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Everything posted by Solus

  1. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    I've been testing the first few missions of the campaign and have fixed some bugs and have found no bugs for a while. I also tested MP and it seems to work fine with no bugs. So the missions, campaign, and MP have had no bugs for a long time. Sorry for the long wait, I wanted to test it more thoroughly. Thanks for the support! Download: http://www.filefront.com/14979647/SLX_Mod_ArmA2_1.6.rar Changes: -Fixed AIs yelling about smoke grenades. -Lowered free-aim zone for faster AI CQB while still having enough to move the weapon around the screen. AIs are now more realistically challenging to fight in CQB. -Made numbers-to-alpha addon for english only. -Fixed missing config settings error for dropped weapons. -Lowered aircraft sight range. -Possibly fixed people being able to take too much damage when the BIS injury system handleDamage event handler is on. -Tweaked armor on tanks. The latest tanks should survive at least 1 sabot hit to the turret. -Made SLX_Wounds giving first aid always stop wounded people from bleeding. -Fixed leaders with scripted move waypoints. First mission now works flawlessly. -Fixed AIs sometimes not continuing to waypoints after diverting somewhere. Fixed doctor not following player in campaign. -Tweaked danger.fsm to help AIs in CQB. -Made birds start in the air and some of them stop when landed. -Added silent vehicle commands addon. -Fixed dismemberment. -Made birds fly away from shots more reliably. -Fixed some script errors in MP. -Made fire sound more continuous and tweaked burning effects. -Made people with very low negative ratings not surrender or be considered captive by AI when wounded. Deathmatch gametype now works. -Optimized find cover function some more. Known RPT bug: "Warning: roadsConnectedTo did not found the input road segment" unknown how to fix while retaining improved speed. -Modified sight optics effects. Fixed BWTV effect on AH1Z, removed tank commander sight noise. -Added laser designator to AH1Z. -Added 3D ACOG optics with blurred edges addon. Any 3D optics with high zoom will activate the blur around the edges of the screen. Made XM8 use 3D sight. -Added higher zoom to UAV and laser target to UAV marker. -Fixed pistol 'go to crouch' action. -Added map marker for the side of wounded people. -Made bleeding people bandage even if they are still walking to the next waypoint. -Made getting into vehicle actions have priority over other vehicle actions like take magazines. -Made touching off bomb action keep the menu open and be easier to select. -Made gunner rifles hidden to fix MG nest. -Fixed some small script errors. -Raised sensor sensitivity on tanks for better target spotting. -Made put out fire option on all small fires. AIs will try to put the fire out on vehicles. -Made M1 tanks have darkened tracks when disabled. -Fixed tank smoke grenade firing when hit. -Raised AI skill spot time. -Raised east tank threat values so west tanks will use cannons against them. -Made danger.FSM AIs watch a position they have been alerted to so they will detect enemies better and tanks will keep their hulls facing the enemy and protect their engine. If the enemy is unknown the vehicles will slow down for a few seconds to better spot the source of the danger. Then if the AIs don't have a target they will target the enemy that caused the alert so that tanks don't initially fire when they have no target. -Added more facial animation variations. -Made AIs not treat someone if the enemy is dangerously close even if they are hidden. -Fixed auto assign teams. -Possibly fixed slow AI formation speed. -Made AIs go to cover faster when hit or dragging. -Tweaked AI dragging to be smoother. -Added some suppressFor commands to GL3. -Fixed bug with steep lying animations being used for regular movement which broke rolling. -Added large caliber close bulletFly sounds. -Faster evasive side step animations. -Made only tank turrets turn slower. -Fixed object dragging in MP. -Fixed dragging on ships. -Disabled optics on steep lying animations so the user doesn't accidentally stand up. -Fixed script error in bounding overwatch. -A2 bug: Helicopters don't move to waypoints when they are in negative coordinates. Added addon to move helicopters to positive coordinates and make them continue to their waypoints. The second campaign mission now works with the AH1 destroying the ZSU before Razor is wiped out.
