The carrier project is a right cock up as usual with the MOD. Along with JCA (JSF for you yank types). In their wisdom the MOD decided not to bother finding out which aircraft design i.e. STVTOL or CTOL, so the carrirer designs didn't know whether to put a catapult on or not. Even though they have decided for the F-35 B STVOL varient, they then decided to consider using the Hawkeyes for AEW which would require a catapult so they still haven't really decided. Considering the inservice date is supposed to be 2012 for the first one, this seems a very very unlikly prospect considering they haven't even broken steel to start building yet!
The current problem with the F-35 program for us is that Lockheed Martin refuse to give us the computer codes to gain access to the inner works of the computer systems. This means that we wouldn't be able to intergrate any of our weapon system s into the JCA as originally planned. Also you may have seen recently that the F136 engine project was cancelled by the MOD due to cost.
Rockape looks like a lot of thoughts gone into this project and looks extremly well thought out. Well Done!
If you ever need an animator give us a shout