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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    What lies? Super-modern Russian MANPADS which were already exported to various countries? Or do you think that Spanish traffic controller is FSB agent? For those who think I'm stupid propagandist here's one mor photo - Ukrainian army Buk AA system being transported near Slaviansk. So UA army has some potent AA systems in this battle zone too.
  2. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    They are just lucky and hadn't reached their turn. I'd like you to advice them leave Ukraine. Here's the record of witness of crash (in Russian) - he says he noted three explosions - one before plane crashed. Then he saw two men with parachutes - one was flying normally, other was flying too fast (seems his chute was damaged). Also he saw the fighter plane that flew towards Debaltsevo town from the place of crash. For Spanish-speakers: https://twitter.com/spainbuca/status/489813837013848065 Really why?
  3. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    They are documentary voulnteers, although de-facto many of them signed contract after threat of jail or revenge to their families. Also some of them had to be decomissioned long time ago but still given no order so they have to stay in army. True volunteers are in various territorial batallions.
  4. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    They are even more stupid than you may think. That's why they order to disperse brutally anti-war protest even in Lviv, when mothers of drafted soldiers tried to stop dispatch of their sons to the battle zone. Advancing strike in the information war.
  5. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    That's the reason: Ukrainian Ministry of internal affairs asks NATO to start land operation against separatists. As I said earlier, it's all about making NATO to step on. Edit: here are some photos from crash site. Warning, some of them are NSFW.
  6. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Some pics taken by GRU FSB agents: http://savepic.net/5904067.jpg (132 kB) http://savepic.net/5909186.jpg (181 kB)
  7. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    We hadn't intervened after our Tu-154 had been shot down in 2001. Why should we do if the plane was Malaysian? IMO it had been done to divert everybody from defeat of UA armed forces in LPR and DPR and have another excuse to mark Donbass insurgents as terrorists with calling NATO to intervene. Look at track of that plane. It end near Kremenchug. Seems it's the place where it had been shot down.
  8. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    What a good reason to beg for international military help to Kiev...
  9. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Those Grads were at Ukrainian territory just from a couple of km from the the border.
  10. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Some sources claim that yesterday a number of Polish vz.77 Dana SPGs, HQ vehicles and trucks with crews were disembarked in Odessa seaport and then went to Razdelnaya railway station for further transporting.
  11. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    I know the history - constant raids of mauntaineers to Cossack villages (Grozny was among them) and thus need to defeat Chechens (they were most active among mountain bandits). Last country Sweden tried to occupy was Russia:) They were crushed here and it was enough for them (until ISAF participation). New Zealand? Canada? Why don't you say about Japan, USA, France, UK, Australia (I mean Aussies in Vietnam)? Sure small countries (either by population or territory) that were former colonies physically cannot invade. But their former metropoly can. I don't hate them but I have some unpleasant words to say about massive collaboration and diligent work for arming Wehrmacht. Hint: read about Austro-Hungarian affairs with Ukrainian nationalists. To be exact, Austro-Hungarian efforts of building and raising those nationalists in Galizia for sake of fighting with Russian Empire. I may surprise you but all the roots of Ukrainian nationalism are there. It's Austro-Hungarian product.
  12. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    So US and Israeli administration must make no sense to you because US and Israeli border guard was/is responsible for infiltration of the terrorists and weapons. But it hadn't stop from invading of A-stan and Lebanon (twice) and bombing Syria several times. You didn't see the difference. Mexican migrants and gangs don't get full support of Mexican government, unlike Basaev and other rebel commanders did from Mashadov's 'government'. Nope. We had all the rights to bomb the sh!t out of Kiev for the traffic of UNA-UNSO gangs to Chechnya in 1995.
  13. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    De-facto there was another country with controlled border. But that didn't stop all that gangs and building vahhabi enclave in a number of Dagestan districts. So again, tell me, how could we have peace with it?