  2. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Tonci87: Yes, medics still heal people. You could make a very small mod to disable it if you wanted. Change the "attendant" setting to 0 for the medic classes. Muahaha: The suppressFor command is not used yet, although I probably won't implement it extensively. The default AIs should suppress sometimes and they should still work with the old suppression stuff. twisted: Thanks! The find cover addon is pretty easy to use: To just return the cover position: [(unit to find cover with),(position to find cover near),(optional distance to find cover within),(optional enemy to find cover from)] call SLX_FindCover To make someone move to the nearest cover position: _unit domove ([_unit,getpos _unit] call SLX_FindCover); To have someone find and divert to a cover position: [_unit, ([_unit,getpos _unit] call SLX_FindCover)] call SLX_DivertMove; And to make them return to what they were doing: [_unit] call SLX_DivertEnd; For the extra cover/concealment discernment and stuff you would have to make some changes to the function and figure out how to automatically or manually tell which is which, possibly with the intersect command but I don't think it works on static objects. Maybe just have a list of common concealment only objects and compare to that to make it keep looking for nearby cover. I'll clean up the cover finding function a bit for the next release so it might be easier for someone to modify. I don't know about making AIs try to hide behind vehicles that are being used since the vehicles are usually going to be moving around way too much and probably trying to take cover too.
  3. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Tonci87: Looks like you're using the BIS first aid modules, which seem to be the cause of people being able to take crazy damage. I wasn't sure about changing the modules but since they're doing things that are so obviously incorrect I'll test them in regular A2 and see what their effects are and then try to change them with an addon. Update: I tried replacing the BIS handleDamage event handler when the Alternative Injury System is on with a handledamage fsm that should let people take full damage from hits. This might cause missions where you can't let anyone die be harder since they can get killed instantly from a critical hit, but it's a separate addon so it can be disabled easily.
  4. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    After some more troubles with the laptop I got to testing some more and fixed the reported bugs. I have been testing for a while with no bugs or crashes and rare intermittent slowdowns, probably from A2 loading more data when traveling. I'll release it in a day or two after some more testing. Changes so far: -Fixed AIs yelling about smoke grenades. -Made numbers-to-alpha addon for english only. -Fixed missing config settings error for dropped weapons. -Lowered aircraft sight range. -Made SLX_Wounds giving first aid always stop wounded people from bleeding. -Made bleeding people bandage even if they are still walking to the next waypoint. -Made getting into vehicle actions have priority over other vehicle actions like take magazines. -Made touching off bomb action keep the menu open and be easier to select. -Made gunner rifles hidden to fix MG nest. -Raised structural armor and turret armor on T-90. -Fixed some small script errors. NoRailgunner: An addon dependency list will take a while, maybe for a final release. nicolas_br: Less bugs and a great time, that's what I like to hear! Thanks! What mission was it so I can test the chopper stuff? It might be a bug in default ArmA that's been around since OFP though. paragraphic l, froggyluv: Thanks guys! The laptop is fixed for now, but eventually the solder is going to evaporate and I won't be able to do the reflow fix anymore, which will be the very end of the laptop. I've got a big room fan and a new cooling pad and it's staying pretty cool. I don't know how long it's going to last but I should be able to do some basic fixes for now. If anyone wants to help out though my paypal is Solus.SLX@gmail.com Thanks! Tonci87: I don't think I've ever seen ArmA 2 actually crash while running regularly. What mission were you running? Kroky: Maybe try reinstalling the beta and making a new shortcut? DayGlow: I think the slow AI is just part of regular A2, not much I can effectively do about it. Just try and slow down and let them cover you and keep a look out. AIs will usually crouch when in combat mode, but it sounds like you want them to have the moving speed of aware mode with the crouching of combat mode. I'll see if it's possible to make them crouch more often if someone in the group is in combat mode while they are in aware mode.
