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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. Sniperwolf572

    I'm going to get this today

    IDEA's Sprocket seems like a good place to check out.
  2. Sniperwolf572

    Tank Targeting?

    Gunner should reload currently using shells on his own. "Reload HE Rounds" and "Reload SABOT" actions in the action menu are used to switch to different kind of ammunition. "Reload HE Rounds" will only appear if you're currently using SABOT and vice versa.
  3. Sniperwolf572

    Tank Targeting?

    Hold SPACE and hit F to switch gunners currently active weapon, at least I believe that's the default controls.
  4. Sniperwolf572

    Armed Assault videos

    Yes, like this: (youtube)t9aPt3oHPBc(/youtube) Just replace the () with [] brackets, code tags don't seem to be working correctly.
  5. Sniperwolf572

    Bye Bye Old BI Forum

    User CP > Your Control Panel > Edit Options > Date & Time > Time zone Select the one which suits your timezone.
  6. Sniperwolf572

    Deadfast's Translations

    Sounds like more versatile OFP:Elite-like editor to me.
  7. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    You might want to read this or this.
  8. Sniperwolf572

    Deadfast's Translations

    .I guess Deadfast didn't manage to announce it here due to all the forum moving business going about.
  9. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    They could've just forgot to add it on the first pass, just like Kord and Mk-19 in the Mounted Weapons section.
  10. Sniperwolf572

    Arma 2 Spamming all the ARMA websites

    You might want to read this. The Name Game: New "Operation Flashpoint" Should make some things clear.
  11. Sniperwolf572

    Arma 2 Spamming all the ARMA websites

    Just a nature of things, community ArmA sites cover both games, since they share the same name and target audience. Usually any news is good news too, even it's a gun or whatever. It was fairly common with OFP>ArmA sites too. Eventually the sites split up into OFP only and ArmA only sites. This time around tho, I can't see it happening because both games share the name and there is no need for additional costs and effort to do so. If you really don't want to see ArmA2 news on ArmA sites, I'm fairly sure all major community news sites have a way of filtering visible content. Edit: Beaten by a few mins by Matt.
  12. Sniperwolf572

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    fullmetal69, please don't hotlink images over 100kb.
  13. Sniperwolf572


    bravo6, +1WL and 48 hour PR.
  14. Sniperwolf572

    How to get Arma2 in Serbia?

    Placebo, please use English on English boards. +1WL and 24 hour post restriction so you can read the rules....again.
  15. It's probably because the group is made with "placeholder" units, units which don't exist, and another unit is actually taking their place, so when you try to edit them, you get the default unit for the side and you can change it to any existing unit. You can see what I mean if you place one of the BLUFOR helicopter squads and notice that the units actually say they're Kiowas, but when you try to edit them, you'll get a default edit window, and ingame if you don't touch anything, the "Kiowas" are actually Littlebirds.
  16. Sniperwolf572

    Player/Vehicle Icons on Map??

    Whoosh, the thread goes in it's proper place.
  17. Sniperwolf572

    Player/Vehicle Icons on Map??

    Whoosh, the thread goes in it's proper place.
  18. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA2 3D Mission Editor

    Thread title edited for clarity.
  19. It's because the script you're calling is trying to access other scripts, which are still referencing to them in their old locations. I extracted the scripts, copied them in my mission folder and modified the paths.
  20. Sniperwolf572

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Didn't expect to see this when I opened the local newspapers: In short, what they're reporting is that BIS is distancing themselves from OF:DR, stating that they're not the actual developers of OF:DR, and how Codies owns the name, but how the game has nothing to do with the original. They go on to say how the true sequel to OF is in development by BI and coming at an unspecified date.
  21. Sniperwolf572

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    Looks like I wasn't clear enough. Next person to continue discussing random politics here gets a 2 day vacation from the boards and some left-sided warning boxes. No exceptions.
  22. Sniperwolf572

    How to get Arma2 in Serbia?

    I suggest looking at your nearest game shop after the game is released. If you can't find it there, I'm sure there's online retailers that deliver to where you live. Third option will probably be to buy & download it from Sprocket, if it gets released on it, which I'm pretty confident it will. I know finding ArmA in Sarajevo was a nightmare a few years back. Moving to Arma2 General.
  23. Sniperwolf572

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    Plenty of threads in Offtopic dealing with politics, we certainly don't need one more here.
  24. Sniperwolf572

    256 players on ARMA 2 in DEDICATED SERVERS

    That's what I said. Ignoring all technical issues, it's already possible: 265 Player Slot Mission And the number doesn't stop at 265, and as long as you ignore technical issues, with OFP/ArmA, you can go into infinity. If my need is to be able to have a 256+ player mission, then it's already been granted....8 years ago.
  25. Sniperwolf572

    256 players on ARMA 2 in DEDICATED SERVERS

    Can't you set unlimited playable slots in your OFP/ArmA1 mission anyways? If issues like performance, bandwidth and stability magically wouldn't be an issue, then it is already possible, even in OFP/ArmA1.