in the trigger. But when i debug count thislist of the trigger still returns 1. Why ? Ah and i had to make mytrigger global to make the nearestobjects work. I dont want to do that so i still searching for other solutions Obviously a solution with Triggers is quiet useless and i'll use _notrigger = [_vehicle] execVM "script.sqf"; with a loop in the script instead. Thanks for reading, i think i found the solution myself again
  22. place something you know the name of beside the building and use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestBuilding to assign the building a name. then you can watch damage of the building.
  23. Effect local means that the effect is only on the machine where the function is called. So if you call moveindriver the arguments have to be local aswell as the effect is local only too. Are you working on my global/local problem from the german forum ? Maybe it's a good idea to post it here cause the german community did not find a solution yet (moving that).
  24. Schwab

    Trigger Reset

    Solved myself: Set Triggersize to 0, its deactivated wait a bit and resize it normal size (reactivation).
  25. _newUnit = "soldierWB" createUnit [getPos SOMEPOS, group player,"",0.5, "private"]; _newUnit moveInCargo MYTRUCK; and _newUnit leaveVehicle MYTRUCK But... if you want to use the variable with the soldier later you have to use a global variable which does not get destroyed. so just use newunit instead of _newunit. good luck