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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. Sniperwolf572

    I have to say...my favorite part of this game.

    Please use the pinned impressions thread located here for such posts.
  2. Stay ontopic ladies. http://kotaku.com/5290635/arma-ii-looks-well-incredible
  3. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA II/2 vs Operation Flashpoint (and 2)

    Already existing thread on the subject, use it.
  4. Sniperwolf572

    Im coming to the Czech Republic

    Don't say he didn't warn you...
  5. Sniperwolf572

    Demo release

    Search please, if you did, you'd find this.
  6. Sniperwolf572

    Muzzle flash

    Use the newer muzzle flash discussion thread please. Back to the grave, zombie-thread!
  7. Sniperwolf572

    Please make the patcher prettier.

    Yo BIS, community says they like the patches, so you should put a patcher in their patcher so they can patch while they patch!
  8. Sniperwolf572

    ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

    Just a reminder to test kills via headshot vs bodyshot, from the tests that I've done ages ago in ArmA1, it made a huge difference on the awareness of the nearby enemies to the death of someone nearby. That's where the difference in your tests is probably coming from. Can't remember if they were grouped or ungrouped in the tests tho.
  9. Back ontopic ladies, PR's for the next OT post.
  10. Sniperwolf572

    Just got it, a few questions.

    I believe the problem comes from a fact that Hellfires (ingame) can only directly lock onto the targets that are in the "radar square" on the HUD , which is a cone or something in front of the helicopter, to see what I mean, make the helicopter on the ground instead of the air, leveled with your targets and repeat your test. If it works the same as in A1, you should be able to lock onto stuff with no problem. Establishing the lock with the cannon then switching to Hellfires is a side effect of the fact that you don't lose a lock under any circumstances until you switch to a weapon that is not capable of a lock. (You can lock on with FFAR's but the lock is there only for assisting purposes, instead of actually guiding the rocket to it's target) Also, automatic "next target" TAB targeting, should also bypass this LOS thing somewhat, but with the following rules: It will only work for the "Red"/"Yellow" targets, and it is impossible to TAB target the "white" objects, like the non-crewed ones, vehicles with the engines off, houses, etc. You have to manually lock onto those by using the lock on key.
  11. Sniperwolf572

    Are there exploding barrels in Arma2?

    It's not an editor object, it's a scripted explosion inserted by whoever made the mission via: this addeventhandler [""killed"",{boom=""Sh_125_HE"" createvehicle position (_this select 0);}] I also heard the barrels in ArmA2 explode if you shoot them with a Hellfire, real casual attitude BIS! :mad:
  12. Sniperwolf572

    Sigh, Vikhr is still a 'super-missile'

    Impressions thread, do use it.
  13. Sniperwolf572

    When will the AI work?

    Already existing AI thread, please use it.
  14. Sniperwolf572

    Are AI skills different in each faction?

    Please use already existing AI thread for such questions, which is located here.
  15. Sniperwolf572

    CM Has OFFICIALLY Sabotaged OFPDR (New Info)

    Dragon Rising thread is here, please use it.
  16. Hmm, allowDamage was updated for ArmA2 on the Biki, it might be working this time around, worth checking out since I can't check myself.
  17. 1. Place an empty helicopter and give it a name (i.e.: choppah), then place a unit which you want to be a gunner next to it, and type this in it's init field: this moveingunner choppah 2. Working as intended, you cannot change sides for the already placed units 3. Remove the vehicles fuel. ?3?. Group it with yourself. Select the group tool and drag a line from the unit to yourself, make sure you're a higher rank than the unit you're grouping yourself with is. And what Bals said.
  18. Sniperwolf572


    Please use this thread for such questions, since this isn't a troubleshooting issue.
  19. Sniperwolf572

    Custom face Problem

    There's no need to crosspost.
  20. Sniperwolf572

    The Most Obscure Easter egg(s)

    Something I noticed in M@ster's batch of screenshots:
  21. Sniperwolf572

    Join and Lead

    Did you place the waypoint somewhere else then dragged it on the player or did you place it on the unit itself so it became locked on the unit in the editor? Only the second situation will result in it activating properly (At least it did in ArmA1). Alternatively if you're using triggers anyways, you might want to use the join command.
  22. Already existing thread, please use that and a potential answer to your question.
  23. Sniperwolf572

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    By this conclusion, BF and COD series are sim/tactical games. ...but it's nothing serious, you just bleed badly.