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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    USA strike Syria

    BTW govt jets continue to operate from Shayrat base. Скачать видео Скачать видео Report from the airbase after the strike Скачать видео
  2. spooky lynx

    USA strike Syria

    And of course there are solid proofs of using CW against civilians by govt troops, yes? BTW here's similar example of such logics: Syrian govt fights IS, US strike against that airbase disrupted air support of govt forces fighting IS in that district, US strike helped IS, US supports IS, US supports islamist terror. The end.
  3. spooky lynx

    USA strike Syria

    'Might is right' rule seems to prevail over all that pesky 'international law', that's what this situation shows clearly. Who has the strongets army - those may do whatever they want.
  4. spooky lynx

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'd be thankful for working link too.
  5. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Tanks that dealed with islamists in Afghanistan now do the same work in Syria.
  6. spooky lynx

    USA General

    One more pic.
  7. spooky lynx

    USA General

  8. spooky lynx

    Paul “Bushlurker” Pelosi (1960-2017) Rest in Peace

    R.I.P. mr. Bushlurker.
  9. Am I the only one who thinks that the serviceman (both military and police) must pay attenation at his/her professional skills and their increase at first and his/her religion at last when there are no problems with main duties? IMHO those who have enough time to spend such amount of time on religion doings do it in prejudice of their main work.
  10. spooky lynx

    Germany General

    Sad news. My condolences to Germans. Hope that real murderer and those who sent him will get the proper punishment.
  11. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Are this sites being credible sources? http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/12/16/reports-at-least-10-nato-military-officers-captured-by-syrian-special-forces-this-morning-in-east-aleppo-bunker/ http://www.voltairenet.org/article194584.html
  12. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    In my opinion it's not the matter of mafia, nepotism, corruption or something else. When the large part of the population blames its eastern neighbour in all its problems, is cheered by any kind of trouble happened in neighbouring country, approves naming the streets after notorious separatist who is responsible for massive hostage taking (Budennovsk, Kizlyar) and genocide of non-Slavic population, sends its men to every conflict against the neighbour (Abhasia, Chechnya, Georgia, Karabakh), tries to use every possible ability to complicate the operation of the fleet etc., etc. and at the same time dreams of possibility to flee to wealthy Europe... I think it's impossible to build more or less stable and developing state with such behavior and thoughts. They don't want to see the prosperous Ukraine. They want to annoy damned moskalis (who are just a demons and responsible for every bad thing happening) instead. The whole concept of independence was based on the idea 'We feed the Moscow, damned Russians rob us and opress us, let's separate and immediately after that we'll become as rich as Europeans'. They even created the fetish of so-called 'golodomor' - deliberately created shortage of food aimed to kill as many Ukrainians as possible. Despite the fact that in that year the same thing happened in my region and in northern Kazakhstan due to droughts. And there were the same high level of deaths.
  13. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    It's okay, no worries, she's just a vice minister:) And what would you expect from protests funded and organized by oligarchs? One oligarchs (strictly pro-US) toppled others (neutral). Nothing else. You see, the main problem is that the whole concept of Ukraine as an independent state is based on the "anti-Russia" idea. At least in its current forms. So you can't build anything good on this base. Recent 25 years of independence perfectly show it. Ukraine quickly transformed from one of the wealthiest ex-USSR republics with rich industry able to produce even aircraft carriers into some kind of third world failed state.
  14. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Maybe. I don't track such kind of messages about hordes of western mercs, NATO troops 'on vacations' or Abrams tank been knock out in recent battle. Nope. To be correct the amount of accounts and groups that belong to people who really and actively participate in that war is rather small. Others are just a junk or fakes. If the variety of opinions before the end of investigation is the "government protocol" for you then it means that there is a real freedom of speech in Russia, my dear latent totalitarism fan :) Oh yes and we drink vodka every day. Please stop spreading such ignorant piece of propaganda, even me had posted some links on large media outlets owned by US companies which do work without any problems and translate pro-US views (google Hearst-Shkulev group, RBK, Echo of Moscow, Kommersant etc.).
  15. spooky lynx

    Which car would you rather own?

    None of them. My choice is Audi S6+ in C4 platform.
  16. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Rebels themselves bragged about many mercenaries from Poland and Croatia been killed in a number of battles. Some claimed that they faced even regular troops of Polish army who had been on vacations in Ukraine. Well, should we believe them this time also?
  17. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    I'd remind about this photo, claimed to be taken in 2014. Osa-AKM air defence system in the separatists' hands.
  18. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    I suppose the ripped apart and burned wreckage is much worse evidence than video of intact vehicle. Descent amount of explosives and you'll hardly find out what type of vehicle had it been. Especially when it comes to slightly armored Buk chassis. From what I've seen there was no panic. Also smoke was a common thing during that time - it was a warzone. BTW Buk missile leaves a large smoke trace but... by the magical coincidence the pics of it appeared much later after the tragedy. Despite the fact that almost everybody have the cameras on the phones there. But nevermind, since the very beginning evil Russians were set as the culprits and this was largely approved in Europe. Okay, I'll keep calm and carry on.
  19. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Isn't it more logical not to risk while moving such unusual and notable vehicle but destroy it somewhere nearby? Some burned wreckage isn't informative as much as TEL towed on the trailer, right? And again: why single TEL but not the whole complex? BTW... First pic is a screenshot from Ukrainian censor.net site and article about Ukrainian army Buks in the warzone (near Soledar town). Second one is a supposed Russian/rebel Buk.
  20. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    I'd ask again: what is the point of giving single TEL without radar and loader vehicles? And what's the point of bringing it almost on frontline? What advantages does such vehicle upon Strela-10 or Osa-AKM that were already in separatists' arsenal? And why the hell was it brought back to Russia after supposed fvck up instead of being burned somewhere in Donbass fields? :D
  21. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    If international prosecutors consider 'voentorg' as the source of Buk then what's the point of bringing single TEL to warzone and then bringing it back shortly after possible action?
  22. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    I'd like to remind that the similar style of fighting used by Hamas and Hisballah is labeled as terrorism. The same goes to basques and those who want Northern Ireland out of UK.
  23. spooky lynx

    Architects & Firefighters about 9/11

    There's no need to keep the things secret nowdays, massive outcries like "This is just a silly conspiracy BS! Stop spreading this! Shut up you tinfoil hat user!" and other kinds of public opinion manipulations seem to be far more effective.
  24. spooky lynx

    Germany General

    WTF is going on in Europe this days...
  25. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Because those who accuse are the same cheaters. The only reason of this scandal is bad Russia-US relations, not some will to clean the sport. Oh and I don't like professional sports and against all that championships and olympics.