  5. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    I was able to fix the laptop and continue work, but unfortunately/fortunately I can't reliably test anymore because my mission testing goes on so long without any bugs that the laptop is starting to overheat. I tested the boot camp and all the scenario missions, except for the last one where it's overheating, with no bugs. So I'm going to have to release what I have right now and then do a little more testing to make sure everything is ok in MP. Hopefully the laptop doesn't die from this. Also things seem to be running smoother after the optimizations, and the wait time added to the danger.fsm could make things faster in that aspect than in default ArmA 2. Download: http://www.filefront.com/14862177/SLX_Mod_ArmA2_1.5.rar Mirrors welcomed! Changes: -Improved cover finding effectiveness, units now search for all kinds of objects and compare their size to the object to make sure it's big enough to hide behind. -Improved dragging feature and made AIs more effective at dragging. -Tweaked people damage, wounding effects, and AI accuracy for more correct combat outcomes. -Fixed AI rate of fire and fire mode ranges. AIs should shoot more correctly now. -Tweaked tank armor for more correct tank battles. -Removed magic tank radars and gave tanks long range sight. -Fixed quick pick up dropped weapon action. -Fixed reload shout with multiple weapons. -Fixed people in vehicles getting too hurt from crashes. -Fixed RagDoll addon MP error. -Fixed AI dodge for cover effectiveness and timing. -Disabled danger.fsm causing AI to stand still in combat and made AIs move and dodge for cover in combat often. -AI leaders should always slow down to stick with their group when in combat mode. -Improved AI bandaging only when out of sight of the enemy. -Added binocular move speed addon. -Added tank commanders turning out when firing their turret. And for commander turrets that can be fired from inside, if they can't fire when turned out then they will stay in. -Made tank commanders fire smoke grenades when hit. -Added launcher prone addon. -Readded and optimized shot effects. -Added moving while lying on steep surfaces. -Fixed AI healing enemies, they don't shoot the captive. -Fixed radios on civ groups, only given to groups with rifles. -Fixed players able to order AI to use players "take weapon" action after dropping their weapon. -Fixed bad action names. -Removed turning for wounded people. -Fixed bandage action still active on dead people. -Made knife anim slightly slower. -Fixed GL3 not working. -Improved GL3 taking cover for vehicles. -Optimized GL3 some more. -Fixed some error messages. -Injured people should not report enemies and AIs should shoot wounded people less often. -Used a string parsing function from Kronzky. Thanks Kronzky! -Reduced AI hand grenade ROF. -Reduced unneeded find cover calls for performance. -Possibly fixed captives running off when they should follow. -Fixed some animation issues with AIs getting up from falling and dropping weapons. -Fixed SINCGARS model UV .rpt errors. -Fixed pop up target shooting. -Fixed BIS drag with slx_wounds active. -Fixed dragging/moving people and objects into vehicles. -Added animal death sounds. -Fixed some missing speech. All questions in all english voices work. -Changed fire effect to work better under lag. -Changed bullet trace effects. -Made impact effects lighter colored. -Slightly raised car and helicopter tail rotor armor for better survivability. -Added a small wait to danger.fsm so that it doesn't eat up all of the cpu cycles and cause all other effects to lag for a long time when AIs detect lots of shots fired. -Optimized some effects for low fps situations. -Made AIs not drag someone if they are in direct line of sight of a very close enemy. -Made SLX Wounds hit effect into .sqf function for better optimization.
  6. Here's an addon I was working on: Version 2: http://www.filefront.com/14569283/SLX_RagDoll.pbo Armaholic mirror: - Ragdoll ArmedAssault.info mirror: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1070 It makes bodies attach to a physics object and fall down if they are above the ground, and then removes the object when they come to a stop. This is to reduce situations where people are sticking out over the sides of ledges. It's not actually "ragdoll" physics, just a rigid body physics simulation. There didn't seem to be any serious bugs when testing it, and it should work independently of other SLX addons. It may need an update for MP which will come soon after someone can test it out in MP.
