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Everything posted by SevenBEF

  1. SevenBEF

    Addon guns into crates

    Right, I knew I saw this here before http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=16179 scroll down for bas addon classnames
  2. SevenBEF

    Addon guns into crates

    use Chris' OFP Script Editor if you're new at this. It will generate the scripts for you
  3. SevenBEF

    Another irritating problem

    I believe you're mistaking here. Paste the following simple example in the mission.sqm and run it only twice to see the difference. I put the flag on the center of the waypoint... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Mission { randomSeed=254467; class Intel { }; class Groups { items=2; class Item0 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={9938.445313,26.730000,4071.841064}; azimut=180.000000; id=0; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=9; class Item0 { position[]={9891.127930,26.730000,3884.126465}; id=1; side="WEST"; vehicle="OfficerW"; leader=1; rank="SERGEANT"; skill=0.466667; }; class Item1 { position[]={9894.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=2; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWMG"; rank="CORPORAL"; skill=0.333333; }; class Item2 { position[]={9896.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=3; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWG"; rank="CORPORAL"; skill=0.333333; }; class Item3 { position[]={9898.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=4; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWG"; rank="CORPORAL"; skill=0.333333; }; class Item4 { position[]={9900.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=5; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWLAW"; rank="CORPORAL"; skill=0.333333; }; class Item5 { position[]={9902.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=6; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWMG"; skill=0.200000; }; class Item6 { position[]={9904.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=7; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; skill=0.200000; }; class Item7 { position[]={9906.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=8; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; skill=0.200000; }; class Item8 { position[]={9908.127930,26.730000,3879.126465}; id=9; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; skill=0.200000; }; }; class Waypoints { items=2; class Item0 { position[]={9885.050781,26.730000,3894.733887}; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item1 { position[]={9940.875977,26.730000,4066.316650}; placement=200.000000; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; }; }; }; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={9939.444336,26.730000,4065.910645}; id=10; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="FlagCarrier"; skill=0.600000; init="this setFlagTexture ""\flags\France.jpg"""; }; }; }; class Intro { randomSeed=746499; class Intel { }; }; class OutroWin { randomSeed=9197059; class Intel { }; }; class OutroLoose { randomSeed=3068931; class Intel { }; };
  4. SevenBEF

    fa-18 hornet

    In the hornet's init field type: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> hint format["weapons: %1 \n\nMagz: %2",weapons this, magazines this] Start with that; no need to dePBO
  5. SevenBEF

    burning objects/ random fires

    Try putting this in the initline of your jeep <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [[0,0,.3],0.4,500,this] exec "fireEffect.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [0,0,.3] is where the fire should be: centered on east-west for the first 0 (putting 5 here would put the fire 5 meter east of the pos) centered on north-south for the 2nd 0 (same as above but north-south) the height the fire should be burning .3 (0.3 = 30cm high) the second part: 0.4 is the intensity of the fire (make it smaller 0.1 or higher 0.8 to see what it does the third part: 500 - this is the time the fire will last the last part: this - refering to the unit or object you put this scriptline in For more options read the comment by the author again! Have fun
  6. SevenBEF

