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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    I always understood that bulldozer had to be in the root. There are work-arounds, like the one Brsseb gives on his site, which seems to me to be the same thing I did when I created the new drive, I just did it without the .bat file. -Pilot
  2. Student Pilot


    Try the following named property in the Geo Lod Canocclude 0 I believe that forces the drawing of all objects behind your object no matter what the View Geo lod is. -Pilot
  3. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    That's a given... I found it was easy to set up a new drive from Windows XP (tools - Map Network Drive) which, when clicked, leads to bulldozer's root folder. It means I don't have to keep the damn thing on the root of the c: drive. Then just tell Oxygen to look for bulldozer from the new drive. -Pilot
  4. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    Well, I'm in good company. Don't feel bad, look a page or two back and you'll realize you're not alone Glad you got it solved. -Pilot
  5. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    Oh, I have misunderstood you. I didn't realize the textures were fine ingame. Really odd that bulldozer doesn't display them right. Did you properly install bulldozer? -Pilot
  6. Student Pilot


    Bah! Humbug! ...Merry Christmas! -Pilot
  7. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    Are your texture settings in FlashpointPreferences.exe as high as they can go (be sure to click the "advanced" button to check all texture settings)? Is the resolution you are running OFP in the same as your monitor resolution? Are the refresh rates different (no idea if that effects anything)? -Pilot
  8. Student Pilot

    Laptop + Flashpoint = good stuff?

    Laptops, at least in America, are approved for use during flight. However, they must be shut off for taxi, takeoff, and landing. -Pilot
  9. Student Pilot

    Laptop + Flashpoint = good stuff?

    I'm currently using a Dell Inspiron 2650 for OFP, 2.0 GHz, 512 mb RAM, and ~38 gig hard drive. It runs OFP well, the only time I experience lag is on a highly detailed island (some of the VTE islands, for example), or when running a large mission (Abandoned Armies, but even that doesn't lag too bad, and only when a lot is going on). My only gripe with this laptop is the battery life is low. I'm lucky to get an hour and a half out of the battery. Considering my laptop is a year or two old, I would imagine a newer one would run OFP even better. Dell doesn't make the 2650 anymore, but I think the basic XPS M140 or an upgraded Inspiron 600m are somewhat comparable to it. -Pilot
  10. Student Pilot


    Yeah, sure seems that way Do you have a config for the fence? I don't think a config is required for .wrp placed objects (I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time), but maybe you could place the fence piece in the editor and see if you get different results. Failing that, the only thing I can think of is the mass of the fence might be too high, try lowering it. -Pilot
  11. Student Pilot


    Ahhhh, damnit. You're absolutely right. I'm feeling kind of stupid right now. -Pilot
  12. Student Pilot


    The fence needs to have a mass of <100 (or 1000...or mass may not even matter if you have the following named property) as defined in the geo lod. You should also add a named property to the geo lod: Name: dammage Value: tree -Pilot EDIT: I need to learn to read...never mind about the named poperty. EDIT EDIT: Correction
  13. Student Pilot

    Instrument panels...

    @Brataccas I hope to. I just recently fixed some texture problems I was having, and those problems were the main reason I haven't worked on it for the last 6 months. I'm back at it, and everything seems to be going fine. We'll see. -Pilot
  14. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    I don't know, I'm a bit lost on that one. I'm guessing it has something to do with some conflict from my computer using one resolution and OFP using another. @Messiah and ag_smith Thanks for that info about dedicated servers. I don't play mp or online so I know nothing about it. @All Thanks for all your help, gentlemen. Maybe I'll actually release my addon someday. -Pilot
  15. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    Thanks for the info on dpi, that is something I never knew. Â Another question, I have tried increasing the dpi, but my editing program won't change the dpi for tga files. Â Is this a limitation of the tga file type or of my editing software? -Pilot EDIT: I use GIMP for texture editing. EDIT EDIT: Oh hell, I think I just found out why the texture was blurry. My screen resolution is 1024x768 and I had OFP running at 2048x1024. I reduced the game resolution to my comp resolution and the textures look great. I don't think any of you can imagine how angry I am with myself...or how embarassed I am. That's been the problem for the past 6 months. Please accept my appologies as I put on my noob cap
  16. Student Pilot

    Instrument panels...

    I have a plane that I am working on that has a fully working altimeter, horizontal indicator, airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator, and artificial horizon. It is possible, but it was a pain in the ass to code some of the instruments, the altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and airpseed indicator for example. The instruments I coded aren't just eye candy, either. The altimeter will show you your actual altitude in feet, airspeed will show you your actuall airspeed, and vertical speed indicator will show you your actual vertical speed. What I would like is an easier way to code these instruments. -Pilot
  17. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    Done, no change I'm thinking maybe the texture is cursed...that or the faces I am trying to texture -Pilot
  18. Student Pilot

    Texture quality sucks!