  14. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Okay they were left peacefully in 1996. Moreover all the pensions and other social payments were still transferred from Russian budget, despite zero taxes were transferred from Chechnya. What had we got then? We got constant raids of gangs packed with all firearms possible at bordering regions. Car stealings, robberies, killings and impossibility to catch the bandits because separatist forces opened fire at their border. And their own 'Sharia' police and courts did nothing with it. We had to stop any transit railway trains because a number of them was stopped and robbed. After their butts were kicked in Dagestan they committed a number of terroristic acts and blowed entire houses as a revenge. So do you think Chechens should have been left with it, Vilas? How the hell could we have peace of mind with it?
  15. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    They were 'on their own' just like Japanese or Germans in WW2. Nothing had been done to prevent it from 'official' Mashadov's folks. Moreover they got fire support from Chechen mainland. I'd remind you that the same deeds done by Hesbollah caused two full-scale Israeli invasions in Lebanon. The same occured in Angola with SADF. Why should we tolerate constant gang raids into regions bordering Chechnya? Dagestan mess was the most large, but Stavropolye suffered several times from kidnappings, murderings and robberies by armed gangs based in Chechnya.
  16. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    So why a significant part of those 'satellite countries' (in fact they were regions like Provance in France) population came again to former opressors for work or immigration instead of building their own free democratic societies with blackjack and hookers? Okay, they got freedom. Why they do not use it but try to settle in the country that dominated (or occupied as some may say) their motherlands?
  17. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Unfortunately those elites don't care about your opinion and do some unpleasant things to us. Also they think that nations deserve the right to auto-determination if they are pro-West, otherwise they must STFU (I say about Russians in former USSR republics, Abhasians, Ossetians, Armenians of Artsakh). So do you think Putin assaulted Dagestan in the summer of 1999 for the purpose of making another Imarat Caucasus? For someone Yeltsin as the ruler of Russia is the best option - "Take as much souvereignity as you can"©, demoralised and unfunded army with rotten equipment, leaving all the foreign friendly countries alone, leaving huge arms stockpiles to separatists etc. Nevermind, you're right:) Things I dream of is to have several appartments in property for rent and live somewhere at sea coast, doing nothing:)
  18. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    When some states' elites think Russia is too big (and that's why its nations should get moar 'freedom' like Chechnya in 1996-1999) and has too much resources that should belong to 'all civilized world' but not to exact country then yes, we, Russians, have a problem. Also if the 'civilized world' highly praised union of Germany, I don't understand why union of Russians lived in one state for several centuries but been divided in 1991 is taken negatively. To be honest I understand. But you'll never admit the reasons.
  19. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Not everybody like this fact.
  20. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    There was famous Russian writer-fabulist, Ivan Krylov. One of his most famous fables contains the phrase wolf said to lamb: "You are guilty just because I'm hungry". So until Russia is large state with its own interests across the globe it will be always blamed by our dear democratic partners.
  21. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Sgt.Spoetnik , c'mon we, Russians, will always be blamed, either for one or another reason. I've already used to it. The period of friendship between us and 'civilized world' was last years of USSR (when our glorious president Gorbachev and already dead minister of international affairs Shevardnadze lost almost all positions at international field) and early years of Russia, when that drunken bastard Yeltsin and Kozyrev lost the remains of our influence - time period of our weakness. So I think that if our dear democratic partners are in anger - we do everything right. BTW the newest serial-produced Ukrainian T-64BM Bulat tanks got first battle experience yesterday:
  22. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    According to various sources, yesterday UA pro-govt troops were bombed for the first time by Su-25 of insurgents (the damaged plane was captured after emergency landing). Seems that it was repaired and now Novorossia has some new fancy toys.
  23. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    There's a number of Grad rockets with cluster or guided warheads. Maybe such rockets were used at this time.
  24. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Meanwhile today joint battle group of 24th mechanized and 79th airmobile brigades was demolished by insurgents' artillery fire. According to various sources from 30 to 100 servicemen died. http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/1148/6903/original.jpg (1088 kB)
  25. spooky lynx

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Looked at the video showing 'new' Iraqi Frogfoots... Well, it seems like they finally arrived back home after Desert storm escape in Iran:)