    burning objects/ random fires

    I found thisone by General Barron that I once used (thx btw GB ) Maybe you can play arround with it; allmost sure it will help you! fireEffect.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;fireEffect.sqs ;By General Barron ;aw_barron@hotmail.com ;8/14/04 ;Creates a patch of fire at the specified location. It is called like this: ; [Center, Intensity, Burn Time, <Object>, <Damage Time>, <Object Array>] exec "fireEffect.sqs" ;Center - [x,y,z] Location where you want the fire to be centered. ; If the optional <object> parameter is being used, then this will ; be the location relative to the object (as with the drop command) ;Intensity - Number above 0 representing how big the fire will be. Best between 0-1. ; A 1 makes a fire 10m in diameter; big enough to be a house fire. A 0.1 makes a fire ; 0.1m in diameter, a 2 makes a 20m fire, and so on. ;Burn Time - Approximate time the fire will burn for, in seconds. Fire will gradually become ; less intense as it burns out. A time of 0 will make the fire burn forever. You can stop ; the fire at any time by deleting the passed <object>. ;<Object> - Optional. This will be the object that the fire is centered on. As this object ; moves, the fire will move. While moving, the fire will be less intense the faster the ; object is moving. ;<Damage Time> - Optional. Approximate time it will take for the fire to destroy/kill the ; object it is attatched to (if it starts out with maximum health), in seconds. If ; this time is longer than Burn Time, then object will stop taking damage after the fire ; burns out. Suggested value is about half of Burn Time. ;<Object Array> - Optional. An array of objects that will also be damaged, if they are close enough ; to the object the fire is centered on. Damage depends on <Damage Time>, above. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _center = _this select 0 _size = _this select 1 ? _size == 0 : _size = 0.01 _dur = _this select 2 ; convert into number to be subtracted from _power ? _dur != 0 : _dur = 1/(_dur*7) ; object to center fire on. If nothing, create logic for sound to come from private["_obj"] if(count _this >= 4) then {_obj = _this select 3} else {_obj = "logic" createvehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setpos _center; _center = [0,0,0]} ; Cause damage to object? If so, determine how much to cause _dmg = 0 if(count _this >= 5) then {_dmg = 1/((_this select 4)*7)} ; Use array of units to damage? _list = [] if(count _this >= 6) then {_list = _this select 5} ;Z velocity of particles. When _size is large, this is large to spread particles apart more. _zVel = 3*_size + _size^1.5 ;Decreased over time as script runs. As _power decreases, so does intensity of fire _power = 1 ;used to count loops _i = 0 #loop ? _i >= 30 : _obj say "fire"; _i = 0 _dist = random (5*_size*_power) _dir = random 360 ; ,[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0]] ;drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard",100,6*_power/((0.1*(abs speed _obj))+1),[(_center select 0) + _dist * cos _dir,(_center select 1) + _dist * sin _dir, _center select 2],[0,0.3*(speed _obj),_zVel*_power],0,34*_size*_power,27*_size*_power,0.05,[5*_size*_power,7*_size*_power,14*_size*_power,22*_size*_power],[[1,1,1,.25],[1,1,1,0]],[0,1*_power,0,0.33*_power,0.66*_power],0.2,(_zVel/10)*_power,"","",_obj] drop ["cl_fire","","Billboard",100,6*_power/((0.1*(abs speed _obj))+1),[(_center select 0) + _dist * cos _dir,(_center select 1) + _dist * sin _dir, _center select 2],[0,0.3*(speed _obj),_zVel*_power],0,34*_size*_power,27*_size*_power,0.05,[5*_size*_power,7*_size*_power,14*_size*_power,22*_size*_power],[[1,1,1,0.1+0.8*_power],[0.07,0,0,0.1+0.7*_power],[0,0,0,0.1+0.5*_power],[0,0,0,0]],[0,1*_power,0,0.33*_power,0.66*_power],0.2,(_zVel/10)*_power,"","",_obj] drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",100,6*_power/((0.1*(abs speed _obj))+1),[(_center select 0) + _dist * cos _dir,(_center select 1) + _dist * sin _dir, _center select 2],[0,0.3*(speed _obj),_zVel*_power],0,34*_size*_power,27*_size*_power,0.05,[5*_size*_power,7*_size*_power,14*_size*_power,22*_size*_power],[[1,1,1,0.1+0.8*_power],[0.07,0,0,0.1+0.7*_power],[0,0,0,0.1+0.5*_power],[0,0,0,0]],[0,1*_power,0,0.33*_power,0.66*_power],0.2,(_zVel/10)*_power,"","",_obj] ;drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",100,6*_power/((0.1*(abs speed _obj))+1),[(_center select 0) + _dist * cos _dir,(_center select 1) + _dist * sin _dir, _center select 2],[0,0.3*(speed _obj),_zVel*_power],0,34*(_size-.2)*_power,27*(_size-.2)*_power,0.05,[5*(_size-.2)*_power,7*(_size-.2)*_power,14*(_size-.2)*_power,22*(_size-.2)*_power],[[1,1,1,0.1+0.8*_power],[0.07,0,0,0.1+0.7*_power],[0,0,0,0.1+0.5*_power],[0,0,0,0]],[0,1*_power,0,0.33*_power,0.66*_power],0.2,(_zVel/10)*_power,"","",_obj] ~0.1 _power = _power - _dur _i = _i + 1 ? _dmg > 0 : _obj setdammage (getdammage _obj + _dmg); {if((_x distance _obj) <= (7*_size*_power)) then {_x setdammage (getdammage _x + _dmg)}} foreach _list ? _power > 0.2 AND _obj == _obj : goto "loop" #end ? typeof _obj == "logic" : deletevehicle _obj exit
  7. SevenBEF