    I've been having the same problem, too. I have tried everything that everyone has suggested in this thread, but nothing has worked. I've gone as far as to make a texture that is 4096x512, but it gives me the same results as a texture that is 1024x128. I have converted the texture using every tool available, including O2 itself. I have tried texturing a primitive along with the part I want to texture. I have copied the flashpoint.cfg file to the bulldozer directory several times. However, the texture remains blurry both in Bulldozer and in game. -Pilot
  19. Student Pilot

    What will do to your OFP when you have ArmA

    If ArmA is as good or better than OFP 1, I will uninstall OFP and put the discs on my shelf to complete my top 3 favorite games: Flight Simulator 2000, X-Plane V5, and Operation Flashpoint. -Pilot
  20. Student Pilot

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    I would advise against that. If there are such limits in the flight model of helicopters, where else could there be limits? I'd say make what is possible in the real world possible on ArmA, just make sure each action has proper results. If someone wants to roll a Chinook, let them, but at the same time they could very well damage the chopper. I think putting limits on the physics is a dangerous step to a more arcade style of gameplay. My two cents -Pilot
  21. Student Pilot

    Hidding Radio Messages

    Why don't you just call the radio message in a script or trigger when you need it? -Pilot
  22. Student Pilot

    Jamming for realism

    I like the idea to make it an option. I personally don't like the jamming idea, though. I think at that point the game becomes too realistic and will start to be more annoying than enjoyable. -Pilot
  23. Student Pilot

    Ivtiliac island by Narpal

    Wonderful island, when this first came out it was my favorite use-made island, and it still is. Funny thing is, I can't really put my finger on why I like it so much. It just has a certain 'feel' to it. Everything seems well made, the mountain region is nice, I love the layout of the cities, and the general variety of terrain is appealing. You have done good work, Narpal. -Pilot
  24. Student Pilot

    Sparrow shot to death in the netherlands!

    I have never said that creationism can be proved scientifically, and I have never tried. -Pilot Btw, I editing my above post to respond to your comments, I was posting as you were.
  25. Student Pilot

    Sparrow shot to death in the netherlands!

    You haven't mentioned a single transitional form. Â Not only that, you choose not to. Â I have never asked you in the past to supply transitional forms. Â Why aren't you willing to share your "superior" knowledge of science to me? Â Don't you want me to see the error of my ways? In other words, you don't believe I'm open-minded? I do have creationists views. Â However, if information comes along that proves evolution is true, I will not hesitate to change my views. Â You, as an evolutionist, have to convince me that my view are wrong, I can't do that myself. Â I have already looked at both sides of the argument and made my decision, you have to change my mind. Â Unfortunately, you don't seem to want to do that. Â You have not supplied scientific proof, you have not supplied transitional forms, all you have said is that it is true. Let's face it. Â Evolution can't be proved true. Â Neither can creationism. Â I will be the first to say that creationism requires one to believe in it, that scientifically it can't be proved. Â The difference, to me, between creationism and evolution is that creation is more credible, it hasn't been proven wrong through counter-example. -Pilot EDIT: @EiZei Damnit, I don't want to venture too far into religion here. I believe that God created the world. During his creation, he used similar designs for his creation because all of creation would be breathing the same air, perform similar life functions, live under the same conditions (generally), and feed upon similar foods. When a unique feature was required, it was added to the design. Certain physical features we humans have we may not see a need for in modern times. However, for ancient man these physical features may have been neccessary. I really can't think of what purpose wisdom teeth had, but hair would help to keep the body warmer, especially head hair. Much body heat is lost through the head. Head hair keeps the body warmer in cold climates. "Goose Bumps" do the same thing. Once again I don't know what the purpose of the third eyelid is, I'm not a biologist, the tail bone serves as a cushion for the spine when sitting, and who doesn't want nails when opening a refreshing beverage? Anyway, my point is features we don't see as useful today may have been useful in the past, or are still useful today and we don't know it. The human body is a complex organ, man doesn't know everything there is to know of the human body. Yes I do, but it can be done, and I find it very hard to believe that not a single transitional form was saved. The Lucy fossil had long curved toes suitable for grasping, like those of other apes, and the skull was chimpanzeelike. Lucy can easily be considered an extinct ape. Those other theories you mentioned at least have a scientific, mathematical model attached to them and have been observed in experiments. Evolution does not have any mathamatical models attached to it, and every "transitional form" can be considered a hoax. -Pilot