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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. Very nice and useful planes indeed. BTW what kind of ACE dependency it has? Is it possible to use it without ACE or not?
  2. spooky lynx

    69 pla mod

    Unfortunately none of them were ever released. But there is temporary solution: if I'm not mistaken PT-76 and T-34-85 tanks were produced in PRC by licence (both for own army and for export) and were widely used by PLA. First one is made by Vilas, second one is a part of ArmA.
  3. spooky lynx


    Seems that this bug appears only if the troops are ordered to get in the plane. If they are placed in it via moveinCargo command - everything is okay.
  4. Bought it, nice thing indeed (especially for its pricetag 53 EUR)! Thanks for the hint.
  5. spooky lynx

    69 pla mod

    If I'm not mistaken Type 59 is based on T-54. And it has some noticeable differences with T-55 model.
  6. Nice Volgas:) I think about buying 3102 for myself and making KGB-style car. One mention: there were no window leafs in front doors, the glasses were solid. And the wheels of the cars belonged to senior officials looked like this mostly: http://ljplus.ru/img4/r/o/rocky_g_foto_2/GAZ---3102.JPG (114 kB) ...or this: http://www.max-models.ru/data/volga/GAZ-3102universal2.jpg (105 kB)
  7. spooky lynx

    The boozer!

    Rarely. Not only because of taste but because of very large amount of fake ones. And price doesn't matter in this case, here you can easily pay a descent price for some 'look-a-like' in a expencive shop or bar. Only domestic self-made ones are good enough - I can definitely know it's truly wine but not colored diluted spirit.
  8. As said, performance also depends on the mods or addons you play and missions. Some addons are high-poly and use heavy scripting (the same goes to missions) -> lags. Oh and one more thing: don't take it as a joke or sarcasm but ArmA is not very optimised itself and may behave strange. Sometimes users with middle-class rigs have better performance than users of hi-end PCs. So unfortunately top hardware does not guarantee high FPS in ArmA. You have to try many variants and combinations of preferences to get the best performance on your system.
  9. After 6 years of good service my soundcard (Creative SB0790) starts dying, so I'm seeking for a replacement - $50-53 5.1 or 7.1 soundcard. What may you recommend? Asus or Creative again?
  10. Any plans for some Sopmod-style AK-47/AKM or their East-European derivatives?
  11. spooky lynx

    RIP Mikhail Kalashnikov...

    Sad news came today: creator of one of the most famous guns ever, Mikhail Kalashnikov, died today at the age of 94. May you rest in peace, Mikhail Timofeevich.
  12. If you decide to make some cats - maybe it's time to bring Tard to armaverse?
  13. Even that BRM-1K, BTR-80A and T-55/-62/-80U?
  14. May you be kind to grant a permission for polishing your stuff that was planned for A2 and releasing it? I suppose it's not only my opinion that A2 will be still popular and widely played, so your mod for it will definitely have much attention.
  15. spooky lynx

    Mil Mi-6A "Hook" (beta)

    Also this warbird will fit Unsung scenarios:
  16. spooky lynx

    Mil Mi-6A "Hook" (beta)

    Oh shi... Thanks for this workhorse! This was main heavy chopper in 40th Army in Afghanistan:cool: One more item in the OKSVA ArmA set.
  17. spooky lynx

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    Guys, how about creating some OPFOR detachments of US Army?
  18. spooky lynx

    Isla Duala

    Maybe model has less proxies for passangers than number of passangers written in config, no?
  19. spooky lynx

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    If my memory does not cheat me, minigun has external electric gear. So you need to place it at first or mount some cable from APU to operate minigun.
  20. Vilas, as I see, now P85 contains rather large number of units representing Soviet army in Afghanistan. Do you have any plans to develop this branch together with 'normal' armies in Europe?
  21. spooky lynx

    VeteranMod demo release

    Well, let me explain. Before installing thhe patches all VTN units had their own faction group and proper names. Also there were correct groups (отделение, взвод, рота). After patches all this disappeared. And only standart bis units having bis names and groups but VTN models are available. Seems like only replacement of vanilla soldier models works and separate VTN units and groups are hidden.
  22. spooky lynx

    VeteranMod demo release

    After installing all the patches I got strange thing: all separated unit classes and groups in editor disappeared, only models replacing stock BIS units are available.
  23. spooky lynx

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Peacekeepers at the Holani heights? Oh and don't worry they will get their support anyway. Murder of British soldier in London is the prove.
  24. spooky lynx

    The boozer!

    Any weissbier to recommend, guys?
  25. 6 Gb of RAM is quite okay both for ArmA1 or 2, but CPU and especially videocard aren't good for this game. So at first changing them together with new PSU would help. Also note that not only resolution forms good game picture, such things as model and texture levels of detail are important too.