    Anyside attacks Civilians (Rebels)

    make a trigger that will cover your island or at least all the civils; make it activate by "civil" side in the condition box leave "this" in the activation box put "_x addrating -10000" foreach thislist Dunno yet what this will do when those men are unarmed though; haven't tested. If they are armed then don't do it like this, because they will start killing eachother
  8. Supposing you ment immobile. Make ur trigger, east present axis 30;30 and name it mytrigger have whatever you need in the activation part; in the initline of that westunit put: [this] exec "triggerfollow.sqs" or whatever you want to name it triggerfollow.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _unit = _this select 0 #loop mytrigger setpos getpos _unit ~1 goto "loop"
  9. SevenBEF

    Mod/Addons filter needed

    CSLA2 provides an exe; ppl connecting with that exe wouldn't be able to connect
  10. SevenBEF

    Mod/Addons filter needed

    Well we met by now Old Bear An easyer solution/check would be better but still want to share with the rest here that if you make CSLA2 missions, you could add to ur mission.sqm: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> addOns[]={"nim_clouds" }; so ppl without CSLA2 will get disconnected Immediatly. Too bad the csla team didn't take care of this like FDF did having this in the mission.sqm <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> addOns[]={"Finnish_Defence_Forces_Mod"}
  11. I'm hardly ever on msn; but I'm happy I could be of any help
  12. hm dunno what's wrong with it; been long time since I had to use it but made you something else which I tested before posting this time. Hope this will be bugfree! vehicles.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?!(local server):exit ~2 _vcl = _this select 0 _vcltype = typeof _vcl _vcldir = getdir _vcl _vclpos = getpos _vcl _delay = _this select 1 #alive ?! alive _vcl:goto "notalive" ~1 goto "alive" #notalive ~_delay deletevehicle _vcl ~1 _vcl = _vcltype createvehicle _vclpos _vcl setdir _vcldir goto "alive" don't change anything to this script; no need for adding classes. call it like before [this,30] exec vehicles.sqs Have fun! edit: Happy birthday stuntman
  13. Well look at the script; I just gave it to you quickly there because I was in a hurry <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _fintank = ["FDF_ww2_vickers6t_w"] _medtent = ["FDF_pjtentMedical"]"M _rep = ["FDF_ww2_sisuTruckRepair"] You could change that into: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;by Doolittle _obj = _this select 0 ?not local Server : exit _vdelay = 150 ?count _this > 1 : _vdelay = _this select 1 _tanks = ["T80","M1Abrams"] _chops = ["Cobra","Mi17","Ch47D"] _cars = ["Jeep","HMMWV""UAZ","BRDM"] _vehicle = _tank + _chops + _cars _pos = getPos _obj _dir = getDir _obj _i = 0 _c = count _vehicle _type = 0 #count ?_vehicle select _i countType [_obj] != 0 : _type = _i; _i = count _vehicle _i = _i + 1 ?_i < _c : goto "count" #init _t = 0 #alive ~1 ?not alive _obj : _delay = _vdelay; goto "notalive" ?fuel _obj == 1 : goto "init" ?count crew _obj >= 0 : goto "init" ?_t == 0 : _t = _time + vdelay ?_t > _time : goto "alive" #notalive ~_delay deleteVehicle _obj ~1 _obj = _vehicle select _type createVehicle _pos _obj setDir _dir goto "init" Now what you have on ur map is your thing & you'll have to add it to the arrays as mentioned before. If you then for example put in a T80's init line [this,300] exec "vehicle.sqs" it will respawn after 5minutes; [this,60] exec "vehicle.sqs" for your choppers; [this,30] exec "vehicle.sqs" for your cars So in brief, edit this part to have all the classnames of the stuff ur using and it will work perfectly <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _tanks = ["T80","M1Abrams"] _chops = ["Cobra","Mi17","Ch47D"] _cars = ["Jeep","HMMWV""UAZ","BRDM"] ps: Don't forget to put a gamelogic on ur map named "server" or vehicles will respawn multiple times depending on how much players you have connected. Enjoy! Seven note: createvehicle will only work for the vehicles you have. What I gave you was for a few FDF models, that's why no other tank was created.
  14. here how put it in their init lines: [this, 90] exec "vehicle.sqs where 90 stands for seconds for it to respawn, so you can change that if you want to like 30 for a jeep, 180 for a heavy tank orso... this is the script I used by Doolittle: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;by Doolittle _obj = _this select 0 ?not local Server : exit _vdelay = 150 ?count _this > 1 : _vdelay = _this select 1 _fintank = ["FDF_ww2_vickers6t_w"] _medtent = ["FDF_pjtentMedical"] _rep = ["FDF_ww2_sisuTruckRepair"] _vehicle = _fintank + _medtent + _rep _pos = getPos _obj _dir = getDir _obj _i = 0 _c = count _vehicle _type = 0 #count ?_vehicle select _i countType [_obj] != 0 : _type = _i; _i = count _vehicle _i = _i + 1 ?_i < _c : goto "count" #init _t = 0 #alive ~1 ?not alive _obj : _delay = _vdelay; goto "notalive" ?fuel _obj == 1 : goto "init" ?count crew _obj >= 0 : goto "init" ?_t == 0 : _t = _time + vdelay ?_t > _time : goto "alive" #notalive ~_delay deleteVehicle _obj ~1 _obj = _vehicle select _type createVehicle _pos _obj setDir _dir goto "init" if I remember correctly I modified it also that it wouldn't respawn empty vehicles when they're still ok... Hope this helps you Greetz, Seven
  15. SevenBEF