  7. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

  8. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Thanks for the good words and testing! vengeance1: You can make individual people or groups not surrender by setting "this allowfleeing 0" which should make them never try to flee and thus never surrender. There's also an (isnil "SLX_NoSurrender") check which should disable surrendering entirely. PeterEyres: Thank you and your squad for testing! There will be a server key eventually, but right now things are in development. Probably after I solve the server problem you're having. I'll look into norrins revive script and see what could be going wrong. If you can, please try testing to see if it lags without SLX_Wounds, then without SLX_Wounds and SLX_GL3. If that works then maybe try adding SLX_Wounds back in and see if it works. Also the arma2.rpt from the server and clients that are lagging might help. Thanks!
  9. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Nickos: Actually that feature is broken, sorry. I'll see about fixing it and making it work better if I ever get the chance to work on stuff.
  10. I fixed the grey blob and any references to other addons. It should work in MP and would be needed by both clients and server. http://www.filefront.com/14569283/SLX_RagDoll.pbo
  11. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    All wounding stuff for people, including blood, is in SLX_Wounds. Banderas: Look in the SLX_GL3.pbo for SLX_GL3_Settings.sqf and find the radio global variables. Have your mission set those to an empty array "SLX_Radios_Side = [];" and they shouldn't appear. Here's an interim update, the main changes are MP fixes, but there are some things wrong like the tank armor and ragdoll effect that I was in the middle of working on: http://www.filefront.com/14564371/SLX_Mod_ArmA2_1.35_interim.7z
  12. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    It looks like HP won't repair the laptop so I probably won't be able to work on SLX until I fix it or get a new laptop which could take a while. Thanks for the good words and bug reports everyone! WillaCHilla: All the sounds should be in SLX_ModWeapons_Sounds.pbo
  13. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Apache-Cobra: It's all in SLX_VehicleEffects.pbo. I'll see if I can make it detect JTD smoke and disable smoke for the things that JTD does. Nosedive: I could look into making a map marker for wounded. No intended gametype, only technical correctness. I mainly test in SP. Mr_Centipede: Thanks, I'll look into the AI's not disembarking when attacked en route. Jingle: Thanks, I think I'll have to do more testing for that. When the AIs didn't help you, were the ArmA 2 wounded effects also active? How much lag was there in the mission? SLX_Wounds should work independently from the rest, and the rest independent of SLX_Wounds. You lose all the features in SLX_Wounds though like surrendering captives. DMarkwick: Thanks for the explanation, I think I can make the vehicle effects fire appear where the JTD fire doesn't cover and go away in the areas JTD does cover.
  14. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Unfortunately my HP laptop MB has finally died from the manufacturing defect that they knew about and sold many HP laptops with, so I'm going to have to try to get them to repair it although they have tried to avoid doing so for many people. The next version is on the laptop HD so I'll try to get the files and publish them somehow. Added things include a "ragdoll" like effect (actually just a "rigid body" physics object) so people on buildings usually won't float over edges, they fall off and tumble down. Tonci87: Got the email tonic, thanks! vengeance1: Thanks for spotting that one, it should be fixed in the next version. Try removing SLX_ModWeapons_Sounds and see if the error comes up with anything else. AmnesiacJack: The wait for the dead menu is probably from lag created by scripts. More optimization could help with that, but I don't know if I'll have time or resources to do so. ffur2007slx2_5: Is that in MP? zoog: There are addons in the SLX mods that require them to be on both server and clients. Mr_Centipede: AI's will