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Posts posted by Deathstruck

  1. Apologies for reviving this ancient topic but does anyone have a working link for the launcher? All the links and mirrors as of 2022 are dead and I legit can't find any single working one. 😞


    Thank you in advance!


    EDIT: Nvm, managed to find the file, had to venture deeper into google and found it on some (dodgy looking) chinese website. 😄

  2. A new small-ish update (5.3.0) is up!


    Mostly fixes for reported issues (radio protocol), tweaks (Armata armor) and compatibility with the new DLC and so on.


    Dropbox, Steam, Armaholic and ModDB links have been updated.



    VERSION 5.3.0 (09-08-2019)
    - Fixed the Russian radio protocol
    - Fixed the missing optics
    - Tweaked the T-14 and T-15 endurance
    - Added compatibility with official AK weapons, ammo and attachments
    - Other minor fixes

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1

  3. On 13. 1. 2019 at 8:17 AM, prototype1479 said:

    I'm working on the mod it will come with my own campaign and with AI take cover v1.4 and with some of my own scripts


    Here's the feaures:


    1) AI can only take cover in houses (behind windows , on top of towers and ect.) jeepwrecks and sandbags (100% done)

    2) AI sends info to other groups they know about locations of the enemy positions (100% done)

    3) AI will hold fire and seek cover first if they see an unknown target and if the unknown target hasn't seen them (50% done)

    4) AI can be supressed by other AI and by the player too and it will make them go prone (Redoing this 10% done)

    5) AI won't take cover if the AI isn't following the leader or the player is their leader (Almost done)

    6) AI groups can get pressured/pinned down if they are outnumbered and they will take cover more often rather than moving to their next waypoint (0% done)

    7) AI won't be affected by the script in cutscenes and this will ensure that cutscenes are in the way they are meant to be (100% done)


    In the future I might add AI taking cover on hedges/hills/ground


    Now i use optimized structure for finding cover and the script will automatically optimize itself by increasing the delays depending on how any AI is on the mission



    Sounds stellar. Cannot wait.


    How compatible will it be with other mods? Say, if I wanted to use Extended Effects alongside your mod, will it work from get go or will it need some kind of compatibility/merged config.cpp?

  4. Hey there. A new, small-ish update (5.2.0) is out. Don't forget to use the ASDG config again if you use CBA3/ASDG. Has to be done after every update.


    All links are updated.



    VERSION 5.2.0 (05-12-2018)
    - Tweaked weapon properties, projectiles and rockets
    - Added and tweaked muzzle animations for launched rockets (SA22, T15 etc.)
    - Tweaked textures for all uniforms
    - Tweaked T15 textures
    - Added thumbnail screens foor all units in editor
    - Fixed wrong animation and accuracy of the Verba
    - Fixed all reported bugs
    - Bunch of others stuff I can't remember :D

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 3

  5. voice-over-artist-microphone.jpg


    Currently looking for at least 4 Russian speaking voice actors who would be interested in contributing their voices for our upcoming 2035 RAF mini-campaign :)

    The mini-campaign will be in the veins of the oldschool OFP grunt or Gastovski spec-ops etc. scenarios (with the ArmA3 spin of course), where we'll try to showcase as much as we can from our mod.


    Only requirements are to sound somewhat adult. Any voice acting experience is also welcome.

    If you are interested, just shoot me a PM with perhaps a sample of your voice. :)


    In other related news: We're still working on the Bumerang, albeit a bit slowly. However, works will fully resume at full speed after summer.

    • Like 9

  6. On 24. 6. 2018 at 1:54 PM, Bayern_Maik said:


    I 've seen pictures of an older version with RPK12's, AK12U's & SVD12's aswell as very nice CSAT Vehicle textures.

    Is there a prticular reason why those aren't included anymore? 

    Asking because curiosity that stuff looks veeery interesting.




    They were old placeholders that we used before the current ones but they are still in the files, usable for mission makers. You just need to enable them through config. :)


    I think it was scope=2 or scope=public?

    • Like 2

  7. 56 minutes ago, kenoxite said:


    You're probably doing it correctly already if you're seeing something where the numbers should be. The problem is OFP/CWA has seriour problems rendering those kind of textures on the fly. Or to be more precise, to render them as sharply as you would expect.


    The trick I had to use in order to display the numbres in ExtFX without blurriness was to include absolutely all the textures of the numbers inside the models of the vehicles that use it. Otherwise some people will experience what you have. And I say some people because, for some reason, it works OK for some (not for me, though).


    So, what can you do? Well, you could create a new object (in Oxygen) that only contains those numbers and manually place it somewhere on the map, so the numbers are loaded into memory from the start of the mission. That won't help with campaing misisons or the like, though. Or you could fiddle with texture sizes, decals, etc in the OFP options. That sometimes made it work for me, but not consistently.


    Anyway, it's been years since I've touched anything OFP related (nor plan to TBH), but I was browsing these forums and thought I'd chime in.