    Ammo check problem

    fd maybe as in "failed destroying" if so I would advice not to assign a number to the variable but using a Boolean. At start include in "init.sqs" or in the set to "true" trigger's activation field: bombsplane = 8; fd = true If the target gets destroyed you could have an alive check on that with a trigger condition: !(alive mytarget) activation: fd = false; hint "Target destroyed" Then the check trigger would look like: condition: bombsplane == 0 && fd on activ: player sidechat "I'm out of ammo. Returning to base!"
  16. SevenBEF

    Ammo check problem

    Assuming this plane would carry 8 bombs, have a trigger on ur map set to true, and on activation: bombsplane = 8 Then in the initline of the plane put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this addEventHandler ["fired",{if ((_this select 3) == "DSL_MK82Launcher") then {bombsplane = bombsplane -1}}] have another trigger: condition: bombsplane == 0 && alive mytarget on activ: player sidechat "I'm out of ammo. Returning to base!"
  17. Hm I will try that Prof... What I previously did with such script was the following. The setpos might not seem logic, but that's how I got to fix it. I wanted the 2nd gun to have another dir... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _table = _this select 0 _weapon = _this select 1 _mag = _this select 2 Weapon = "weaponholder" createVehicle getpos _table Weapon addMagazineCargo [_mag,4] Weapon addWeaponCargo [_weapon,1] Weapon Setpos [Getpos _table Select 0, Getpos _table Select 1, (getpos _table select 2) + 1.13] Weapon Setdir (Getdir _table +170) weapon setpos [(getpos weapon select 0) +0.2,(getpos weapon select 1)-0.7,(getpos weapon select 2)+0.18] exit
  18. SevenBEF

    I need a little help.

    I think you'll need a check at the top of the script to check if it's the correct player executing the script? Call it with [this] exec "DisplayPlayer1TitleText.sqs" DisplayPlayer1TitleText.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? local server : exit _unit = _this select 0 ?((_unit != player1):exit #Loop ? player1TitleText : Titletext [_TitleTextMsg,"PLAIN DOWN",0.5]; player1TitleText = false, publicVariable "player1TitleText"; goto "Loop" dunno if that will work; won't test now just out of bed! Greetz
  19. Well then in the trigger "alive _x" count crew boat == 0 put on activation boat setdammage 1 It will give some explosion too which is good. I would rather camcreate a big bomb on the boat, but I don't really know what happens if you do that on sealevel... You could try though, let us know: on activ: BOOOM="LaserGuidedBomb" camcreate getpos boat Another simple way would be to add this to the initline of the boat: this addeventhandler ["hit",{this setdammage 1}]
  20. "alive _x" count crew boat == 0 in the condition field of your trigger
  21. SevenBEF

    ArmA Progress Updates

    hm waiting for 505 as far as I may speculate on this new pc-games publisher is even gonna be far more frustrating than waiting for the pizza delivery man
  22. SevenBEF

