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Everything posted by sudayev

  1. sudayev

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Skrzypczak again speaks for the USA again, I think he should emigrate there. I don't want my country being placed in avantgarde of yet another coalition only to be screwed over in effect. This is not our war, not our conflict and our citizens are not by the conflict so far and it should stay that way. President Bush put Assad on the axis of evil only because of Assads objections towards the invasion of Iraq. Later on Obama, Hollande, Merkel, Cameron were the ones who decided that to help Arab world with implementing democracy thus fueling the decay in the Middle East. Poland had had nothing to do with that. Why we would fight another war? To put our country on terrorist aim? No thanks. Global superpowers are powerful enough to put the fire they've created - out.
  2. sudayev

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Russian heavy bombers Tu22, Tu95 & Tu160 conducting bombardment of targets in Syria No mercy
  3. sudayev

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Word about a massive stikes by Russian forces on IS capital in city of Raqqa. Coordinated attacks coming from ships, strategic bombers and sumbmarines! https://translate.google.pl/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rbc.ru%2Fpolitics%2F17%2F11%2F2015%2F564b0c329a79475ee76092df&edit-text=
  4. sudayev

    France General

    Mainstream "liberal" media in Poland and their slogans Belgian behind the attack. (Belg - a Belgian (person)) B29yo Belgian behind the attacks in Paris Belgian was the mastermind behind the attacks Was listening to the radio on the way home and one "liberal" guest in the studio said - Shame on you Belgium.
  5. Very interesting prediction from year 2005. Many things written there are happening now. Author explain seven stages of conflict between Westen world and muslim extremists. http://www.spiegel.de/international/the-future-of-terrorism-what-al-qaida-really-wants-a-369448.html
  6. sudayev

    European Politics Thread.

    Poland's new government rejects migrant quotas after Paris attacks http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-14/poland-to-shun-refugees-after-paris-attack-future-minister-says _____ Words of Polish minister are commented in Asian press as well. I can recommend reading some comments there. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/europe/Poland-wont-accept-refugees-after-Paris-attacks-Minister/articleshow/49783648.cms?from=mdr One example...
  7. sudayev

    Terrorist attacks in Paris

    Battlefield 3 "Paris" campaign mission has the date November 13th.
  8. sudayev

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Does anyone feels like going to Syria to fight ISIS? this company hands free DMR's for those willing to http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2015/11/10/taking-fight-to-isis-heres-free-rifle.html?intcmp=trending
  9. sudayev

    European Politics Thread.

    From anti-Polish times of Civic Platform government in Poland... Polish people are deeply touched to what happened to innocent people in Paris, another day is passing while thousands of candles are slowly burning in front of French embassy in Warsaw, more and more are arriving. The video below shows how flowers and lights set to commemorate tragically died president Lech Kaczyński were "brutally" cleaned up and thrown away by city services under the protection of city police - only a few hours after Warsaw citizens laid the flowers and lit the candles. Growth of patriotism and care about the country, not to mention memory about president Kaczyński among the citizens really worried Civic Platform who ordered quick clean-up. It would have been a disastrous time for Poland to have now ex-president Komorowski and Civic platform in the saddle for another five years.
  10. sudayev

    France General

    It is typical recently. When someone raises an alarm is usually called on idiot. When some asks for taking preventive steps is called a perfidious fascist.
  11. sudayev

    France General

    Turns out one of the terrorists from Paris comes from Syria and checked in on Greek island of Leros about a month ago. http://www.infowars.com/report-paris-attacker-was-syrian-refugee-who-arrived-in-greece-last-month/ Anyone surprised? ISIS mentioned this a few month ago, while that broad Merkel was shouting schneller Poland, schneller Hungary, no limits!
  12. sudayev

    France General

    Apocalyptic scenes in theater. A Massacre :/ Rumors about stadium attacks aimed at football players originally.
  13. sudayev

    France General

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11995227/Paris-shooting-Many-feared-dead-live.html live reports + video feed
  14. sudayev

    France General

    Scale of this attack is many times bigger than the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Moreover there approximately 100 people taken as hostages. President Hollande has been evacuated. This is very sad, but ISIS have dragged the war directly to France. I wonder when Western countries will realize that weakening authoritarian regimes of Northern Africa and Middle East and replacing them with crawling muslim barbarism was a terrible idea.
  15. sudayev

