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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. I hope for my CPU's sake sqs won't be supported, seeing what most people use sqs for. Scripting will still be similiar, except that iirc null variables will throw an error when used. Classnames can change but i doubt they will.
  2. Serclaes

    Project 85 release thread

    Much more obvious is the 4 blade rotor which should be turned into a 2 blade rotor. I believe you can use the blades and head from a UH-1 you might have :) Just a typo i've noticed: - Germany both DDR (GDR) and BRD (FRD) FRD should be FRG for "Federal Republic of Germany". Don't know if its just a mistake in the post or it goes through your whole mod. :) Its going to be fun reproducing the battles from Red Storm Rising. I hope you're working on some maps too :)
  3. Serclaes

    The new Star Trek Film

    Awesome, but a little fast paced for my taste. I hope the directors cut is a bit less concentrated :)
  4. Serclaes

    Beta patches policy

    I don't think there is anything wrong with the beta/final approach BIS has. But i t doesnt bother me very much since i/we run a Windows server. I would agree with you that the beta/final stuff is dividing the community if this community wasn't big on modding. Every mod, addon etc. that is not client/server side only, is dividing the community. It's just not that obvious. Take ACE for example. ACE is dividing the MP community. Should we stop ACE or the development of any addon? I doubt that the sole purpose of these patches is to make a community happy, since ArmA2 is in the works and the different hardware setups is a thing that could make every game creator flee to consoles. I hope that all the improvements that came with this patch will be in the ArmA2 Version i will buy in the store. The aim is to make sure its working, then one can invest the time to code a linux executable.
  5. Serclaes

    Turbo Pascal 7.0 rendering

    Nice. Even if i don't know Pascal yet, i will check that out. The only persistent thing I've made is an implementation of "Game of Life" using assembly. Good job! :)
  6. Nagging Mr g-c? Remove! Seriously. I have no problems with somebody pointing out "errors" but your constant nagging is irritating. Even more since you do not seem to read what others say or simply ignore it because you deem it an inapropriate solution for something that could be changed "with VERY LITTLE EFFORT". You know why community guys make stuff in their free time? Because they have free time. But go ahead, nag on until we have a disposable M136 instead of an unfixed bug. You know whats not round? ACE is not round because its a damn beta. A DschKm instead of a PK, is not poking a hole in game flow. Neither is the fact that when you fire a M16 in burst mode, you have to click once, instead of keeping the trigger pulled as IRL. On your M136 i have another addition. What happens if you carry more than 1 M136?
  7. I did not know what BMP stands for since kyrillic isn't one of the alphabets i can read, so thank you very much for the translation. But in most programming languages != means different ;) On the M136. So you think you can carry only one M136? What if they change the reloading animation to "get another launcher from back" would you be happy then? The "reloading" is just an easy way to simulate the dispensable nature of the M136. Any other case needs an own "Dispensable Launcher" class. Which is imo too much work just for cosmetics.
  8. Serclaes

    ArmA Crash

    Did the trick. No crashes for me. But still, i don't want everybody to be playing with very high terrain detail xD
  9. Serclaes

    ArmA Crash

    You mean the satellite map had too few pixels?
  10. BMP != Battletank Its same idea in ArmA: Strykers, BMPs, M113s, BRDMs etc do have interiors. Just not the M1, Shilka and T72. What do they have in common? No passengers. And frankly, as long as there isnt any business in the interior (like switches or mirrors) i have no need for interiors in passenger less vehicles.
  11. Serclaes

    ArmA Crash

    Have you found a solution for that problem? I believe i have the same but haven't had the opportunity to check. I've noticed yellow and red squarish "overlays" over the ground texture at some distance and arma crashes shortly after their appearance.
  12. Serclaes

    Mission makers - Missions - poll

    More than 50. In ofp and arma combined. There are a lot small missions i did for testing stuff, but i don't count them in. Also there are a lot of missions which are only concepts because i haven't gotten around to do the scripts needed for them. Most are on hold because i am unsatisfied with the AI's behavior killing the atmosphere. But all the missions i make are under constant improvement, which is a convenient excuse for not getting anything done :P
  13. This is just a wild guess, i don't have much experience with configs. As name in the config you define name = "ukflandroverengineoff"; but when calling it, its _unit say ["ukf_landrover_engineoff", 20] Shouldn't it rather be _unit say ["ukflandroverengineoff", 20] ?
  14. Ah yes of course, you are using ACE. Forgot that ACE disables doStop and commandStop
  15. They don't spawn in formation but they will return to formation once created. You will need to stop them, either by commandStop or doStop. createUnit create a unit at the next free space to the given location. To have them exactly on the point you want you will have to setPos them there.
  16. _onoff is a boolean which cant be compared to a number. you could just write ?_onoff : goto "engineon"
  17. just tried it again, no problems executed like this: nul = [logic] execVM "manBuilding.sqf"; again with a trigger.
  18. I tried the version you posted above (with the while loop). No problems. I had one problem the first time, i inserted the execution in the init of the logic i created which somehow hung up my arma. But that may have been because the building didnt have any positions. For the second time i used a trigger (radio bla activation) and the rusty warehouse on rahmadi which did create me 18 soldiers (for 18 positions). And it worked good. Except that all the blokes were ordered back to their formation and were not created exactly on the spot but thats the easy part.
  19. I would advise you to make your while loop look like this: while {_i <= _j} do { _pos = (_house buildingpos _i); null = _grp createunit ["ACE_SoldierGAR",_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; _i = _i + 1; }; The comparison via ==, <=, >=, <, or > returns a boolean (true/false) and makes your life easier. You can explicitly see that the possibility of a _j = -1; is escaped. Also, i believe he expects code ({} or ""} as third parameter of createUnit, as opposed to the array ( [] ) you are passing right now. @RAV RAVEN: he is not comparing arrays, he's comparing strings. He transforms the array into a string with the format function.
  20. Serclaes

    CWR Credits

    if i had a voice I'd go for version 2.
  21. You could try: this disableAI "MOVE";
  22. Serclaes

    Helicopters engine starting

    There is the possibility to perform a "hot swap" as practiced by Medevac birds to get back in the air as quickly as possible. This procedure involves leaving the engines on idle while they swap the crew / refuel. That ACE removed this option is imo another bad call, but this thread isn't about ACE. As already stated in another thread, adding further delay than already exists, would make the whole thing boring, unless you had to flick some switches yourself which i wouldnt mind at all. It takes me 60 seconds to get the rotor spinning in DCS. Do you really want to sit a minute around waiting for the rotors to turn at correct rpm? Theres nothing that stops you from doing it right now.
  23. Serclaes

    Americas Army 3

    But I don't want to play a game where the only thing I do is wake up at some random early ass time; then stand around for 12 hours waiting for something to happen just so the First Sergeant can come rushing out of his office pissed off that we didn't do whatever we were supposed to do (which he forgot to disseminate to platoon sergeants) and spend the next 6-8 hours doing what we could have been doing during the work day, just to get home, collapse in bed, then get woken up at 0300 to be told to come in even earlier than the day before for a UA. No thanks. This is of course the part that is deliberately ommitted for an ad :P But the part about the fighting, that could be more real
  24. Serclaes

    Eurofighter Typhoon

    As i said, the Eurofighter is by design capable of Air to Ground operations. I just quickly double checked on Wiki and it says that the UK built in a Litening to make the eurofighter more A/G capable, earlier than planned. According to Wiki, the A/G system PIRATE/IRST has been built in on Tranche 1 Block 5 aircraft.