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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. I have a problem with NORFOR mod: it corrupts crew animations in BMP-2, T-72, M1A1/A2, Shilka and Tunguska. Crew members in safe behavior mode look like shown in Oxygen. Version of mod - 1.1, tested at 1.57 stable CO patch and beta, with some other mods and on clean CO.
  2. Maybe that's compartibility problems, I'll try to figure out, what mods make this error (if it's caused by other mods). Checked this mod with clean CO - the same error appears. So, the issue is not because of another mods. Maybe there's something with latest betapatch? BTW, what mod files may cause this error? Maybe I should redownload them.
  3. Yes, I'm using mod together with CSLA, ANZAC, BWMod and some other packs and addons. But such problem appeared when I had updated it to the .010 version with no problems during update. Before update I had no such problem.
  4. I've got some errors with latest mod version: Downloaded and updated via Yoma Addon sync. Also need help with preloaded units' appearance - all I get is a unit without any headgear or helmet and no flag.
  5. spooky lynx

    Swedish Forces Pack

    Found some more errors in 1981 units: error "cannot load texture sfp_tgb\tgb13\data\tgb11_main_as.paa" antennas and some interior details in TGB 1111 are untextured TGB 40 trucks have untextured wheels and some suspension parts.
  6. spooky lynx

    Swedish Forces Pack

    Thanx for new version! Some errors that were found after quick overview: groups of 2015 swedish troops are under res side after placement (units are colored green and if you click at any of them the first available unit from the res side will appear instead of it). And soviet marines have some bugs.
  7. spooky lynx

    Military Humor

    Don't know if it was shown here, but... Here's some coloring book for A-10 pilots.
  8. spooky lynx

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Weapon names are international or at least easy to understand. But ranks and unit names...
  9. spooky lynx

    CSLA for A2CO

    Here's the example (shown on OFP Mi-8T model by "Our Weapons"):
  10. spooky lynx

    CSLA for A2CO

    As I noticed, your Mi-8T have more convex part of the fuselage after main rotor, as Mi-8MT/-17 have. So please make it less convex, and also please remove Shturm ATGM guidance antenna from Mi-24D.
  11. spooky lynx

    Egypt Protests

    I don't agree that major reason of this revolution is desire of egyptians to change something. This desire has been warmed up from the outside, by someone who wanted to overthrow Mubarak. BTW, he constrained some guys called "Brothers Muslims", thousands of whom got free after fall of his regime. Guess, what these guys will try to do? Israel now will have to do something with thousands of "Brothers Muslims" members who got freedom. And these guys exactly will 'help' their palestinian brothers to fight against Israel. Till this year nobody said anything about poor people of Egypt, about Mubarak's dictatorship. On the countrary, Egypt was called as one of most developed and progressive Midde East countries. So, in one click it turned in the country of poor when people earn couple of bucks a day, and Mubarak turned in old dictator... Isn't it funny? Where were all those who speak about poverty of egyptians one-twoyears ago? Nobody spoke about this, nobody cared. This reminds me Saddam Hussein's story. Before 1990 he was friend of Europe and US, after - became evil dictator. All other allies of US should learn Mubarak's history and remember, how easily they can be thrown away if necessary.
  12. spooky lynx

    Egypt Protests

    I know about TV:) But I think about other thing: what do producers of this revolution want to get at Middle East. Punish Israel? Make this unstable region even more unstable? Why?
  13. spooky lynx

    Egypt Protests

    Hm... At the beginning of this year nobody in US or EU said about Mubarak as dictator - he was 'best friend' for the west. Nobody cared that he was ruling for 30 years and gave him millions as economic and military aid. But something happened, and Mubarak turned to dictator just in a moment. Well, does anybody in US or EU need new Middle East war (which will break out because of huge amount of radical muslim organisations members in egyptian opposition)?
  14. spooky lynx

    BAE Harrier For sale

    Oh shi~... Less than 4K euro for Land Rover?! That's damn cheap!
  15. spooky lynx

    CSLA for A2CO

    Hell yeah! I've got it! Thanks guys=)
  16. Just look at Sudden Strike editor. It is an example of solution.
  17. Unfortunately, 'setFriend' command doesn't work in needed way. So change in side assignment of units would be very much appreciated. And it shouldn't be 'opfor' and 'blufor', I think. But 'player's', 'enemy', 'friendly' and 'neutral'. Such way of assignment would expand missionmakers' abilitied greatly.
  18. spooky lynx

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Mi-8/-24 seats have places for parachutes. And if height of flying is enough for jumping you can escape dammaged chopper through the opened windows in Mi-8 or doors in Mi-24.
  19. Funny to see that water in Arma becomes something like acid for non-swimming armored vehicles and cars. Why they explode in it? Isn't it so hard to give dammage to crew only but not to the whole vehicle? BTW, some OFP tank addon had ability to survive under water. It just stopped and couldn't move further. Isn't it hard to implement the same to A2 vehicles?
  20. spooky lynx

    Chechen War Russians

    Very nice units:) Would you make 2 variants of them - one with VSR camo, second with olive (like artillery crew)?
  21. spooky lynx

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Maybe. But I'm getting really disappointed while watching some ingame units made just like 'butt off&use this' style. Seems like they were made just for having something to shoot at in A2. So IMO not only coders have some job to do while polishing Arma2.
  22. spooky lynx

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    For those who treats A2 as just shooter it's not game breaking. For those who thinks about it as a kind of simulator "look alike" units and inaccuracy in weaponry matter. You may arm Abrams with M60s instead of M240s and for you it won't be game breaking. For me it will.
  23. spooky lynx

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    There's big difference between having bugs at the moment of starting game production and having bugs years after release (although they are not so hard to solve). I haven't seen so much bugs in GTA that remained for a such long time. And I see them in Arma. Instead of solving them developers produce more DLCs (which have their own issues).
  24. spooky lynx

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    1) Unfortunately there are issues in vanilla content that need involvement of game artists (for example that ugly T-72 model with DShK:(, some issues with Force Recon models, RPK model). So, there are many things to do not only for coders but for all team. 2) I would change this chain: more polish and support = more customers = more money. Product with few errors and bugs which are briefly solved - that's the best promotion for every game. But not some not very accurate DLCs. 3) You're right, now there are few teams that can provide community with top-quality addons (sad but true:() but note that addonmaking in A2 needs some examples because of its complexity. And... still there are no available MLODs and tutorials form developers (allthough MLODs for OFP and A1 were released). 4) I don't see any difference between downloading needed addons and buying DLC. In the age of fast internet it's not so hard to follow the link to Armaholic and to download addon that is used at server (there are not so much of such addons). Friendly speaking, Lite DLC versions are unplayable - they look almost like untextured models. So I don't think much people use them in game. 5) This abilities are included in the patches but not DLCs.
  25. spooky lynx

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    As far as I remember, all OFP content was upgraded to Resistance standarts. And we hadn't any problem with vanilla units having different capabilities depending on when they were implemented to the game. So why do we have such problem now? Laziness? Indifference to the community? Something else?