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Howdy! 368 pages is a lot to read, so I'll just ask straight ahead Is it true that an english version will be downloadable sooner than the release of the box? If so, could somebody provide some references? Gracias!
  23. SevenBEF

    Glasses in a Cfg script

    Or put in ur own profile spectacles or sunglassesand have a look at the file OFP\users\yourname\UserInfo.cfg glasses="Spectacles"; OR glasses="Sunglasses";
  24. or in FDF mod have the HALO guys (under Air FDF)
  25. SevenBEF

    A few beginners Questions

    make a little map on Desert Island, name it c&hFlags and save it; go to your user\Aesgaard\missions\ folder and open up the folder you just made (c&hFlags) by saving the mission. You'll find a file there called mission.sqm Open it with notepad, delete what's in it & replace with the following. Go back to Flashpoint & load the map c&hFlags on desert island in the editor. Have a look and preview it. It only uses triggers to make it somehow easyer. *Guess I had some spare time <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> version=11; class Mission { randomSeed=5506051; class Intel { }; class Groups { items=3; class Item0 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=3; class Item0 { position[]={9890.666992,26.730000,3926.469727}; azimut=86.417931; id=0; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; class Item1 { position[]={9866.510742,26.730000,3915.536377}; azimut=86.417931; id=1; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.600000; }; class Item2 { position[]={9869.066406,26.730000,3943.105225}; azimut=86.417931; id=2; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.600000; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=3; class Item0 { position[]={10593.877930,26.730000,4081.475098}; azimut=265.000000; id=3; side="EAST"; vehicle="SoldierEB"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; rank="COLONEL"; skill=0.600000; init="this allowFleeing 0;"; }; class Item1 { position[]={10606.008789,26.730000,4089.056885}; azimut=265.000000; id=4; side="EAST"; vehicle="SoldierEB"; player="PLAY CDG"; rank="MAJOR"; skill=0.600000; init="this allowFleeing 0;"; }; class Item2 { position[]={10608.012695,26.730000,4073.371582}; azimut=265.000000; id=5; side="EAST"; vehicle="SoldierEB"; player="PLAY CDG"; rank="CAPTAIN"; skill=0.600000; init="this allowFleeing 0;"; }; }; class Waypoints { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={10526.982422,28.304764,4079.954590}; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item1 { position[]={10317.834961,28.304764,4057.505859}; expCond="eastishere1"; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item2 { position[]={10156.431641,28.304764,4009.794678}; expCond="eastishere2"; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item3 { position[]={9917.613281,28.304764,3928.065430}; expCond="eastishere3"; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; }; }; class Item2 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={9889.758789,1.128411,4586.519043}; azimut=265.000000; id=14; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="Server"; }; }; }; }; class Vehicles { items=8; class Item0 { position[]={9917.593750,26.730000,3928.491455}; azimut=83.744926; id=6; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="FlagCarrier"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="flag1"; init="this setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium.jpg"";"; }; class Item1 { position[]={9915.573242,26.730000,3929.589355}; azimut=83.744926; id=7; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Fortress1"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; class Item2 { position[]={10155.628906,26.730000,4010.692627}; azimut=10.669452; id=8; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="FlagCarrier"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="flag2"; init="this setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium.jpg"";"; }; class Item3 { position[]={10153.991211,26.730000,4009.080566}; azimut=10.669475; id=9; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Fortress1"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; class Item4 { position[]={10317.102539,26.730000,4058.789307}; azimut=-15.729395; id=10; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="FlagCarrier"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="flag3"; init="this setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium.jpg"";"; }; class Item5 { position[]={10316.354492,26.730000,4056.615479}; azimut=-15.729372; id=11; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Fortress1"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; class Item6 { position[]={10526.092773,26.730000,4080.081543}; azimut=-97.815201; id=12; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="FlagCarrier"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="flag4"; init="this setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium.jpg"";"; }; class Item7 { position[]={10528.145508,26.730000,4079.038574}; azimut=-97.815140; id=13; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Fortress1"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; }; class Markers { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={9917.945313,28.304764,3928.143066}; name="Flag1"; text="Flag1"; type="Flag1"; colorName="ColorBlack"; }; class Item1 { position[]={10156.462891,28.304764,4010.731445}; name="Flag2"; text="Flag2"; type="Flag1"; colorName="ColorBlack"; }; class