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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    I've studied dictionary and found Pereyaslav Rada a union treaty but not occupation.
  2. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Russian occupation of Ukraine? Oh LOL... So is Pereyaslav Rada an occupation? P.S. Vilas, I'd ask you to google some info about 1992-1994 in Chechnya (about such persons as Umar Avturhanov, Ruslan Labazanov etc.). Some pics of meeting of Ukrainian soldiers returning home to Crimea: http://i.imgur.com/cpwvNF6.jpg (105 kB) http://i.imgur.com/zhQqrBK.jpg (111 kB) http://i.imgur.com/RhLR2IC.jpg (103 kB)
  3. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Russia Slams Robbery of Russian Train Passengers in Ukraine
  4. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    For those from South-East and Crimea - yes. For those from Western region - no.
  5. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Joint funeral ceremony at Crimea. http://komtv.org/21961-krymchane-prostilis-s-pogibshimi-zashhitnikami-respubliki/
  6. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Appeal of Lugansk region Rada council to state authorities. Original in Russian here - http://oblrada.lg.ua/content/zayavlenie-prezidiuma-luganskogo-oblastnogo-soveta-1
  7. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Some story about sniper rifles on maidan
  8. spooky lynx

    North Korea General

    Not only by bus, some manage to go by foot:) http://tema.ru/travel/north-korea-1/ http://tema.ru/travel/north-korea-2/ http://tema.ru/travel/north-korea-3/ http://tema.ru/travel/north-korea-4/
  9. spooky lynx

    North Korea General

    From what I read there are not guards but guides (for sure affiliated with government). But still people are able to walk outside official tour routes and take some shots. And noone shot anything even slightly similar to death camp or got evidence of what could even slightly look like tortures. Then with current civil satellite cameras you mayget very good shots. And the objects that are supposed to be death camps may be easily found. Still there's no such shots despite they could be much more effective in case of anti-NK propaganda than all that defectors stories.
  10. spooky lynx

    North Korea General

    I'm not talking about NK citizens. Still there are numerous tourist groups visiting NK and despite really sophisticated supervision upon foreigners they manage to take tons of photos even where it is forbidden. But all they could depict is rather poor country with strange traditions and ideology. But there are plenty of them at the Earth. Frankly speaking all that ze evil Kim regime hysteria strongly reminds me the attitude to Jewish communities in Europe (including Russia) some centuries ago. Plenty of gossips and horror-tales about strangers like drinking blood of babies and other stuff.
  11. spooky lynx

