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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    When I see such hysteria about 'fascist Kremlin regime' I realise we do everything right. The opposite things we heard when our country was represented by mr. Andrey 'Traitor' Kozyrev and ruled by drunkard Yeltsyn. For some persons Russia will be a good democratic regime being only in the borders of 16-17th century and without any international interests and spheres of influence. So...
  2. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Maybe part of them belongs to our 810th Naval infantry regiment. If all they really are our servicemen - that's would be glad for me, seems everything is not so bad in the army, at least when it comes to really serious threats to state security. BTW, greetings from China. Seems all the supporters of sanctions and isolations of Russian may calm down and carry on.
  3. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Neither just people of Kiev nor just people of Crimea can do such things alone, moreover I never said about just people of Crimea, I'm not so naive as you, guys. Or maybe you will point to my words about people of Crimea who created 'self-defence forces'? I'm not sure about them being Russian AF personel only, that's true. 'Self-defence forces' are the answer to 'Pravy sektor' groups, 'eye for an eye'. First were organized with our help, second - with western one. Just like in ole good times. But if during past times such 'rebels' vs 'freedom fighters' situations were on other continents, now it's close to our borders. And do you remember what has happened when US missile launchers appeared in Turkey and Soviet missiles appeared in Cuba? Now it's the same situation. Dick measuring on the other continents may be okay but when it comes too close to border - situation becomes hot. http://news.liga.net/news/politics/997865-rossiyskie_voyska_iz_kryma_vtorglis_v_khersonskuyu_oblast.htm Simple google search of the pic make me laugh. So called block-post in Crimea appears to be such in Osetia.
  4. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Seems to be true. Those 'polite men' may partly belong to Black sea fleet. I found no traces of deploying such amount of hardware and troops from Russian side - no transport planes flights, no massive transport ships cruises (though both things may be easily traced nowdays). If we were really able to move rather large amount of troops so quickly and without noticing - all I can say is 'Bravo!' to our army commanders. And if all that troops are belonging to Black sea fleet - then there were no 'invasion' but just relocation of already stationed troops. T-90s and BMPs were depicted at our own territory. All that was seen at Crimea is BTR-80 that may belong to our naval infantry or Tigrs with trucks. Tigrs - you can buy them, but I don't know exactly what are differences between strictly military and available for selling in civilian market. Some buy 'civilized' ones, but I suppose it's possible to buy vehicle close to mil-spec one. Just as with BRDMs or BTR-60/-70/-80, you may buy just disarmed ones or modified for more comfortable civilian use. Oh and you should know that 'russian camo' may be rather different. There are some standards but they are almost never kept.
  5. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Sorry to upset you guys but yes, you can buy BTR-80. About 40K Euro, without weapons, scopes and military radios. But still it's BTR-80. BRDM-2, 19400 Euro, turret removed. MTLB, about 25000 Euro. And Ukrainian shop of written-off APCs. So really you can buy BTR for the price of such cars as BMW X5 or Land Cruiser. ---------- Post added at 11:18 ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 ---------- I don't know about propaganda but the fact is that still after 1991 due to magical coincidences countries that are friendly to Russia are bombed, labeled as violating human rights (not mentioning that the same violations are in neighbouring US-friendly countries but nobody cares. Example - 'LGBT rights violation' hysteria before Sochi olympics and selling newest weapons such as Typhoon fighters to Saudi Arabia where gays are just executed, selling Leclerk and F-16 block 60 to UAE which isn't gay friendly at all). Rebellion in Russian Caucasus was widely supported by OSCE, European countries until 1999. So we were loved by our dear Western friends only during 1991-1995, when Yeltsin, Kozyrev and other good guys dropped most of foreign bases, relations with allied regimes, betrayed many Russians who suffered mass murders and expulsion from former USSR republics. So nothing was sized. Media war at its best.
  6. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Hm... Did I lost something or half of Europe being in wehrmacht, French, even Swedish and British armies, US army, came to us before we grew enough balls and muscles to bully and invade a half of Europe? As for Finnish participation - I got it from wiki article, will dig for some more info. Concidering referendum in Chechnya - I suppose Mr. McCain wrote it during exacerbation of old wounds and diseased... Such referendum had already been performed 11 years ago.:cool: ---------- Post added at 01:14 ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 ---------- I defend realpolitik and thing that are done by any country which has enough strength for it. I call things their names. Why shouldn't we do things that are widely done by others? Formally 'helping fighting the reds' is stepping to independent country for sake of helping one of sides in civil war. Thing that was widely condemned in 1979. Or 'helping to fight reds' is more democratic than 'helping to fight greens' and 'what Jupiter may do, the bull may not'?