Item2 { position[]={10317.506836,28.304764,4058.697266}; name="Flag3"; text="Flag3"; type="Flag1"; colorName="ColorBlack"; }; class Item3 { position[]={10526.359375,28.304764,4080.833984}; name="Flag4"; text="Flag4"; type="Flag1"; colorName="ColorBlack"; }; }; class Sensors { items=12; class Item0 { position[]={9769.213867,1.128411,4526.056641}; age="UNKNOWN"; text="setting variables to false again to make sure"; expCond="true"; expActiv="westishere1 = false; westishere2 = false; westishere3 = false; westishere4 = false; eastishere1 = false; eastishere2 = false; eastishere3 = false; eastishere4 = false;"; class Effects { }; }; class Item1 { position[]={9801.070313,1.128411,4527.281738}; age="UNKNOWN"; text="setting variables to false"; expCond="true"; expActiv="westishere1 = false; westishere2 = false; westishere3 = false; westishere4 = false; eastishere1 = false; eastishere2 = false; eastishere3 = false; eastishere4 = false;"; class Effects { }; }; class Item2 { position[]={9916.720703,28.304764,3927.983398}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(east in thislist)"; expActiv="flag1 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Flanders.jpg""; eastishere1 = false; westishere1 = true; titleText[format[""West holds flag1""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag1"" setMarkerColor ""colorblue"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item3 { position[]={9916.513672,28.304764,3928.053711}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="EAST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(west in thislist)"; expActiv="flag1 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Wallonia.jpg""; westishere1 = false; eastishere1 = true; titleText[format[""East holds flag1""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag1"" setMarkerColor ""colorred"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item4 { position[]={10155.802734,28.304764,4010.175049}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="EAST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(west in thislist)"; expActiv="flag2 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Wallonia.jpg""; westishere2 = false; eastishere2 = true; titleText[format[""East holds flag2""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag2"" setMarkerColor ""colorred"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item5 { position[]={10317.300781,28.304764,4058.086182}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="EAST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(west in thislist)"; expActiv="flag3 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Wallonia.jpg""; westishere3 = false; eastishere3 = true; titleText[format[""East holds flag3""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag3"" setMarkerColor ""colorred"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item6 { position[]={10526.470703,28.304764,4080.264160}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="EAST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(west in thislist)"; expActiv="flag4 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Wallonia.jpg""; westishere4 = false; eastishere4 = true; titleText[format[""East holds flag4""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag4"" setMarkerColor ""colorred"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item7 { position[]={10155.847656,28.304764,4010.118408}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(east in thislist)"; expActiv="flag2 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Flanders.jpg""; eastishere2 = false; westishere2 = true; titleText[format[""West holds flag2""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag2"" setMarkerColor ""colorblue"";; ""flag2"" setMarkerColor ""colorblue"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item8 { position[]={10317.415039,28.304764,4058.043457}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(east in thislist)"; expActiv="flag3 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Flanders.jpg""; eastishere3 = false; westishere3 = true; titleText[format[""West holds flag3""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag3"" setMarkerColor ""colorblue"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item9 { position[]={10526.555664,28.304764,4080.237793}; a=3.000000; b=3.000000; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; timeoutMin=3.000000; timeoutMid=3.000000; timeoutMax=3.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this AND !(east in thislist)"; expActiv="flag4 setFlagTexture ""\flags\Belgium-Flanders.jpg""; eastishere4 = false; westishere4 = true; titleText[format[""West holds flag4""],""Plain Down""]; ""flag4"" setMarkerColor ""colorblue"";"; class Effects { }; }; class Item10 { position[]={9972.184570,1.128411,4530.294434}; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond=" 4 == {_x} count [westishere1,westishere2,westishere3,westishere4]"; expActiv="titleText[format[""West holds all the flags""],""Plain Down""]; westwins = true;"; class Effects { }; }; class Item11 { position[]={10080.461914,1.128411,4532.935547}; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond=" 4 == {_x} count [eastishere1,eastishere2,eastishere3,eastishere4]"; expActiv="titleText[format[""east holds all the flags""],""Plain Down""]; eastwins = true;"; class Effects { }; }; }; }; class Intro { randomSeed=6379011; class Intel { }; }; class OutroWin { randomSeed=1354243; class Intel { }; }; class OutroLoose { randomSeed=14414339; class Intel { }; }; Greetz