    North Korea General

    Despite this we choose the sources that fill our beliefs and agendas and call alternative ones Kremlin/Chinese/Korean/US/EU propaganda. We are told that NK is full of death camps but noone had ever brought descent photo/video proofs of it though with current gadgets and satellites that's not a problem. All that I've seen in reports is just another poor third world country. Yes it has some hard regime but still I've seen no reliable proofs of endless tortures, killings and starvation there. Only words of some so called defectors with hard-to-prove record. At the same time I'vs seen tons of photo and video proofs of really horrible and massive murderings and tortures in Africa in recent years. BTW recent news of some NK official been executed by mortar shot make me fear of NK artillery crews if they are really able to put the projectile just near the alone-standing human without all that modern fancy computers and guided munitions.
  12. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Meanwhile Rada deputies from VO Svoboda politely asked the director of TC chanell to leave his work.:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1c6eYId4fPE And during mentioned here 'storming' of Ukrainian military base (military topography center) two died - one Ukrainian army soldier and one local self-defence member, both were killed by shots made from nearby abandoned building.
  13. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    One note: that guy was missed since 03/02/14, officially registered as missing by MVD 04/02 but his body was found only two days ago.
  14. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Too fat trolling, pan Scrim.
  15. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Transnistrians already voted for joining Russia. The same was in Abhasia after the war. That's Russia wanted. But still nothing happens. Russia didn't want anybody to recognize Kosovo. Had much of countries cared? Nope. I highly regret about that deportation, much better option would be simple prosecution of all the defection and collaboration cases according to martial law.
  16. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    If it ask. Its population have to decide what does it want. Now it is sitting and trying to take right wind direction. Despite numerous attacks by Pravy sektor and other far right groups, arrests of anti-maidan activists, taking the OGA and prosecution buildings still there's no straight opinion among population unlike in Crimea.
  17. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    They are produced by local Fort company by licence. So, the irony is that Israeli-developed weapons are in hands of UPA successors.
  18. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    So what is Federal German republic in 1990 and Israel in 1948 according to your logic - national-socialist or fascist?
  19. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Pan Bzhezinsky, is that you?;)
  20. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Unfortunately the world is not a kindergarten playground, so we have to do something for not being eaten. Oh and despite all the US military invasions condemnations it hadn't been threatened with sanctions and just screws up all that condemnations. There's also difference in case of Crimea and Ukraine: US and Iraq or A-stan never were one state and one nation. Russians and Ukrainians were. Long before any European colonists arrived at American coast. And longer than US exists as sovereign state. So the words of somebody trying to assure me that we are different nations and states only because of weird mistake and 20 years of life in different countries is just reason for laugh. I don't remember any Iraqis holding Hussein's army convoys and trying to stop them and not to fight coalition as it happens now in Lugansk and Donbass. And I don't remember any poll for Kosovo independence, neither free and observed by UN nor backed by NATO bayonets. Just proclamation of independence and recognition. That's all. Some persons want Russians and Ukrainians to be totally different nations. Okay, we won't take away their right for dream. P.S. Germans lives more than 50 years in different states, both were officially recognized. But nobody condemned reunion of Germany. The same goes with Crimea, like it or not. So that's not an invasion but reunion, I'd say.
  21. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Seems that I'll have more options to drive at my vacations this year. Nice. Wow! Where had they been during seize of the power by maidan and placing Turchinov at the place of president which is also contrary to Ukraine's constitution?:rolleyes: A country that performed invasion countering international law 10 years ago has enough impudence to talk about law violation, eh?
  22. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Rydygier, well, both our nations have long list of things to aware of each other. You were at Moscow, we were at Warsaw and so on. One of our national heroes is Ivan Susanin who led large Polish troop to swamps instead of showing them short road to their target. According to history Poland wouldn't mind to take some extra land if possible. The same goes to any country with some political ambitions. So I still don't understand why there's such hysteria about Ukraine. Rumors say Romania and Hungary are ready to defend their compatriots in Bukovina and Zakarpatye and may send armed forces to Ukraine if necessary. So why don't you do the same? Vilas, Zhirinovsky and commies are in Duma since 1993, why do you condemn them only now? Some weeks ago I saw almost opposite words from you both about our regime and commies.
  23. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    But not so hard as Poles. That wonders me much...:confused: Calm down, gentlemen, jeszcze Polska nie zginęła and there's no any profits for us to invade it. Hey, even take Galichina and Lviv if you want.
  24. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    My words were "Seems that...". How could you read it as "They definitely are..."? And, A - Z-15 is sold at civilian market and is not certified for military use so tacticool look does not make it better than rifles issued to army. B - Gorka suits and some vests are standart uniforms of more than a half of airsoft teams across the former USSR:) So again some tacticool look alone does not make these guys really professional IRL. I had the same gorka some years ago, trousers from this suit still lie somewhere at my countryhouse. Really good clothes for outdoor activity and mountain travelling BTW. The question that interests me - why only Poles have such terrible butthurt and hysteria because of recent events at Ukraine (I've noted this reading multiple forums and sites)? Some of you even turned 180 degrees in case of thoughts about Russia in general and Russian officials particularly. Strange indeed. Not Finns, not Czechs or Slovaks, not Hungarians...
  25. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Please read carefully and then reply. Thank you. BTW, are you Pole?