try to take any vehicle for long range travel, although I might change it to just vehicle of their own side. Were they just sitting there after getting in though? Jingle: What was the situation where the AIs went into hold fire mode? Try telling the AI medic to "disengage" because I think the default AI, or at least the SLX_Wounds AI script, allows them to run around helping other people that request a medic when in "engage at will" mode rather than following orders. Dragging wounded is part of SLX_Wounds, since there's not much point to have an option to stop and help people if you can only do so out in the open where you will get shot by the same enemy that shot the wounded person. skooma: The radio allows infantry groups to communicate with other groups with radios. Vehicles with GPS also have radios. Radios enable the AI groups to pass info on known enemy locations and call other groups to come help or to be called to come help. Take out the group's radio and another group 1 km away won't come help. Let the AIs use the radio and they will call another group 1 km away to come help fight you. When artillery is added the radio will allow the AIs and players to call artillery. Thanks for spotting those bugs! To have someone start as a captive look in SLX_Wounds.pbo\s\captive.sqs with a text editor and there should be a description of how to call the script at the top. It would probably be something like putting this in the person's init line: "this setcaptive true; [this,this findNearestEnemy getpos this] exec (SLX_Wounds_Path+"s\captive.sqs");" set them captive first to make sure they don't get shot. If you are making a custom mission you can extract SLX_Wounds into your mission directory and the mission will use the scripts in there. You can even just have a few modified things in your mission folder\SLX_Wounds\ and it will be used from there while the rest will be used from the addon. Kremator: In what situations is the leader running ahead? It shouldn't be in urban terrain anymore so is it out in the open too? Did you try the Cent Stick2gether thing which should better disable the engage thing? I'll try adding the same thing to SLX later. JuggernautOfWar: The vehicle effects include scalable propagating fire.
  15. Solus

    SLX Mod 2.0

    The last changes were at the time of the readme, I just didn't get to releasing it until now. I don't know about SNKMAN's stuff, but I think I was testing it with ECS so it should work fine with it.
  16. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    I fixed the combat mode changes for wounded people in vehicles so you don't say stuff, and I'm going to raise the tanks armor and total hitpoints so that sabot hits will disable the tank section that is hit and allow crew in the non hit section to survive without being seriously wounded all the time. The sabot hits have little impact on the total hitpoints so tanks can a lot of sectional hits and not turn black, but if the engine or hull is destroyed the tank will turn black and probably burst into flames. And when tanks do get totally destroyed they will have smoke puffs to hide the change to the blackened model. Muahaha: Thanks for spotting those! I'll see what I can do. I think the AIs shooting at the walls is a bug in regular ArmA 2. p75: Could you please explain more of the situation? Was it a 7.62mm or a .50 caliber? Where did you shoot? What range? Bushidozeb: The radio could be configured in the settings, but I would need to add a new settings file. felldian: The prone to stand is in SLX_Anim_SteepLying.pbo, it allows lying down on steep surfaces by removing the prone to stand key action, but you can still use the stance down key action to stand up. If you want to use it you can change to using the stance up and down actions instead of the direct stance actions in the key setup. INVICTUS: You can search for these two lines in SLX_Wounds.pbo\s\SLX_Wounds.sqs and change the 5 to a lower number. if( ((abs (_velocity select 0)+abs (_velocity select 1)+abs (_velocity select 2))<9) || ((_unit getVariable "SLX_HitDmg")<5) )then{if(damage _unit==1)then{_2ndOnly=True} else {goto "end"}} ?((_unit getVariable "SLX_HitDmg")>5):goto "DoGib" Lunatic: Sure.
