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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. Well, I suppose it was either error of website admin (wrong pricetag, got +30% instead of -30%) or mental disease of that company's managers.
  2. Shame.FPDR I'm ashamed that such scumbags live in the same country with me. Sorry, Martin, and I hope nobody will judge the whole country and its Arma community members by this 'passive ***'.
  3. Maybe the first price was without any taxes and the last one - with all taxes included?
  4. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    I'd say that's just like as if Arabs would claim Spanish territories because Arabs lived there before Reconquista. P.S. 800th post:)
  5. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    The whole idea of the state for the jews only seems a bit nazi for me. Especially when such state is to be set on the land inhabited by other nation. If it would be just independent state for everyone who lived in the Palestine at that moment - everything would be okay. Try to put yourself on the Arab side - they lived for some centuries there, been cultivating this soil, they aren't guilty of Holocaust and even hardly know about it but in some time they have to give the land they lived at least for some centuries till now because somewhere in Europe Jews suffered Holocaust. Isn't it stupid? I can understand Jews and their will to have their own state. But most of the lands are occupied by someone else. So either form the state together with any other nation or choose any inhabited land. Now it hardly matters that you lived somewhere about 2000 years ago.
  6. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    It's hard to believe but yes, it worked. Until the weakening of the state we knew from little to no ethnic conflicts. Sure when all the state authorities degraded many conflicts sparked, not only among old enemies like Armenians and Azeris. But at the same time all the state branches degraded and it's not surprise that the conflicts between ethnic groups started in the weak state. x2. Creating a country on the land that is desired by other nation too was a timebomb.
  7. spooky lynx

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I'm not interested in other games' DLCs:) It's their problem, they may sell even one soldier model at the price of $50, I don't care. With ACR I would get edited, bugged and cropped variants of old maps, retextured community addons and really new weapons and some of vehicles. So I wonder if any Christmas sales are planned? Don't want to feed someone's greediness but also respect copyright laws so some discount for this medium-size addon-pack would be very-very nice.
  8. spooky lynx

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I wonder if there would be any discounts on ACR? I'd buy it then.
  9. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    I suppose the only effective way to stop this conflict is to deport both Jews and Arabs far from this land and leave it to some neutral country or organization.
  10. There's a little chance not to block the fan of VGA. But I'll try again. Maybe after some beer I'll manage to do it:D Found some soultion: CSE-RR32-1U Riser card. Although it's server stuff, I suppose it will help me to solve the problem. Also there's similar card: but it's PCI-X bus. I've read PCI-X and PCI hardware can work together but it will work with less fast PCI frequencies. Am I right?
  11. Unfortunately returning is not an option - I have to use my old Socket 775 CPU until I get enough cash for migrating to modern socket (1155 maybe). And any full-ATX S775 MBs aren't available for me anymore, only mATX:( Have to wait until I finish my appartments refit because all money go there.
  12. Guys, I have some problem. Got this mainboard for sake of saving time and money (it took me a little cash to get it) after my old good passed away. Also I have this video card and Creative Sound blaster X-Fi Xtreme audio PCI card. So now I seek for the way to connect sound card to mainboard, as VGA card occupies almost all available space near the PCI slots, and I have only one PCI slot available to plug anything in it. Sounf card can't be plugged in mainboard, there's not enough space for it because of VGA card. Any suggestions?
  13. spooky lynx

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    Thanks a lot for the map, it's just great! One question: it's written in the handbook that Taviana gathered independence after 1917 revolution and established socialist government. But at the same time it's described as one of the Soviet republics on the map that is in the handbook. So is it independent state and close ally of USSR (like Tuva SSR was before its joining to USSR) or part of Union after 1917?
  14. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    "So fukken what?"© Metallica
  15. MANPADS have a small warhead, and speaking about Soviet army experience in A-stan many helicopters survived one or even two hits by MANPADS missiles and landed (and then evacuated) or even were able to reach their airfields and land. Speaking about western choppers I suppose they can also survive after a single hit and at least make emergency land. The missile must explode just near the chopper to disable it. In other ways many times choppers were able to fly back to the base and return to service after some days of repair.
  16. One of the purpose of dual crew seats of Su-34 is ability to take control of all systems by one of the crew members after another has been wounded or died. All the cockpit systems are designed for easy access both by pilot and co-pilot. So I'd say both pilots should have equal weapon controls. While both crew members are safe, gunner operates all the weapons, but pilot has ability to take full control of them instantly.
  17. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    It was phased out as recon tank early, the only one who used it were some of Naval Infantry detachments and, after 1991, Ministry of Interior affairs troops. And most of Naval Infantry forces passed to Russia. So I see a little chance for PT-76 to be used in Chernarussia by CDF or PRSZ:)
  18. spooky lynx

    Project CDF

    PT-76 is rather rarely used in post-Soviet countries. The only war it took part is Chechen one. And, if I'm not mistaken, after 1991 all of them were on the territory of Russian Federation or belonged to its detachments situated in other countries, none of other ex-USSR countries got them. Moreover, nobody wanted to get them after 1991.
  19. I got a Panasonic SC-HT855 DVD home theatre system for free some days ago, but don't know how to connect it to my PC to have 5.1 speakers. Is there any ability to do this? May anybody help me?
  20. One little suggestion: how about returning additional camo variants that were in the previous versions of BTR-70 and BMDs in the form of stand-alone pack?
  21. spooky lynx

    Windows 8 : Will you buy it ?

    Still running WinXP Home edition since 2008, without any system reinstalling all this time. So I don't see any reason to change OS since XP works fine for me. BTW I've tried Win8 interface on another PC and it was like nightmare for me. Totally useless without touchscreen.
  22. spooky lynx

    VAZ (2104, 2105, 2107, 2108) Pack

    Will be any Dagestani lovered versions?;)
  23. Comparing it with Warthogs I'd say they may be neither Tornado nor Phantom. Those who are waiting may be trainer/light attack jets, taxiing ones look like Tigers.