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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    I've looked at SK TO&E and what did I see? Nearly all aircrafts, both fixed wing and rotary are of US origin (some are modified by Korea but not significantly). The same goes to air defence systems and a significant part of armored units (even K1 tank looks like nothing that M1 Abrams adopted for Koreans as much as possible). I can prove that you are totally wrong in this but that should be another topic. You may start it or go private if you want to talk about this.
  2. spooky lynx

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    I shoudn't say so. Victory can be reached either through 2-times technological superiority or through 4-times numerical superiority. So, maybe it's even not necessary to use WMD.
  3. Thanks for explaination. BTW, are there any ready for use new textures in patch?
  4. spooky lynx

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    O RLY? And what about F-15K contract for example?:) Well, it's only our business which regimes to trade with. Look at Saudi Arabia and its political and social system - that is the same dictatorship with king ruling it. But... Is it treated anyway? No. Why? Answer is simple - it's friendly dictatorship regime. Learn history too, without good will of M. Gorbachev (well, I have a lot to say about him but then I will be banned for using explicit words) no single soldier would withdraw from east-european countries, and no treaty about withdrawing Soviet army from former Warsaw Pact countries would be ever discussed.
  5. Are they included in game or it's just an ability to make own textures and change it via config section?
  6. spooky lynx

    M1 Abrams Tanks Slated for Deployment in Afghanistan

    I shouldn't say so. Some of that insurgents have been using tanks before NATO operation. And not only tanks but APCs, heavy artillery etc. Thank God that they have not enough money and support to buy modern anti-armor weapons, otherwise all that ISAF MBTs will become almost useless.
  7. spooky lynx

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    I can say the same about SK, Japan, all European countries. But there's no significant decrease of military bases in them.
  8. spooky lynx

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    The huge difference is in amounts of selling: while there's some mad commie regime with ballistic missiles next door, the amount of arms trade will much greater than somewhere in more peaceful region. That's the answer to your question. Some countries like to have well equipped army, you're right. But some of them buy and upgrade weapons when they have ability and others have to do it more often because there is 'axis of evil' country nearby. Countries you mentioned are members of NATO, like US. BTW, I have no idea why new military bases (incl. Anti-missile) in east european countries are planned as they won't provide any help neither in 'war with terrorism' nor in war with Iran. And yes, formally cold war is over so I don't know the reason why all that bases are still exist. Russia withdrew all its forces from Europe and disbanded all bases but why USA doesn't do the same? Oh, don't answer to this, because new offtopic holywar will start:) Oh sure theirs:rolleyes: I fully believe in it. Well, Israel is among the countries that has very unfriendly neighbours who would like to 'throw the jews into the sea'. But did it ever ask for military help to another countries or for establishing foreign military bases as back up?
  9. Or maybe it will possible to simulate more large ammo pieces of different types (automatic cannon shells, FRAG gun and howitzer shells etc.).
  10. Download link for russian weapons pack seems to be broken.
  11. Reading about all this reports of problems caused by new patch I asked myself: had this patch been ever tested? Do BIS have any testers at all?
  12. spooky lynx

    Improved unit editor

    I hope that finally one serious change in game editor will be made: player will be able to choose fraction of unit at first and then side he wants to this fraction (player, enemy, friendly, neutral). So fractions and sides won't be connected anymore.
  13. spooky lynx

    M1 Abrams Tanks Slated for Deployment in Afghanistan

    At first years of Afghan campaign we had some tank regiments deployed there. But soon all of them were withdrawn from A-stan as they had no place to use their capabilities. So, the only tank we had in 40th Army were those of infantry regiments and divisions, because tanks can be used in limited number of situations during service in A-stan. And all armor upgrades of tanks there soon faced easy and cheap countermeasure - increase of explosives mass in IEDs. Simple and effective. The same may happen with tanks deployed for ISAF: you get better armored vehicles - we place more heavy roadside bombs ans mines.
  14. spooky lynx

    make copilots to can fly

    Ability to take controls of plane/chopper from 2nd seat would make possible to have very useful planes in game - various training aircrafts (both jet and turboprop).
  15. spooky lynx

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    Currently defeat of NK regime isn't appreciated much: US will lose one of the most effective way to sell arms in East Asian region because of 'mad communist dictator', SK will became bankrupt after reunion with its northern relative (too much money is needed to bring North's economy and infrastructure to modern standarts). Having constant enemy is the best way to have military bases, trade arms and remain 'elder brother that will defend you all from that northern fanatics'. I doubt much that SK's economy will be able to provide those who live in the North with all social benefits that have Koreans in the South. Southern Korea is not ready for this.
  16. spooky lynx

    RH wip thread

    Some old AKM/AK-47 customised variants with modern parts and scopes would be appreciated.
  17. spooky lynx

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    Hungary, Chechoslovakia, Afghanistan - all those operations were conducted together with governments of those countries. So, where's invasion? Georgia - this was act of defence of russian citizens, thousands of them live in South Osetia. So, what country had been invaded by USSR of RF like Panama, Grenada, Yugoslavia and Iraq by US & NATO?
  18. spooky lynx

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    So please name any invasion of independent country by Russia since the end of WW2.
  19. spooky lynx

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    I shoudn't say there would be any benefits to India. The only 'benefit' of ISAF presence in Afghanistan for my country is dramatically increased drug traffic.
  20. spooky lynx

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    Maybe I'm nut but I don't see ant Anti-terror campaign anywhere. Instead of it there is a number of military invasions and operations conducted by NATO countries. And all of them are made not for "peace all over the world". So I think that it's good that India doesn't spend any of its resources (either armory or human) to help some countries to establish and expand their influence.
  21. There are a lot of bugs and issues from the times of ArmA2 release which are unsolved. So, I'd like to get fixes at first and various 'improvements' and 'optimisations' which sometimes cause more bugs again.
  22. spooky lynx

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Much extended Russian armed forces pack would be nice, but I doubt that it will be made accurately but not 'Russian-like army' with 'something like T-72' and soldiers with old uniform and new weapons which are even not produced.
  23. 'inko_disposable' pbo file is located in '@AddOns' separate folder, and ONS mod is also located in separate folder. Both are launched through the '-mod' parameter.
  24. I've downloaded OA-compartible version of ONS, and it gives an error message "addon ons_weapons requires inko_disposable" although inko_disposable is already installed.
  25. How many words...:butbut: And all they are about the things which happen seldom enough. After reading some post it is easy to start thinking that every week houndreds of thieves try to re-release every addon or campaign/mission as their own work.:rolleyes: