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Everything posted by Sosna

  1. Sosna

    What people are we going to deal with?

    About the south sahrani flag, why did BIS make it the flag of Guatemala?? ( or at least very very similar! ) http://www.rapidflags.co.uk/Images....lag.jpg I hope it's just a placeholder, but it seems strange they kept it so late into development....
  2. Sosna

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I really hope we'll be able to pick up a second rifle, would be useful for many situations.
  3. Sosna

    Mouse 5 support!

    I recently found that 2 of my mouse buttons (new mouse) weren't detected in ofp, but worked in a few other games. I would think that by now it's standard in new games for all mouse inputs to be detected... I hope it will work in Arma. The software such as MS Intellipoint and Logitech Setpoint can be used to map functions, but these programs take up memory and can often cause input conflicts in and outside of games.
  4. Sosna

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Probably been mentioned, but i'd like it if the player wasnt crippled while holding AT/AA weapons. I've been killed way too many times in ofp because I couldn't run or go prone fast enough while holding an AT weapon.
  5. Sosna

    All the Animations YOU want

    Well from videos I've seen so far, weapon models are not animated... I'd like to see for example: bullets feeding into machineguns while firing, slides moving back on pistols, and charging handles/levers on certain rifles cycle while firing. I'm not too concerned about this though since I guess it can be modded in, though rather crudely like in flashpoint.
  6. Sosna

    Latest screenshots available

    The water effects have really imroved, almost there  Notice even the sand by the shore is darker due to being wet. http://www.coop-center.de/site/uploads/newspics/czechgamer5.jpg
  7. Sosna

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Probably been mentioned, but I hope for realistic tracers. With machineguns firing them only every 5th round or so, and none with rifles (or at least have it like this in veteran mode). Also it would be nice if rain effects were improved. Like if the rain had depth and fell in a defined direction, not just relative to the players view like in OFP. I hope rain will affect how the terrain looks too, like it would cause pavement/stone/wood/sand/dirt textures to gradually darken while getting wet.
  8. I recently got a new mouse, "Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 3000". It has the 2 standard buttons, a tilting and clicking mouse wheel and a thumb button. My ideal configuration would be to make the tilt on the mousewheel map to looking left and right, and to make the thumb button map to "fast foreward". Unfortunately, neither the thumb button nor mouse wheel tilt is detected in-game. Both these features work in windows. Strangely, the last mouse I used had an extra button that worked fine in flashpoint. I'm using the generic windows mouse driver right now, but I also tried MS Intellipoint which made no difference, except that I could "cheat" a way to use the thumb button, but still not the wheel tilt (If anyone knows of an alternative to Intellipoint it might be helpful). I also tried switching the mouse from PS/2 to USB. If this is an issue with the game itsself (I don't really have any other games to compare ), then I at least hope it's fixed for ArmA...
  9. Sosna

    gaming witha FRESNEL LENS..

    I still use my F550. In fact I got a new LCD monitor and the lens still enhances it greatly. I don't bother taking the lens off, I use it with everything. I even made a nice new mount (inspired by Red Kite's) which makes it easy to take on and off. old monitor, old mount: http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/7738/p61800089or.jpg new monitor, new mount: http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/8294/p9220109po3.jpg The only time I take off the lens is when more than one person needs to see the screen at the same time. The lens makes it hard to view things from an angle.
  10. Sosna

