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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    freedom for Viktor Bout

    Frankly speaking, I don't understand, why the death of people from smuggled arms is more tragical than death because of alcohol or tobacco, or badly manufactured cars (Russian specific).
  2. spooky lynx

    Military Humor

    Not exactly military humor, just with involved military: http://trueimages.ru/img/b4/d5/9e485e4db39f83ab1e6ee738f3b.jpg >100kb
  3. spooky lynx

    freedom for Viktor Bout

    So who are the persons that supplied Bin Laden with weapons and trained him and his people?;) BTW, considering some guys terrorists is mostly political decision. It widely depends of goals and enemies of this guys. This carnage would happen anyway, with or without Bout's help. Not the guns kill people, but people themselves do. And they would just find some other weapons and some other dealer who will supply them. If you don't know, traditional weapons as knives and machetes are still widely used in Africa during their traditional games like 'who will cut more hands and legs of the enemies'. Or you think Bout by himself forced those Africans kill each other?;)
  4. spooky lynx

    freedom for Viktor Bout

    So who will go rotting for FSA and Libyan rebels support?:raisebrow:
  5. spooky lynx

    freedom for Viktor Bout

    Well... I don't know any person who could be exchanged for Bout. Maybe in some days we'll find some evil American spy who tried to steal a very secret stuff, but failed and was caught by FSB and sentenced for about 20 years in jail. But now we have nothing to do. Bout went across US interests, that's all. Other guys that did the same were hanged or murdered by the mob of rebels.
  6. spooky lynx

    Libya today

    So, are you against KSA, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait?
  7. spooky lynx

    freedom for Viktor Bout

    Let's throw to the jail all producers of alcohol. I'm sure, their products killed at least the same amount of people as guns that are sold by such guys as Bout.
  8. Could you tell some more info about T-64 variants that will be made?
  9. As I know, IRL BMP gun ports were used so rarely, that it isn't necessary to bring this in game. Main situation when they are used is battle in NBC-contaminated area. I doubt that RHS team has such great amount of free time for making fire ports useable.
  10. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    ...or 'some early days of fighting for the independence from Chernarus'-like units.
  11. spooky lynx


    Have you any plans for bringing less-poly variant of this Hind in Mi-24VP or -35M versions?
  12. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    This. Basic paint scheme may be that of CDF, but with overpainted insignias and maybe some extra stripes for better recognition. All vanilla ChDKZ vehicles are plain green with painted sand camo stripes, and this looks like all of them were taken from some ex-Soviet army stock.
  13. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    So, what about captured-from-CDF-style skins among with ChDKZ-by-BIS-style?
  14. I know it. But I've noticed that sometimes some parts of gear which should be shown are not displayed. For example, I wanted all the boxes, water cans and rear spare wheel to be displayed on BTR. But cans or wheel sometimes weren't displayed.
  15. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    Looking at BIS ChDKZ units I thought about one thing: if I'm not mistaken, most part of armored units, trucks and heavy weapons are captured former CDF ones. So it would be more correct IMO to make them in the same camo but with oversprayed signs and some smaller repaintings (general painting should be the same as CDF one).
  16. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    People's Republic of South Zagoria? Non-recognized state established by ChDKZ?
  17. Unfortunately, sometimes stuff on BTRs is displayed randomly too. As for the decals, now they can be turned on or off only (and then you can place some of them manually via setObjectTexture, maybe).
  18. How about RHS decals system? Current one is random, will it be with the same abilities like that in your OFP addons? Also, now the script system that displays additional stuff on the BTRs, BMDs and T-80s doesn't work well - often it displays random parts instead of needed ones. It would be nice if it will be adjusted.
  19. If I'm not mistaken, T-55s were taken out of service from some Far East district detachments about a year ago. There was a photo thread at militaryphotos.net from that event.
  20. Well, T-55/-62 were at the active duty military detachments at least 3 years ago, so I may say they represent some current equipment:D Last time they were used in combat in 2008.
  21. Very good news for me:) BTW, will this mod include T-55 and T-62 tanks?
  22. spooky lynx

    ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

    Seen "Europe 2035" map... I'd say, very strange dividing of the countries. Very strange.
  23. spooky lynx

    DDAM full release

    Could you make non-ACE config for the mod, please?
  24. spooky lynx

    DDAM full release

    Any chance to see non-ACE version?