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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. Sniperwolf572

    ACE/ACE 2 help?

    Please use that.
  2. Sniperwolf572

    BWMod release thread

    Closing. New thread here.
  3. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

    Multiple ArmA2 campaign endings, multiple futures for Ed Winter.
  4. Closing, you can find the new ACE2 v1.1 thread here.
  5. Sniperwolf572

    Ubisoft's Draconian DRM

    Apparently some people woke up to the following sight this morning.
  6. Sniperwolf572

    Isla Duala

    This might help if you haven't tried it already.
  7. Sniperwolf572

    Unintuitive addon release trends

    For a thread with such a wide scope, you've prettymuch aimed it dead on at Six-Updater and ACE2. If you really must discuss it, ACE2 thread is already there.
  8. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

    Cut the offtopic, stick to the original intent of the thread, if you don't have anything meaningful to post relating to the topic, don't post. End of. You've been already warned once I believe. Lasers will be fired if you keep at it.
  9. Sniperwolf572

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Tried some MMA in a mutiplayer enviroment with ACE2. Worked flawlessly for the most part. Things that seemed to break down were: Apache remote targeting, stuff lased by infantry and transmitted, never appeared in Hellfire remote mode, and there were 2 sets of 4 Hellfires in the HUD, with double action menu entries, double HUD Hellfire and Hellfire (Remote) modes. I'm guessing that's got something to do with ACE2 handling of Apache's Hellfires. Worked nicely for the Cobras capable of remote targeting and planes with LGB's. Another thing were the Javelins, only tried in SP this one, but whenever I locked onto an enemy vehicle (TOP, DIR modes), the lock-on process would never complete fully in the optics view, to complete the lockon, it was required to briefly switch to 1st/3rd person view until target got properly locked on. Infantry transmitting laser targets sometimes got action menu entries multiplied. MMA_XEH was the method of inclusion on the missions. I'll try to check if these can be replicated without ACE2 when I get some time.
  10. Sniperwolf572

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    "Report back and have them send some sissy SF with heartbeat sensors strapped to their weapons instead of us?"
  11. Sniperwolf572

    Static Vehicles?

    I've had to do something similar a while back, I ran into two solutions, avoiding looping scripts, etc. 1. Disable boats simulation after setting it's position with enableSimulation command. Downside to this is that any cargo that's inside will be unable to move their heads, etc. The trigger when activated, re-enabled the boats simulation. 2. (The one I used) Was to attach the boat to a sunken flagpole object (I'm guessing many other would work too), this bypasses the downside of not being to look around. Detach the boat when you need it to move again.
  12. Most probably the ACE US Special Weapons box.
  13. Sniperwolf572

    Thinking about buying, have questions. Please Read

    I was looking to get it as a gift for someones birthday just a few mins ago, and I ran into my old favourite place. Not 15$ but close enough. As for Steam, since 1.05, ArmA2 is/can be completely detached from Steam, and I guess you need to turn off autoupdating on Steam for the game, if you get it there, just to avoid the hassle. I'm not sure if the patch ever got pushed trough Steam.
  14. Sniperwolf572

    Mass Effect 2

    At least they got the credits right...
  15. Sniperwolf572

    Mass Effect 2

  16. ACE2 thread for ACE2 questions.
  17. Sniperwolf572

    Mass Effect 2

  18. Sniperwolf572

    Armory feedback

    That's what I think too, but from a very different reason, I've had many uninformed people talk to me about the game, with BF2-style unlocks in mind, saying how they found it repulsive having to unlock weapons in an SP "Armory" and only then you can play with it in MP. But on the other hand, looking at it from "I have everything in editor" point of view, maybe it should be changed from unlocking things to be able to play with them in the armory, to having all gear available from the start, but completing "achievements" with each piece of kit, something like: - Score over X amount of points on the shooting range with a Y rifle - Kill a cow with your X aircraft gun while over Y meters altitude - Do a barrel roll! (with an X helicopter) - Kill someone from over Y meters with your X sniper rifle - Get down that hill in your X motorcycle/bike without dying - Dodge the barrels falling down a slope with the granny - Cross a (busy) road with the chicken (Or another animal) - Loose power and land safely using autorotation - Complete the shooting range and score over X amount of points at night without using NV goggles after being shot in the hands and without releasing the hold breath key. - Eliminate all enemies with your X silenced weapon in a camp without any of them being alerted at any point - Fly upside down under the (Nogova) X bridge in your Y aircraft - Crash a helicopter by shooting out it's tail rotor with an X rifle - Make it X meters inland with your boat - Navigate a minefield - Walk to the store without breaking your back as a granny etc, which could then also be incorporated for addons and addonmakers can pick which achievements can be done for their addon. If you want to splice it up even further and include actual rewards for doing achievements in the armory: - You could include some glasses, faces (already existing camo faces?) in the player customisation (Complete all achievements for 10 pistols to unlock facepaint set 1, etc) - Things could be inserted in the campaign alongside already present gear (I.E. Completing Community-Made-Weapon-X would result it being placed in the FOB Manhattan gear box when you play the mission) - Discounts in warfare for gear that you have completed achievements for - Mission makers could also include such systems for their missions for extra replayablity. It would then be a nice addition to the editor than just another chore to do in case you want to play with your favorite chopper in Armory without cheating. Maybe include some MP functionality into it. (Official randomly generated steal the car with your friend/s/? Yes please!) Community made plugins for Armory like additional random challenges. Some of the suggestions might be far fetched, but I believe many of suggestions could be achieved even with ArmA2 trough the use of profile keys and such. Bonus to it also being, if there is ever a console release of a future game, you'd already have existing setup for achievements which I hear MS is requiring for each X360 game, etc.
  19. There was an ACE2 Backblast related CTD not long ago, just a note since you mentioned firing SMAW's and in case you're using ACE2.
  20. Sniperwolf572

    Mass Effect 2

  21. Sniperwolf572


    Way to miss the reference. :p
  22. Sniperwolf572

    Ubisoft's Draconian DRM

    While that might seem like a great idea to milk money effectively at first, if it became a common and known practice, I'm pretty sure it would eventually either result games dropping in price massively or a decline in customer numbers. Right now it's out of the spotlight so I think nobody notices or cares about such issues. Until something radical happens, like master servers go down for a popular game for a week/month, and you can't do anything with the game during that time, it won't really get the attention it deserves. I'm pretty sure creating a hype on the scale of 'No Russian', to get media attention would do the trick.
  23. Easiest way is to set a helicopter into Safe, Careless or Aware mode. To do that, type this in it's init line: this setBehaviour "SAFE" Alternative way is [i]unit[/i] action ["lightOn", [i]targetVehicle[/i]] But note that AI will probably not keep it on long enough if it's in a combat mode that does not allow keeping the lights on. (Combar and Stealth).
  24. Sniperwolf572

    AH-64D Laser Designator + ACE2

    ACE2 Thread for ACE2 questions.