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Everything posted by SM_Azazel
watching the military channel you can hear the m1a2 up close on soem of the shows. it isn't very loud at like 20 meters but once you are with in like 10 or so it get really loud. it is an turbine engine but jet engines are loud due to the force of the exhaust. an M1A2 sounds more liek the intake of an jet engines that but lower.. they probly need to turn it up just an bit is all.
DEM's that has dem's of every place in the world. if you need the objects pack if you ask nicely i might let you give it an test.. iit is the a pack that is going with sinai and all lost brothers maps.
Lost brothers objects. some are reworked catshit's soem are sal and some are afghan then plus some bas buildings. and some fixed up stuff. all the poster/billboards are retextured by me. oh and the island is based on an real basrah terrian DEM..
here are jsut an few screen shots of the southern Iran-iraq border near al-basrah.
lol now that is an good photo of an m1.. what happend to it to knock the turret off? it roll over? you know it would be nice to see an USMC M1A1/A2
al-basrah southern iran-iraq border map under way basics layed down.. once it has more miles might post an screen shot
the models don't have anything to do with it you just move the gunners and drivers view memory point up to where it should be. you don't see any gunners feet or anything...
that would not work clust bomb is set off at an cert hieght and rockets don't fall very fast and the rockets would explode all to early and blow up the helo. it is kinda an bitch to script that stuff.. and there shouldn't be any problem with movign the sight there i did for the lost brothers apaches and it works great no issues
how the heck are you goin to simulate the 9 sub parachuted munitions? oh and btw the gunner and flir views are int he wrong place they should be off the nose not the gun..
DKM's Tunguska's scripts lag way wya to much to use.. and this thing lags every time an helo is shot down..
an note that the markings are rarely the arm patches. you would have to look for the unit's aircraft markings. only one i know is cav markings with is the sabre crossign with the regiment numbers.. like Large Cav symbol ***edit*** i changed the one image to an link cuz it was jsut large pixel size and was annoying
well for one most people don't put the correct fuel amounts on the helos i do i actual fiigured out range and made jets and helos armour etc all have an range in game so fuel tanks are needed.. and no countries uses desert camo israel has the test ones but it is very rare. and we at lost brothers don't need it and don't want it. we already have all the apaches we need and they fly lclose ot the real thing.. i just think it is stupid to put in unrealistic things and make this HUGE pbo for all the crap that is unrealistic. and i hate having to scoll through 50 helos before i get the ones i actual would use.. the rest are and west of space..
no the AI does not change ammo types at all unless ordered to. it will use the first ammo then once that is depleted it uses the next. and so on.. cost has nothign to do with ammo types. it is jsut to assest wich target to engage first. higher cost means higher value target. cost in the ammos just means how much each ammo will cut and resupply trucks ammo supply down. higher cost more the value drops in the resupply. so if you fire an round with 100 cost and then ammo truck has only 75 worth and ammo left. it will be unable to resupply you that ammo type. i tihnk it is to keep semi realistic so you cna set the ammo value of like an sa-6 higher then what an ural could actual carry.. thus not able to supply the ammo.. as for the structure value on the merkava well i set it really high since it is the most reenforced tank in the world and i hate seeing tanks explode after they are hit with tanks around.. since in reality tanks don't always jsut explode and burn after being hit by tank rounds. they are usual disabled thus repairable. those t55 you see in iraq they where hit over and over or hit with bombs. but the merkava mk4 is an really heavy tank built to survive major combat. it was designed and redesigned upgraded etc around combat on the golan againest syrian T-72's. and also to survive urban combat. and most likely also being upgraded to combat egyptian M1A1 and M1A2's. and since israel is one of the few countries that actually tries to keep the crew alive and learn lessons from combat.. also if you don't put the cargo area for troops it can carry like 3 times the ammount of ammo as other tanks..
there really only should be 4 verions in 2 models in 2 colours od, black. A and D 8hf 16 rocket 16 hellfire 36 rocket 8 hellfire 2 fuel pods adding aa missles is just going to make the ai use them againest armour and desert camo is just unrealistic just use the od and black slap dust all over it and call it desert.. i hate when add on makers make unrealistic stuff.. it makes me not want to use it..
the AI will not change ammos the AI will fire SABOT rounds againest infantry. HEAT and HE-Frag or more for the human player to switch or order the switch to.. yeha the merkava mk4 is still using that config.
like i said before the lost brothers don't need an desert apache we already have an full line of apaches. from all rockets, all hellfires, hellfires and fuel pods, all in both A and D models all have laser designators. but please don't put in desert camo in there just cake it with dirt and dust and call it desert.
every single website i have read on it. and the fact there is notihgn aboot any other then the black or dark od schemes listed on the offically site.
lol and i said the lost brothers already have an full layout of ah-64's and since it was really only an test in israel not standard paint job. we are not fully interrested.
nah we don't want the desert camo. since it would not be correct and it was only an test for israel it has not been fully adopted.. besides israeli camos are an pain to get correct they use weird off colours. plus we already have an full set of ah-64's both a's and d's..
wich merkava? there is 3 different ones
I would liek ot use this but i don't wanna have to redo all the configs again. all these updates usign the same pbo from 5 different people has to stop.. please put them in new pbos cuz this is just insane.
evne passive systems are useless if you use the "stealth" plane correctly. you never ever send them in alone they need the ec-135 to listen for coms and to provide an broad jamming thne you need the F-111 in tight escort to deal with sam's and other radar. the f-111 had soem of the best ecm systems on the planet. and was like 99% effective. that is why no stealth fighters wher elost in the gulf war. in the baltkcs the US retired the f-111 so the f-117 had no escort and was easier to target.
there is no US winter camo. the US winter camo is NATO camo with snow stuck to it.. or white bands of paper stuck to the hull. but for the most part there is no winter camo. plus winter camo is pointless with thermal sights and since the m1a2 puts out an good 2,000F it is kinda hard to hide in winter.. but there is no offical winter camo for the US. the US rarely repaints vehicals. heck the units in alaska have green and NATO camo vehicals..
the lost brother apache has an huge zoom but there is an limit to the amount of zoom you cna have
do not put an desert one in they do not have them if anything just make it covered in dust. and snow one? the snow would nto remain on it very long snow is not like dust and on an helo it would fall off pretty fast or atleast be removed. since snow=ice and ice+aircraft=crash and extra weight. the apache already has major weight issues when in heavy combat load and flying in high areas. in kosavo the 101st lost 2 apaches due to combat weight and flying in the mountains.. so add snow and ice the bastard would crash like 70% of the time. and if you meant snow camo.. then forget it you ruin the realism same by adding the desert camo.