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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Abandoned Russian tank repair facility

    Most of them can be repaired, I'd say. Well, now I see what financial reserve of Ukraine looks like;)
  2. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Chechens were separatists and hardcore nationalists at first. And only after 1996 they started to use terror methods such as massive hostage taking in hospitals and bombing the houses. Before the raid of Shamil 'Gynecologist' Basaev they weren't called terrorists even by those who hate them. Rebels, bandits, hitmans, boeviki, dukhi and whatever else but not terrorists.
  3. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    From the very beginning of their history?
  4. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    IRA and ETA were not Muslims, but... You know the end.
  5. Does anybody have plans for bringing Su-25T back to the game?
  6. spooky lynx

    Macedonian Armed Forces

    Not sure if Macedonians had or have Grads... Are they really in the inventory of their army? Any photos? I thought they had enough rocket systems of Yugoslav origin, like other countries of former Yugoslavia.
  7. Hi. I need some help with Blitzkrieg I/II mods representing Cold war era or some other modern warfare. I've found CSLA mod but hadn't find any working links for it. I'd be very thankful for a working download link to such mod.
  8. spooky lynx

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Compared it with some photos, and it seems for me that it's either PC-9M or PC-7 Mk.2 (PC-9 with PC-7's engine).
  9. spooky lynx

    stealth chinooks? your thoughts

    To make Chinook stealthy will be 10 times expensive than to fill it with newest ECM stuff that will jam all radars and radios 100 km around. It will be the same as Tu-22 and Tu-22M: formally two versions of one plane, in fact - two different planes having only the same nose gear.
  10. spooky lynx

    Macedonian Armed Forces

    Yes. If the shadow settings are set to "high" level - the shadows are okay.
  11. spooky lynx

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Why PC-9 is named 'Tucano'?
  12. spooky lynx

    Macedonian Armed Forces

    Tested the pack a little bit. The only issue I've found is shadow bug when shadows are set to "normal". Shadows of infantry units look like this. If shadows are set to "high" - everything is fine.
  13. spooky lynx

    Macedonian Armed Forces

    Definitely will play with it in 2001 insurgency reconstruction:) BTW, do you want to make some generic Macedonian army or one representing some period of time? And do you have any plans for adding MT-LB and Su-25?
  14. spooky lynx

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Great set of units, I'd say. BTW, IceBreakr, have you tried to translate scooter's brand name to Russian?;)
  15. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    ZSU's turret has two loopholes for S-60 guns, you will need to make a single one in the front part of the turret. If you can not make a turret by yourself - wouldn't it be better just to add some simple seats and boxes to the roof of BMP hull and place gunner and loader with standart D-30 anims? Thinking of the role for such SPH, the most suitable one will be fire from ambush and quick escape or direct fire from long range while supporting assault or advance. So standart D-30 shield for crew defence will be enough.
  16. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    I suppose it wouldn't look well because of loading and aiming processes. Operating such gun from the inside of the BMP hull would require some systems similar to those in Marder IFV for example. And I doubt that PRSZ engineers have enough skills for making some kind of RWS with D-30 gun:) Such guns are operated either from open platform attached to the rear of the hull (where loader and gunner stand) or from roofless turret (just as in Cuban one). Hatches in the hull's roof may be used for taking the shells out of the hull by loader. This turret will make this vehicle look more correct, and crew sitting at such turret (with using vanilla D-30 crew anims) won't require some additional custom anims. I know it's possible to make a shot from the hull using the cord, but how about loading process?
  17. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    It's realistic, Cubans had made the same kind of vehicle, D-30 on BMP-1 chassis. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/122m1.jpg/ And what about the personnel who will maintain the gun? Will it be on the top of the hull? Maybe it's better to make some kind of roofless turret?
  18. Thanks for the explanation!
  19. Free Su-25T sim? Oh, and hadn't they released paid sim called Lock On Flaming Cliffs with main star as... Su-25T? I really don't understand what's going on with Lock On/DCS, didn't pay attention to this series for a long time.:( Can anybody explain me in a couple of words, what do the Black Shark 2 and DCS world mean?
  20. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    One more suggestion to the thread:) Some people say about CDF with NATO equipment, and I thought about some 'early days' - style CDF with soviet-style helmets, just after gathering independence.
  21. spooky lynx

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    I see only one reason for not making a game setting that depicts one of real conflicts - all inaccuracies in the models, textures and equipment sets may be excused by 'it's fiction!' phrase. Without it devs will have to be not so lazy:) So I think there won't be any real conflict set from BIS. All I want from ArmA3 is easy-to-use set of tools with good manuals which will give an ability to make another content for the game just after release of ArmA3.
  22. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    Some of T-64 still serve in Russian, Ukrainian and Transnistrian armies.
  23. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    I've tested UH-60 with Hellfires - they are properly displayed on the racks, no matter of many mods I'm running with the game. Seems like there's some conflict between different addons.
  24. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    Very nice pack, reminds me Transnistrian conflict. One request: could you use Vilas' T-72 model with NSVT MG? Is it possible?
  25. I have one request: could you change the symbols of the buildings that are displayed in the editor? It would make placing of units at most of the FOBs and other bases much more easy. Now unfortunately it's rather difficult to place the soldiers and other units at the bases.