    Russia General

    ISIS threatens Russia in new video in Russian language stating the country will die and Kremlin will be theirs. http://mashable.com/2015/11/12/isis-threatens-russia-propaganda-video/#DD3jNdbxFkqm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3315548/ISIS-releases-new-video-threatening-attacks-Russia-soon-warning-blood-spill-like-ocean-two-weeks-claiming-downed-one-jets.html Meanwhile in Syria ISIS is getting roasted with phosphor air drops http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e08_1447416462
  16. sudayev

    Russia General

    The Russian answer to anti-missile system present in EU countries are remote controlled dirty bombs.
  17. sudayev

    Prague for arma fans

    I can recommend visiting the best restaurant and disco in Prague, also featured on trip advisor! Alternatively, you should be able to find some of these beers ;)
  18. sudayev

    European Politics Thread.

    Conservative party HDZ - Croatian Democratic Union wins Croatian parliamentary elections. No outright victory, HDZ will have to rely on coalition rule with smaller parties. http://www.ibtimes.com/croatia-parliament-elections-2015-results-power-split-among-top-parties-after-first-2174625
  19. sudayev

    Russia General

    It appears that someone planted the bomb in the cargo hold or the bomb was smuggled in a tourist case along with the other baggage. Now all Russian tourists are being evacuated from Egypt, passengers are limited to hand luggage only! UK has also started sending airplanes to get their tourists back home. Massive blow to Egypt's tourism.
  20. sudayev

    TTIP has been revealed

    TL;DR can be found here http://www.itnews.com.au/news/full-trans-pacific-partnership-text-finally-released-411488 Full TTIP text posted by New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade. http://www.mfat.govt.nz/Treaties-and-International-Law/01-Treaties-for-which-NZ-is-Depositary/0-Trans-Pacific-Partnership-Text.php
  21. sudayev

    European Politics Thread.

    Poland. One of the main characters in loud "tape affair" (Civic Platform head officials recorded during their machinations, dividing and conquering and doing business with the oligarchs) ex-foreign minister Radoslaw SIkorski becomes a lecturer at Harvard University, Boston. Sikorski - educated in London, posed as gentleman and distinguished person on front of the cameras turned uout to be a total lout, using a plebeian and bum language. Despite being a rich man able to paid for his 500$ luxurious dinner he was using taxpayers money to cover these expenses. http://fakty.interia.pl/polska/news-usa-sikorski-bedzie-wykladowca-na-harvardzie,nId,1917752 Fantastic acquisition Harvard University, reaching for a fallen and corrupted angel of Civic Platform! Crooked and depleted Polish politician lecturing American students, great... I think Harvard was some sort of elite school, but nowadays they must be really desperate if they are reaching for crooks like Sikorski.
  22. sudayev

    Russia General

    https://www.rt.com/news/320710-antonov-plane-crash-landing/ That explains everything...
  23. sudayev

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Looks like someone is getting some heat from thermometric missiles
  24. sudayev

    European Politics Thread.

    Donald Tusk - EU parvenu, social climber and careerist, oligarchs friend, former Polish PM and intendant of German interest in Poland sees his country as a trampoline. He describes Brussels as top of his ambition and paradise. No, it wasn't Poland. Brussels was his aim since the beginning. It was well played by Merkel over the years to install a loyal boy in the EC so in fact Merkel can control the narration coming from the Pres.of the EC, Tusk is perfect for her, speaks German, of German origins, not really active and not really talkative, will do what he is told to. http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21677211-polands-former-prime-minister-desperately-seeks-ensure-europes-centre-can-hold-task It's sad how all government and Civic Platform affiliated media unfolded an umbrella over this miserable yet loyal to Germany politician allowing him to keep bouncing off the Polish trampoline for almost eight years. One thing is for sure - we will never see this rat back in the country. His doors of return has closed for good. This reminds of people called "acting as Poles" from communist times that after their time of "Polish service" (to Soviet Russia off course) they were retiring in Moscow.
  25. sudayev

    Russia General

    Any news?