  17. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Here's an Armaholic mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7045 Thunderbird, Nosedive: I saw the M240 ROF was messed up earlier so I fixed it, I'll test all the other weapons and fix them later. I'll add the random crack sounds. paragraphic l: The retrieve weapon action is added to the player, so just look in your action menu and select it to pick up the weapon, no more searching for the sweet spot on the model on the ground. It still uses the dragger vehicle but dead people had to be setpos'd but now they are using attachto. I don't think the BIS dragging works properly for AIs, unless it does then I might look into it. Mr_Centipede: I'll fix that in GL3, thanks for spotting it. vengeance1: Some addons are server side and client side so all machines should have them. I'll have to document the settings later. What things would you like to be able to configure? Nosedive: I think sound mods should overwrite the SLX sounds. Luigi Dictatore: The FOV will be separated in the next release. Currently it's in mod_veh_core pbo and modweapons pbo Tonci87: Please show me videos of tanks exploding from various munitions. Please don't post the 'Javelin hitting the gasoline filled tank" video again. Most tanks use diesel fuel which burns slowly. I believe diesel fuel is ignited by compression, which unless something enters the armored fuel tank and then explodes it won't cause the diesel fuel to explode. Gun powder in tank shells doesn't usually explode unless directly ignited by an explosion reaching inside the ammo storage. Gun powder is not designed to explode, it just burns very quickly. Usually it should burn with intermittent explosions. Most tank to tank shots are APFSDS armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot, which is a kinetic penetrator which does not directly explode, so it is unlikely to cause an ammo or fuel explosion when hitting a tank. Most anti tank missiles use an explosively formed penetrator which pierces the armor with molten metal which may cause the ammunition or fuel to explode if the ammunition storage or fuel tank is hit. However the damage event handler doesn't run on tanks that are immediately destroyed by a shot, so the overall tank armor needs to be raised so that tanks are diabled/destroyed by their individual hit pieces being damaged/destroyed. So if a tank turret is destroyed by a hit it will set off the ammunition and cause an explosion. "Soldiers are able to take lots of damage without diying." Could be from lag. I'll see if more optimizations can fix this. Pleae email your test mission to Solus.SLX@gmail.com thanks! mils: I might tweak the damage some more. Thanks for testing! I've been doing a little MP testing and fixed some bugs/script errors.
  18. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    GLeek: Either one should be fine. Thanks for testing!
  19. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Here's the next version: http://www.filefront.com/14486983/SLX_Mod_ArmA2_1.3.rar Changes: -Made AI leaders now slow down near buildings when in combat mode so they don't run ahead and leave the team behind. AI teams move much more tactically now. -Made catastrophicly damaged vehicles explode/burn. -Improved fire effects and made fires burn out faster. -Made wounded people sometimes roll on to their back with ArmA2 wounded animations. -Fixed groups without radios sharing info to all groups with radios. Should fix sneaking missions. -Added retrieve weapon action. -Fixed blood drops flicker. -Changed blood materials. -Added ambient ground birds addon. Birds fly away when someone approaches or when they are within audible range of a shot. -Made all gestures warp less. -Added option to disable move object action. -Fixed missing direction text. -Fixed knock down to get up animations. -Fixed some missing dialogue words. -Made wood impact double sided. -Made wounded animations have head bob. -Changed missile smoke. -Made swimming less tiring and made AIs not sprint swim so they won't lose their stuff. Gear is now accessible while swimming. -Enabled lying on steep surfaces. This removes the "go to stand stance" action so players should use the "Up" and "Down" stance key actions. -Made injured gestures slower and not warp so much. -Made action menu pop up less for user actions. Removed reload empty magazine action popup icon. -Added RPG7 models with proper sights. -Made dragging use attachto command and fixed dragging in water. -Lightened gun smoke. -Changed some shouts. -Changed supersonic sounds range, changed far bullet sound level, and added scripted bullet sound. Mirrors appreciated! Thanks for the offers for help! Mostly I need people to try playing in MP to make sure everything works, and take videos so I can see if things are looking and sounding right at higher quality settings. I'll try and do a LAN test for fixing the reload shout in MP, but I can't do longer sessions to see if more bugs pop up. NikoTeen: Does the AI still follow you with the latest version? In the first version they would probably break their command and move somewhere then return to formation but it should have been fixed in one of the other releases.