    Latest screenshots available

    I got a little bored so I spent some time in PS tweaking arma screenies... original: http://www.coop-center.de/site/uploads/newspics/AA190906pic33.jpg modified: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2961/1copyis4.jpg What bothered me about this pic was firstly the skintone. It is way too pinkish, and has no yellowish shades so it looks very unnatural. I just modified the hue a little and slightly raised saturation. The skin textures look too pink in all ArmA screenshots, I hope this is fixed before release... Secondly, the AK looks like it's made of grey plastic, so I upped the contrast and darkened/shaded it a little to make it look more metallic. I think simple texture improvements like this would improve ArmA's graphics by far. original: http://www.coop-center.de/site/uploads/newspics/AA190906pic39.jpg modified: http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/7421/2copygn7.jpg The black and white nights don't really look too realistic, especially when lit up things are still almost black and white :s In this pic I raised the contrast and saturation, slightly coloured the sky and terrain, and also added a surrounding glow to the taillights. Some small tweaks like this would make Arma look much better IMO. It would be nice if such small parts of the original game didn't need to be modded.
  11. I was thinking... In reality an Abrams needs 4 crew, a T72 needs only 3 since it has an autoloader. If BIS makes the M1 need a player to be the loader then this balance issue might be somewhat resolved... Most often in player versus player OFP I only see one player per tank and the player switches between driver/gunner. If a manual loader were implemented in the Abrams then a single person in the tank would be a lot less effective since he would have to switch between gunner/driver and loader positions meanwhile having to perform all the functions, and probably losing sight of the enemy (it would also help the balance if BIS makes the time it takes to switch positions more realistic). A player in a T72 would only need to switch between gunner and driver, in the meantime he might be able to get an extra shot off before the Abrams, and the T72 could move out of sight of the M1 gunners position, making the Abrams have to find the enemy tank again. If this were implemented then I think every M1 would most likely need at least 2 crew for every 1 person in a T72 in order to be equally effective. If the mission provides 2 T72 for every Abrams then balance might be feasable since the "east" side would have the manpower.
  12. Sosna


    I think BIS' ACU is fine... In this pic you can tell by the soldiers shadow that the sun is pretty low and there's at least very thin cloud cover so naturally the ACU looks darker. This pic shows the prototype ACU, newer one is more tan/green. Also the uniforms in ArmA shouldn't look brand new. Uniforms tend to get dusty and faded with wear, I think BIS did a good job showing it.
  13. Sosna

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I hope that sfx and music will be treated completly seperate, because in ofp with music off some sound effects also get turned off (multiplayer beep, mouse over/clicks).
  14. Sosna

    Small Arms in Armed Assault

    I think it's important that the magazines for small arms be interchangeable. Like you should be able to use an M4 magazine in M16, and AK74 should be able to use RPK74 45 rd magazines, and so on. JAM in ofp works nicely, but it would be nice to have such a system by default.
  15. Sosna

    gaming witha FRESNEL LENS..

    I got my lens today, the F550 from 3Dlens. It took about 8 days to get here with air mail option. Well, this is incredible after 1.5h of making a mount (cardboard box ) I finally fired up OFP and I really felt like I was inside the game. Just awesome. I also tried Total Annihilation (a top view quasi-3D strategy game) and it was like watching the action from the sky, i really got the feeling of depth. I tried the original Doom (with Zdoom) too, I really got the sense of immersion (and fear! ) . It's cool how now you can see things in the corner of your eyes. PROS -waaay bigger field of vision -sense of depth, eyes focus far. -very slight blurring, I like it since it looks like anti-aliasing -no problem with reading text. CONS -can't have a lot of light in the room or it glares -strange effect when there's alot of contrast (black and white) and moving objects. -Hard for me to see keyboard ( I'll probably be able to figure something out though...) I think it was totally worth $50 (CAD, + shipping) Well, thanks GAU-8 for posting this I don't think I would have ever found out about this if you hadn't.
  16. Sosna

    gaming witha FRESNEL LENS..

    Thanks for the bump - This is really interesting, I'll be sure to try it out. From what I've read it sounds like it won't strain my eyes as with regular gaming, since it makes eyes focus far...
  17. I'm really hoping for June so I won't be distracted for the rest of high school, and so I can have a whole summer break of ArmA
  18. Sosna

    An end to 'The Shine'?

    Yeah it doesn't look as shiny as some other vehicles, but it could just be an illusion since the heli is rounded and we don't see the contrast that sharp edges show. The only thing that bothers me about that screen is that there's no reflection off the chopper's glass...
  19. Sosna

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I hope ArmA will have more advanced weather... For example seasons. We have different times of year in OFP along with daylight hour changes, and constellations and stuff. But we don't really have visual changes (at least none I've noticed  ). It would be nice if grass, leaves, and ground textures changed. Some form of temperature control would be awesome. When the temp goes below 0 instead of rain it would snow, maybe ponds freeze. It would be interesting for weather to affect the soldier, like in cold weather he shivers and aim is shaky, and in desert heat he gets tired faster. I hope Realistic wind will be put in, at least for ballistics. But it would also be nice to see trees sway, and hear the leaves. I think these things are really important for immersion, that's what made OFP stand out for me.