  7. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    May you not accuse of trolling in case of nothing to say? I point you to simple fact that result of elections alone does not matter much. May you understand it? The whole country is in revolutional environment unfortunately. And one more thing: I know it's hard to understand the things that do not suit your beliefs but there may be people who are upset with independence and may express free will to join some other country. And this country to join may be Russia. If personally you feel negative to Russia it does not matter other people have to be the same. So I ask you to stop behaving like "There are two opinions - my and wrong". But sure you are free to name Crimean people who prefer to join Russia but not live in Ukraine agents of Kremlin agents of Putin and all the pro-Russian rallies organized by Kremlin agents. It is your opinion and I don't take away your right to express it. But at the same time ask not to give away the same right from me and call me troll and person who does not understand everything just because my opinion is countrary to yours.
  8. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    I am able to understand that ABM can serve as another serious threat to our counterattack ability.
  9. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    ... says a citizen of a country that invaded Russia at least three times in recent 200 years.:D Just facepalm. May I ask, what country do you live in? Isn't it a country that participated in intervention after 1918 and developed "Dropshot" plan? Well, there are plenty of bomb shelters in Russia too. Even metro is designed to serve as a shelter. Guess why (no, not because of commies paranoia)? Oh and don't forget Finnish participation in intervention after 1917 revolution. So, to be honest, who is expansionist? And why do all of you forget your own little sins that were just slightly before the thinks you accuse my country of?
  10. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    At first, the whole term "civilized world" is abstract. At second, Mr.Churchill lost elections too. Yanuk won elections over EU&NATO fanboy Yushenko (fact that was proved by OSCE and other international organiztions). So should we think of Churchill as poor loser and Yanuk as glorious lord who won over dirty corrupt orange regime? I suppose no in both cases. So the fact that some time ago a politician got 4% at elections during peaceful time does not matter he/she is weird politician and manager in revolutional environment. Maybe after some time they will lose elections again. But now they successfully manage the Crimea - still there's no clashes, takeovers of property, beatings and tortures of those who don't agree with them. Nobody has to jump to prove he/she is not moskal. Nobody attacks prosecutors or governors like Sashko Bilyi. Nobody has to shrink pensions and raise gas&water prices for sake of getting IMF loan. Nobody grants a governor posts to oligarchs who supported maidan. Bulletproof vest can be worn by a robber too, yes? No weapon can be defencive or offencive. It can be used in both ways. ABM is not exception.
  11. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Please don't take it as offence but if you are drunken - you may leave your gas owen turned on and cause gas leak that may lead to explosion and fire. Which will also harm neighbouring houses. So freedom is good but only until it does not harm your neighbours. And regarding ABM it is clearly hostile to our country, being that pointed gun described by Sudayev. So don't be upset if for sake of countering ABM threat we deploy missiles nearby. You make your choice and you must take responsibility for its curcumstances and your freedom. Meanwhile according to news reports Sevastopol city council made a decision to join Russia.
  12. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Why should we tolerate installation of ABM system near our borders? If it is really designed to protect against Iranian missiles than it should be put somewhere in Greece or Bulgaria. But not somewhere near our borders where none of Iranian missiles that may fly towards EU main installations can appear.
  13. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Glorious revolutioneers already fighting German titushki:D I supposed it's just rumors but seems to be true. Let's wait for another "nebesnaya sotnya"...
  14. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Hm... What were official reasons of Grenada invasion?
  15. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    One more opinion from the France. BTW I'm just laughing while seing hysteria "ZOMG Putin will order troops to invade Ukraine!!!!1". Again nobody read everything Putin had done is only asking Federation Council to approve possibility to use army in the case of any threat to Russian-speaking population. But many of you already waiting Russian army at the Polish border:D Easy, bros, we have more important things than concuring eastern Europe. There ar e several ways (much more effective and cheap) to do it without armed invasion.
