spooky lynx
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Everything posted by spooky lynx
Sure I didn't say about modern day Palestinian autonomy but region that had to be divided on two parts in 1948.
Look at the 1948 year map of splitting Palestine into Jewish and Arabic parts to realize why Arabs had become feeling screwed up.
That's true, believe me. Legacy of Soviet Union. There was no need to build full-scale border line between Russia and Ukraine after 1992. Our southern borders are more or less patrolled (mainly because of drug traffic from Middle Asian states and A-stan) but borders with Ukraine and Belarus aren't observed much.
I may surprise you but trucks and other cars cross this border since 1992 because it was never controlled much. The same goes to border with Kazakhstan in my region. Noone gives a damn about full control of that borders. Again, 18th division retired its Ural chassis, not complete vehicles with launcher tubes. So how the complete vehicle from that division could end up in Ukraine if all the launcher tubes were placed on new chassis and continue to be used in service? Or do you think insurgents were able to reassamble Grads with launchers they found somewhere at the warehouse and chassis provided by Russia from stocks of 18th division? My point is that statement about Grads been taken from 18th division is total BS for a number of reasons I've provided. Simply green Grad could be distinguished as former Russian much easier:)
The difference is that most Russian nationalist movements are widely opressed (google about 282th article of Russian penal code - so called "Russian article") for several years already. But their Ukrainian counterparts are not.
But supporting armed insurgency of people that committed genocide of Russians (and other non-Chechen nations), stating that without destruction of Russia the independence of Ukraine is impossible, ukrainification of all sides of life, praising nazi leaders like Bandera and Shuhevich, supporting former nazi soldiers and performing rallies for praising Galichina division makes them nazis.
The main strike force, most organized and disciplined groups were or far right origin. Others were mostly crowd scene and source of ritual immolation. So for me supportion maidan equals supporting nazis.
Poroshenko was one of the main maidan sponsors, including various 'self-defence' and Pravy sektor groups. He won the elections. He stated that Ukraine will be unitary and with the only state language (ein Reich, ein Sprache). He hadn't done anything for disarming all that far right groups. Moreover thay are equiped and armed even better. What else?
Why not? At least some attempt to excuse loss of tanks to insurgents and incompetence of own army that abandons its equipment. Sure it's better to state that damned powerful evil Moskali sought entire tank brigade to insurgents that admit that glorious Ukrainian armed forces abandoned a number of intact tanks with ammo after the firefight with bunch of rebels armed with light weapons only. Look at second photo you've provided. Standard OD green tanks. And as for the brackets - they are easily unmounted and lost often (very common problem among all post-Soviet armies). As for the numbers - all the tanks have three-digits numbers. Symbol on searchlight indicates some special sign of the detachment but not the number of tank. It's the same system both in Russia and Ukraine (and most of other post-Soviet armies that use T-64/-72/-80). Unfortunately our government is not so unite when it comes to Ukraine. Moreover there are various powerflu groups that are against any help to Donbass. BTW why should we bring the weapons that are already stored in large numbers at many stocks across Ukraine? It's much easier and better to provide some specialists who can seize them (hint). Donbass people tell that some weapons really come from our territory. But they aren't large in numbers, and most of vehicles are captured from government structures. Well, some people (not affiliated with government) who support anti-maidan forces aren't poor. I've read about rather large sums been transferred to insurgents. Together with trucks and cars. You see, not all the businessmen support maidan. Good? Oh come on, such camo paint can be done in a half of day, especially when there are tons of hi-res pics of real prototypes. Again, if 18th division retired its Grad chassis and changed them for KaMAZ ones, how can complete vehicle arrive three years later in Ukraine? That BTR labeled as 'captured by UA army' carried slat armor kit similar to that developed by "NII Stali" institute. Ukrainian ones carry improvised kits. ---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ---------- According to this source, the total score at Rada elections may be about 31%. Interesting, isn't it?
Nope. Knowing some Russians and Armenians living in Ukraine entitles me to call current UA regime nazist.
IMO people that live there may tell me more than some media reports.