    Thanks for the answer! Didn't expect to have the creator himself show up. :)


    Although I should probably clarify that after some testing, the "blurred" texture is actually the result of *not* using the number script and just leaving it as it is bare bones, since the RHS tank on default seems to have a defined texture through Oxygen and without the script being used, it's just some blur that does not even resemble any number shape.


    About my issue: as I've understood it - ExtFX seems to have its own global init scripts that start everytime  a mission or editor is loaded. What or where it needs to be edited so that the RHS number scripts (RAE_T80_Numbers.sqf) become part of that global init startup too?


    I tried doing it through an .pbo in Addons folder with its own config inside it , but the problem is the script in it will overwrite ExtFX effects because it seems to take precedence over the mod config. :/

  8. Does anyone know how to make a replacement vehicle that has an unique random number script work with Extended Effects?


    Example: For my personal use, I have replaced the BIS tank with an RHS tank through the EE config.


    At first I thought just defining the "model=" would be enough but problem is, the RHS tank has the said number script and without it there is some weird blurred texture on its side where the designation number is supposed to be. I found the init script that seems to govern it(RHS_T80_Numbers=loadFile "\RHS_T80Pack_Scripts\RAE_T80_Numbers.sqf), but it does not work with EE, because it will replace its own init startup scripts.


    I tried to find what file or config line governs the EE starting scripts and even tried to input the RHS tank script in the eh_land.sqs inside the ext_scripts.pbo, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Even vice versa when I try to write EE scripts into the tank addon, it doesn't work.


    What am I doing wrong here? Have I maybe forgot to define something somewhere? Is it possible to merge two different inits together? And which file/line am I supposed to look for? Thanks.

    • Confused 1

  9. The new update/hotfix is up! Some fixes and most importantly, a new EMR look (see the image below). :)


    See the first page for download links!



    VERSION 5.1.1 (03-06-2018)

    - New shade of the EMR camouflage.
    - New ammunition type for the T15 2A43 cannon(fixes the AI not engaging armored targets).
    - Reworked all optics/collimator sights.
    - Fixed reported bugs.



    • Like 15
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  10. 52 minutes ago, amon11 said:

    thx good job! this eating rhs afrf for breakfast

    Let's not make this a competition please. Both mods focus on their own (fundamentally different) things and try to deliver the best to the community. :)


    39 minutes ago, Digger James said:

    Meh... RHS Has it's perks! Also lil bug I picked up on; in virtual arsenal I can't find your sights for the AEK & AK-12 just vannila.... don't know if it's just me but there ya go. :rthumb:

    As in they don't show up at all? Strange, they do for me.. CBA or no CBA?

    • Like 2

  11. Decided to post a FAQ for some questions that keep popping up a lot:

    (Will link to it on the first page)

    What does this mod do?

    * As said in the info/description, it adds a Russian faction fit for the 2035 era.


    But RHS already exists, what is the point of this mod? Isn't this mod just a cheap knock-off?

    * No.


    RHS is a total conversion adding 3 high quality factions (including the modern day Russian Army) while we mostly just focus on putting the Russian Armed Forces in the 2035 era, so it could seamlessly stand right next to the vanilla BIS factions (NATO, AAF, CSAT).


    As you can see, both mods focus on fundamentally different re-enditions of the Russian Army.

    We also try to keep it as close to vanilla and optimized as possible to assure good performance (polygon count, texture size like BIS units etc.).


    My weapons are missing optics/sights

    * I am gonna assume you are using CBA/ASDG? If that is the case, you have the use the special ASDG config which is included in the \Arma 3!Workshop\2035 RAF subfolder, and replace the one in the "Addons" folder with it.


    Do you plan on adding XY

    * We mostly try to stick to our own plan (which means for example unique counter variants to BIS vehicles etc.) and have already plenty of requests and suggestions. It's more than likely that the request you've made has already been asked (and answered).


    Will it be compatible with XY

    * Most likely no. Right now it is compatible with ASDG and ALiVE, which were added due to the popular demand in the early days of the mod.

    We simply don't have enough time or manpower to provide compatibility with every mod out there.


    But you are more than welcome writing your own compatibility patches. :)


    How can I support you?

    * Feedback and perhaps a positive rating (if you liked it) and a Favourite on Steam Workshop, spreading the word, using our mod for missions/videos etc. will always warm our heart and motivate us. :drinking2:


    If you want to go further, you can also support us financially through Paypal (link on the first page). The money goes 100% into mod-related things like acquiring better models etc.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 2

  12. 19 hours ago, autigergrad said:

    Good stuff fellas.  Love this mod when we do 2035 scenarios.  This and the CSAT Replacement by Evancat are a welcome addition as opfors vs Vanilla "Iranian Space Bugs".  Well done!


    18 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

    Thanks Deathstruck  and Mindas for the update !


    Thank you for the warm feedback, guys!