  16. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    https://news.pn/photo/ed045694b0a6a72711d249da53fee841.i370x246x372.webp (132 kB) https://news.pn/photo/e1093ac8ac9f7dc559deb868bbc004bb.i370x246x372.webp (115 kB) https://news.pn/photo/c84d38d4c3913d068f095287465047a8.i370x246x372.webp (110 kB) https://news.pn/photo/b348328cfb55f03dff9601b2ccde0ea7.i370x277x381.webp (147 kB) https://news.pn/photo/ae460eac84496beaccca04f5c67893bf.i370x277x381.webp (129 kB)
  17. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Without profit there would not be so many EU officials during maidan. Yes, actions against Putin will may bring an end to one good business. And start for another (hint: Privat bank, new governors of eastern and southern Ukrainian regions). Not only Yanukovich may sign EU deal. Joint ventures bring salaries to Ukrainians, moreover large part of its production is sold to Russia. They want to break connection, really? Where will they get work then? Police is people too. So it may revenge. I don't speak about BTR but trucks and anti-riot vehicles. That were damaged before main mess. I don't believe my eyes - Pole is advocating UPA... No idea? Do you think they are just sheep that do not know what flag they wave? Wrong. Unfortunately wrong. Symbol of Ukraine without communism is zhovto-blekitny prapor, but black-red one is clearly UPA one. And this is analogical to young Americans who wear T-shirts with celtic cross or KKK emblem. Hypocrisy at its best... First grade BS. Junta needs any reason to wipe out Yanuk, because he as alive and not ousted legally president may be a key figure for fully legal (according to both internal Ukrainian and international laws) way to bringing our army in full-scale mess. He already signed a petition to Putin whom he asked to help with dispersion of junta. And, looking at panic at junta and silence in UN and EU it is legally clean way. ---------- Post added at 22:55 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ---------- To be honest I think we should stop at USSR border in 40's and leave others to deal with Hitler alone. You may don't support Russia's 'invasion' of Crimea or may do - it's your business. You may see, I even admit the right for far-rights to exist, so pleas leave your 'democracy in danger!!!!1' fetish with yourself. P.S. Again someone's butthurt makes me laugh.
  18. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    It's normal when there are just 5% of nazis around. But if they are closely tied to junta and get full support from new ministers and Rada - it may turn to some nasty things. Nobody had said any words condemning any actions and ideology of Svoboda or Pravy sektor. So the problem is not in plain numbers but in support that those guys get.
  19. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Here you go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eTlQwO6xl38
  20. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Need any other proof of wide affiliation of current junta with nazis?
  21. If my memory doesn't cheat me all Ukrainian packs are at Armaholic.
  22. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Not exactly. Agents of just another group of oligarchs who have nothing common with transparency, democracy and will to develop own country. With the help of mrs.Nuland etc. Why should EU and US lose profit? Hadn't you forgot that maidan is unarmed protest and there should not be any weapon that can penetrate BTR or armored police car?;) When maidan was 'shed with blood' there were numerous attacks of police forces commited by rioters before. So they got revenge. Oh and why 'West' should care about junta that sides with nazis and grants a chairs of governors to oligarchs? I know that money don't smell but open support of ultra right forces is unacceptable in modern tolerant Europe. They also sell large amount of such cars to Russia - almost third part of my city's buses are Bogdan (based on some Isuzu model), ZAZ Chance (former Lanos) and other models (Vida - former Aveo for example) are popular too. Even former Lada models (2110) that are still produced in Ukraine by Bogdan factory are bought here in numbers. KraZ trucks, Harkiv tractors are bought too. With pleasure! These regions bring mostly troubles. I would be happy if they become independent state and gangs from which, raiding our border regions (like in 1996-1999) would be exterminated with all weapons possible as foreign invaders. But after 4-5 years of such independence male population of newly born Imarat would decrease much... Both while being killed by border guards or in clan vs clan wars (all this we have seen during de-facto independence of Chechnya after Hasavyurt treaty until second war). So okay, we will grant independence, but any gang coming from that country will be treated as invaders, okay?
  23. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Some countries were already desintegrated. I hadn't seen any protests here because of split between Serbia and Montenegro. The same goes to Kosovo.
  24. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Could not find any similar page on the Interfax site so probably false. Maybe it's because EU perfectly realises that all this Ukrainian mess is nothing like attempt to change one oligarchy group and for another one (more friendly to EU)? They definitely know that Poroshenko, Firtash, Pinchuk, Taruta, Kolomoisky do not differ much from Yanuk's sponsors. And they mey be asked by you why 'freedom fighter' Yatsenyuk has a mansion in several hundreds meters far from notorious 'corruption museum Mezhigorye'.
  25. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Nope. I was in an era of facebook (or VKontakte) and cellphones too but without proper planning and advicing simple university practice in the mountains turned to hell. So I don't believe such huge mess was spontaneous and was organized just by average Joes via facebook. Please leave this tales alone. 1) Who told you to be a part of kitchen? 2) Who told 'random people' to bring necessary amount of food supplies in a needed time? What? Those who were supposedly shot by MVD troops had wounds from behind and made by ammo that is not used by Berkut or VV. Ritual victims that heated up protesters. Ole good way to sparkle up any uprising. No I mean weapons that were able to penetrate armor of MVD transport and molotov cocktails used to be fired at MVD in January. When you are under fire by molotovs and don't get an order to crack down revolt - that's predictable. Any photos of burned poor protesters? I keep an eye on this topic but hadn't find any. Or is it just horror dream after 'grass tea'? It takes an effort to gather a group of raguli and transport them to the Kyiv. And make same as you do the same. BTW are you from Poltava itself or from region? I'm talking about Parubiy. Oh please don't tell me fairytales. I may access to much of info in my company but I have to be asked at least to find needed and copy it. And...