There is another variant: those T-64s loaded on train were... given back to Ukraine. And later captured by rebels during clashes. As for dash cam - don't you think the video was taken in Crimea during return of vehicles to Ukraine? There's no clear evidence that it was taken in Rostov, where tanks may be driven to Ukraine. KamAZ trucks are really not a good example - they are freely available at civil market. Approx. 50K Euro - and you own it. Used ones are even cheaper.Seen them with civil licence plates by myself many times. About BM-21 - I've answered that it may be former Russian vehicle, but most likely it's not because all the Grads in 18th division were placed on KamAZ chassis (and Ural chassis were retired). So it's unlikely that complete vehicle even with documents was taken from storage. So most likely it's faked Russian vehicle (Ukrs have internet too and they may know what markings are on Russian vehicle but fortunately they are too dumb to fabricate well-made Russian documents without grammar errors and don't understand that such documents are impossible to find in the vehicle after three years of storage:)). So I'm not brainwashed fool to believe all the stuff shown by pro-maidan/Ukr crew and try to think what I see. Still I've seen only one evidence of vehicle that may be given to rebels by Russia - BTR-80 with slat armor. Others seem to be of former UA origin, captured by insurgents. Believe me or not, but I live not so far and have some relatives living there (Harkov, Poltava).
Okay, but without any proof of such rumors I can take it only as another piece of russophobic propaganda like "Lugansk administration building was damaged by MANPADS missile fired by separatists and locked on working air conditioner". Sorry. BTW if that was really true - rebels would have tens of tanks and APCs, large numbers of Shilkas and large caliber artillery, both towed and self-propellered. Oh and some mighty AA missiles like Buk and S-300 too. But instead of it they have few tanks and some dozens of APCs. Not so big help from evil Putin...
IMO the whole idea of returning weapons and vehicles from Crimea was stupid. No need to be genius to realise that many of that vehicles would be used against populated areas of Donbass. It's better not to give extra arms to those who prefer 'ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Sprache'-kind of ideology and cooperates with far right radical groups and parties. Proved some years earlier with the armament of former 10th Division in Ahaltsike, Georgia which had been transferred to newly formed Georgian government with the condition of prohibition from using it in internal conflicts. That was forgotten the next day and tanks and other vehicles were driven to Abhasia to show that not all the nations have the right of self determination.
According to UA MoD facebook page, Nikolaev armor repair plant specialists had repaired almost 150 vehicled damaged during 'anti-terrorist operation'. Okay, 150 damaged vehicles were repaired at Nikolaev. Some other were destroyed and written off. Some were captured by rebels. Some were driven to other repair facilities. So it seems that UA army, NG and various semi-private batallions lost quite huge number of vehicles.
I suppose you had enough up-to-date gear available unlike current UA servicemen whose stock gear is like Russian army of early-middle 90's. So you didn't have to spend your own money to buy good boots, armor vest or scope for rifle.
Man from a pic could be from various NG or other non-army batallions, they arm themselves often. BTW it's not forbidden to mount any stuff you can buy at your weapon in army too. Moreover UA army seniors would be happy if servicemen will equip themselves:)
All AK's in Ukraine army inventory are either of USSR or Russia origin. Those 'produced' by Fort are 'civilized' (with semi-auto fire only) USSR-made AKM and AKMS from warestocks left by Soviet army. The only one AK derivative produced in Ukraine was bullpup version of AK-74. As for the photo - look here - it may be 'hunting carbine Fort-206' - IRL semi-auto AKM with blackjack and hookers.
22 US Veterans Kill themselves everyday and no one gives a shit.
spooky lynx replied to walker's topic in OFFTOPIC
1892 persons since the beginning of the year? Am I wrong or is it really more than battle casualties during active part of Iraq war for the same time period? -
Funny thing is that there's a watermark of "Espresso-TV" (Ukrainian media outlet) at the video. But there are only few UA journalists at the Donbass. So I don't know where do most of UA media outlets get the sources of their news.
Moreover it is early version of Frogfoot - without chaff/flare launchers mounted at the top of engines.
Keeping Ukraine weak results in hundreds of dead civilians and tens of thousand refugees who come to us. We have to spend descent amount of money to help them. Also it results in breaking trade and economic relations between Russian and Ukrainian ventures (which also means loss of money). At the same time Poroshenko is signing association treaty with EU. So what's the point of destabilizing Ukraine if now it only causes harm to us but does not stop UA president and government from providing pro-EU/US policy?
It's up to you to believe it or not, but as for British uniform - it is used without any Union jacks or surname tabs.