  20. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Tonci87: I've seen the invincibility thing happen before, it was in the russian city assault single mission. I got wounded but became invincible and was running around with the crazy red wounded effects but not dying when shot repeatedly. Hmm, does your mission have the BIS wounding stuff active? I can't reproduce the soldiers shooting a civilian player bug. There must be something else going on that's making that happen. Also I believe that explosion video is a hoax, the tank is probably filled with gasoline to make a large fuel explosion. Look at other videos of tanks being hit with missiles to see what it usually looks like. bhaz: I had an AI guy freeze in an SP mission once, maybe it's related, I don't know if he was invincible too though. muttly: Cool! Was everyone (if there were other people on the LAN) using the 1.2 version?
  21. As a rough guide I just estimate the sound level number to be audibility in kilometers. So 1.0 is roughly audible at 1 km and 0.5 at 500 meters and 0.005 at 5 meters and 0.0003 at 0.3 meters which sounds about right for that mp5sd sound.
  22. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Minters: For a quick fix you can remove "class Extended_Init_EventHandlers > class ReammoBox" from the SLX_Wounds.pbo config. paragraphic l: I was thinking about the retrieve weapon action but never got to it since it was so rare, but I'll add it. The text of the radio is global, so everyone on all sides will see it. You can make an addon to add it back in if you want. mils: If anyone really wants they can send something to "Solus.SLX@gmail.com". Thanks! I'll look into that hang, I think there might be something with the suppressive fire targets since that's about the time it happens. There are a lot of things happening in GL3 at the time of contact though, so I'll look into them but I don't think they should be messing up. It's difficult to replicate though, since it doesn't seem to happen all the time. SenChi: I'll look into it. So the mortar still works for the player but not the cannon or MLRS? Flarmapoint 2: No, sorry, that wouldn't be correct. A 12.7mm bullets will partially dismember someone but not fully. I don't have the time to make partial dismemberment, and it doesn't happen enough or add enough to spend a lot of time on it. It would require lots of animations, models, textures, and coding, and even then it wouldn't work that well. Inkompetent: They can be disabled, I'll look into having an external settings file. They should be able to be disabled with "SLX_MaxGibs=0". Here's an addon that does it automatically: http://www.filefront.com/14451161/SLX_NoGibs.pbo paragraphic l: I'll look into it, I think BIS has been changing the language stuff a bit in the betas. Kremator, OrdeaL: Could someone do research on about how long on average a tree would burn for? Maybe look at the australian fires a while ago for data.
  23. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    This is my to do list, anything else? -Fix reload shout in MP after respawning. -Redo supersonic bullet sounds, balance volume. -Fix AI leaders running ahead too fast, have someone else take point. -MP test. -Test GL3 stand alone. -Separate move object action init. -Make a readme. -Make slx_wounds.sqs and slx_wounds_hit.sqs into .sqf so they can be started faster. -Convert textures to new paa format. -Make wood impact double sided. -Test and release each addon separately. (Delegate further development to others?) Done: -In and out dust on glass impact dust. -Fixed a script error in slx_wounds takeweapon. -Made screams use SLX_Shout, for MP compatibility. -Fixed wounded hand grenade throw aiming animation. I can't test much right now, any other script errors after longer play times? Thanks for the videos Flarmapoint.
  24. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    Here's the next version: http://www.filefront.com/14444239/SLX_Mod_ArmA2_1.2.rar Changes: Scripted people in vehicles to get damaged more when hit. Made SLX_Shout use new radio classes without text. Added dismemberment from high damage. Added stun effect for people in vehicles. Wounded people in vehicles are disabled from driving and shooting. Fixed AI sometimes running drag script twice.
  25. Solus

    SLX Mod WIP

    twisted: The take cover menu command seems somewhat functional in 1.03, but the AIs still sometimes hide in front of things. SenChi: The people say things, but the text is also the text that is used in the radio, so disabling it disables it in the radio too. I'll look into making sub classes of the radio and see if I can make custom ones without text. The MLRS and M119 work fine for me in direct fire and with the artillery module. Mcpl-Ripcord: Is that the only one? I don't see what could be causing it from that but I'll test some more.