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Everything posted by SM_Azazel

  1. SM_Azazel

    US vs Iran mod

    one problem with an israeli-iran war is israel does not have any heavy transports. it would only beable to do air strikes and land infantry with light apc's. wich is an major no no for israel. this mod sound interresting tho.
  2. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    I think he meant the ground based early warning radar. like those huge domes in northern canada and stuff kind alike this
  3. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    F/A-117 Info armorment Two each of: 2 MK84 2000-pound 2 GBU-10 Paveway II 2 GBU-12 Paveway II 2 GBU-27 Paveway III 2 BLU 109 2 WCMD 2 Mark 61 those are the standernd weapon layouts
  4. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    yeha the AI in game will not enage at all this F/A-117
  5. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    well there is almost no way to use this for AI in missions since the dumbass AI will always dive bomb. soem one needs ot make an script to keep the AI at 3000m and actually attack
  6. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    no the F/A-117 doe snto have after burners it is an high subsonic jet. as for the air show tracking. well that is actual because the F/A-117 when in none combat has this little thing that emittes and reflects radar so it cna be tracked by air traffic controlers and like when moving in for mid air refueling. but yeah that is most likely the reason the rapier tracked it. also the jet blast deflecter forces the hot gas high and away from the jet. there are some high bad low wave radar that cna track it. as well as laser tracking.. but yeah the F/A-117 is nto suppost to work alone. it needs F-111, EC-135, and a few others.
  7. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    how aboot an option ot turn off the flashers in combat you would turn those off unless they are IR flashers wich these aren't.
  8. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    TomiD you make very nice aircraft and retextures. as for the missile class it has an bad limit of only goin 2km's then exploding. in order ot make it go farther then 2km's you have to make it thrust ALOT. be very fast. the bomb in this is IR lockable you just have to open the bomb bay to add in the weapon so you can ir lock. what is needed is an empty dumby weapon for ir locking before you open the bay doors. and techinally when the doors are open your radar signucer should go up but yes that is not fully possible in ofp..
  9. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    oh yes please add shock wave scripts and over script the jet so that it unusable. pretty please.. don't go over board on scripts. they end up causing ALOT of lag.
  10. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    i know visual targeting is realistic. wich si good as for shoulder fired they still need an IR heat or radar lock and the f/A-117 has no heat ir from the bottom and only high over the jet so it would be to hard to heat seek it. and the low radar design and low radar reflective paint would make it pretty hard to target as well.you could jsut fire and MANPORT SAm at it but it would be firign blind and dumb.
  11. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    yeha that is how ot make it invisible via "radar" but aa guns will still fire on it when in range and some times sam's will do.. one thing it needs like most bombers in ofp is an ai improvement script to force hte pilot to stay at 2000 meters and not dive bomb. nice model btw flies very well to. an few different layouts would be nice.
  12. SM_Azazel

    F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

    um problem the F/A-117 does not have ECM flares or anything. all those would actual increase it's radar signacure. those should be removed from this add-on. and just put accuracy to 0 and camo to 0 audiable to 1. and do not use an radar supression script since the F/a-117 does not have such things it actual needs the F-111 or an E-707 thing. to do all the jamming.
  13. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    eh what you talking aboot? the flight model on these sucks. they fly like bricks take for ever to slow into an turn. the real apache can do an barrel roll spin and turn stop in only an few meters. these are like trying to drive an 1960's cady in tokyo. and it is way wya wya to fast the max speed is like 200km/hr in real life these thing can reach 400+
  14. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    the problem is that when you fire an stringer it will remove an hellfire proxy. I had the same problem on an AH-64D I was working on and desided to scrap it. besides the stringers are rarely used. I don't think I have ever seen them in any photos with the launchers on.
  15. there needs to be an good F-4G wild wiesel..
  16. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    they actual sounds a little different and the WAH64 uses different missiles but it will be funny to see US pilots flying it.. lol
  17. SM_Azazel

    Updated Falcon

    yeah i got that same error avon lady did.
  18. SM_Azazel

    Updated Falcon

    Hey Footmunch why does the F15E lag when used on islands that have mapfact objects?? for me it LAGS really really bad. and it is not an poly issue since i did tests of lowering the ploy count. the F15C has zero lag but he F15E is really bad. **edit** nevermind the new mapfact released fixed the lag issue..
  19. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    lol well better then the european hate of anything not of europe. now aboot the Helos. they need soem major tweakign they fly like an brick. very very stiff. not very adgile.. and needs more of an zoom and driver's view. it is also way way way to fast you can get it up to 400km/hr wich is like 2 times it's max speed. also remove the tag from the ammo listing it looks weird. also I did not notice if there was the extra "armour" on the body.. also the cockpit ont he ah64D's is not very upto date an little to much liek an ah64A
  20. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    you wanna see images of sinai 1.4? like what the new egyptian-israeli border or the israeli-jordan border or the jordan-saudi border or maybe you just wanna see Eilat? or maybe the refugee camp? it is for the most part an revamped sinai 1.1 it is not compatiable with sinai 1.2
  21. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    actually I beleive there has been dog fighting since gulf war. I believe Syria and Israel had an few. and there was that EC130 that was rammed by an chinese mig. I bet there has been an few others. and actually the only thing on tanks is usually the tanks nickname spray painted in black on the barrel. and that also can be used to to identify wich tank is next to you. ther eis also complete unit markings usually soemthign that has to do with the nickname of the company. and art is only allowed if the unit commander ok's it. and some of thsoe airforce images that "art" on them was the freecking unit symbol.. the place you usually see art is ont he tail and it is an unit thing..
  22. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    why keep putting up airforce nose art when you gusy are whining aboot wanting it on an ARMY helo??? show more then 1 photo of chalk art on an army helo then that might actual make your case till then STOP postign images of AIRFORCE aircraft when this is aboot an ARMY helo..
  23. SM_Azazel

    Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3

    what aboot field arty? there is alot of that, that has not been made yet. I know some would not be fully useful till UA1.2 when ever that is released.
  24. SM_Azazel

    M925 5t Truck Pack v1.0

    Hah! Pappy couldn't pin that one on me! what aboot jewish guilt? that is pretty bad. so what si this add-on just an fixed up texture reapplied or what?
  25. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    Ok i have to note. USAF have different rules then the US army. that is why there is nose art on USAF but not on US army.. you all have to realize that. you can't jsut go look see see the airforce has nose art. the airforce it not the army and apaches are US army..