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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. Does anybody know any freeware firewall? Or does Avira or avast have it built-in?
  2. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Don't worry:) I've described this via PM. I wonder why ED choose to get rid of Crimea. Was it so hard to have both Crimea and Caucasus?
  3. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    O RLY?:) So Arabic conquest in 636 year a.d. is fake?
  4. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Please show me any Arab that will like the idea either of giving his lands for Jewish state or staying in it. I can name some very small group of Jews that are against existence of Jewish state (national state - doesn't it sound a bit like one well known Reich?). So because of that idea of Jewish state creation this conflict stepped on the national level.
  5. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Both sides have quite huge list of things that can be used not to name them civilized. So I wonder, if two nations failed to create peaceful relations with each other even in one region (I don't even mention one country:)), is the solution in introducing the third side to govern those two? The other unfortunate way, IMHO, is either total annihilation of one of the sides or total mandatory expulsion of both to have this land free of constant residents.
  6. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    The only civilized country whose armed forces were formed partly by Irgun and Lehi terrorist organizations:) And whose Knesset contained Herut right wing party also formed on the base of Irgun. Oh, and Deir-Yassin massacre is also very civilized act... Eh?
  7. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Maybe. Looking at some countries I'm already missing old good colonial times... BTW, if I'm not mistaken there were restrictions put on some former Axis countries regarding armed forces and military industry directly after WW2. I don't see any reasons against such restrictions applied on Middle East countries. Don't wanna live peacefully? Won't have ability to have armed forces.
  8. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Does anybody know the mod either for FC or for FC2 providing invulnerability to Su-25s?
  9. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    There is a chance for peace, not related with WW3:) If those two nations fail to live peacefully in theor states - let this land be governed by some third nation or organization, not related to any of them. Israel and neighboring Arab states can't stand each other and constantly fight? Let them be prohibited to have any armed forces and heavy weapons, only some police-kind ones.
  10. Together with flashpoint.ru - why not?
  11. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Hm... Really shame. I tried to find any really significant changes between BS1 and BS2 and couldn't find them. Really no reasons to name it "Black Shark 2" except PR&marketing bullcraep.
  12. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Fukk... I'll still be unable to handle it:( ED promised to make invulnerability for Su-25s but still hadn't done it, sad to hear.
  13. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    And how about Su-25s flight model?
  14. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    I haven't been in touch with ED games since brief test of FC2... Seems ED team moves to fail. Or am I wrong? BTW, does Su-25 still have only advenced flight model without ability to use invulnerability?
  15. And that dude (Mukhin) said that he works in local FSB department:) Martin, aren't you scared?
  16. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Yeah, infused with matzo:)
  17. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Victory? They don't need one. After victory they will have to build the state from the scratch. And it's far more complicated taks than firing rockets on evil Juice. I suppose such long-time conflict suits well for both Hamas and similar groups and Israel. Everybody have easy way to get money, everybody have an enemy who can be blamed for all the problems, etc. Profit for everybody except those who really want to have the Palestinian state and peaceful Israel without bombings and terror threats.
  18. Does anybody have plans for doing Russian/USSR skin for L-39? And some skin with USSR/CSLA colors but no insignias for some kind of ex-USSR scenarios (Abhasia, Artsah).
  19. Unfortunately since our country's laws in IP field aren't perfect at all attacking such 'businessmen' on a personal level and spamming/attacking their media is the only way to stop their business and prevent them from acting in such way. Sad but true.
  20. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    Frankly speaking Gaza mess and the whole Palestinian problem is... suitable for Israel. Just like Caucasus problem for our authorities. 1) No matter of the amount of fired kassams the death toll is rather low. 2) There's constant external enemy who you can always blame for everything. 3) There's a good reason to have large and well-trained army, police and special services - good for regime stability no matter of what it does. 4) There's a good reason to gain external support - "Look, we are constantly attacked by that terrorists! Please respect whatever we do and support poor victims of bloody terrorists!". 5) There's a good reason to receive foreign military aid - from rifles to jet fighters for cheap price. 6) Army and special forces have 'live fire' excercises during clashes while being not vulnerable to enemy fire (they simply don't have any modern weapons to fight with that army). 7) A country that is constantly treated by terrorists is granted not to expose its WMD to international monitoring, so nobody knows what is with Israeli nuclear weapons and whom can it sell this stuff. Saying Israel won't do it is not an option. We are not saints, Israelis are not exception. Everything may happen in this crazy world. And I can name some more reasons but, I suppose you all know them. Weak external enemy is a wet dream of nearly every regime - no matter of its political system.
  21. It's even more sad that he behaves like pubertating teenager being 28 years old. I thought making own creepy 'game' based on stolen content and arguing after being told to remove it is how 12-14 y.o. 'coolhackerz' act but not matures...
  22. I suppose yes. That's the latest anti-spam measures. Not really effective I'd say.
  23. Oh... I don't see any logical expaination of it. Especially if the sales and support of Win7 aren't aborted with starting the sales of Win8, no matter of how many people hate the latter:) You can just stay on your Win7 instead of buying new OS. Seems like mass mental disease stroke all Polish shop sales managers...