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sniper pilot

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Everything posted by sniper pilot

  1. I'm pretty sure it unlocks midnight local, that is depending where you bought it.
  2. sniper pilot

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Glad they got owned as it's just sad that they just didn't shell out for it. (this has nothing to do with the users who got banned/suspended btw)Now I know it's highly unlikely that anyone would do this, but my friend always likes to get games on the very first day it's possible and has done so with countless Japanese releases and either ArmA or ArmA2 (can't remember which). He has flight benifits, so it's very possible to fly on short notice and get the game before it arrives in the US. Now I don't know if he was successful at getting OA as I havn't talked to him, but I guess the REAL question is: Do you have a system to know if the party really pirated the game or do you go purley by assumption?(which would be totally understandable because the chances of someone being as crazy as my buddy are slim to none :) ) Second question, out of curiosity, how would someone go about proving they have a legal copy? Would they pm you guys or what? **if you can't answer these questions it's totaly understandable as I don't want you to reveal anything that would give pirates more ligitimacy. Oh and I used to always call Placebo "Place-bo" too lol, man this community has been here forever, and I'm getting old.
  3. That explains why my buddy didn't complete his task of getting a copy. Damn guess I'll have to wait even longer to have a direct link to OA. cool vid I found on YouTube. (not mine) 2qkPT5LMRDY&
  4. sniper pilot

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Just now there have been some serious banning and suspending going on. I was wondering if it was due to the fact they were talking about OA's copy protection? The reason I ask is I don't want to join in the conversation if it's going to get me banned! :eek: I hope it isn't that you found out they were pirating the game, because that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth if they did. :( p.s. Thank you for creating this thread, and taking the time to answer our questions. It realy brings much needed insight- I truly appreciate it.
  5. And the beer! But yeah, he has family in Munich so it wasn't just for the game ;) (He gets discounted/free flights because as he works for an airline) @Cole- I agree, without pics it didn't happen :p Speaking of beer, Id give a beer to the first person to record a video showcasing all the faces and the voice options! :cool: Bonus for more FLIR action! :D I can't wait for the first AC-130 Gunship with FLIR (I know not original, but oh well im a sucker for showing those MW players that we can do it better!)
  6. Funny, my friend who lives in New York, flew to Germany last night to pick up his OA copy- today he flew back.
  7. sniper pilot

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    OK Now that more information has been released, either through reviews, friends or other community members, I think I should follow up on what I wrote here before. Pre-Final verdict: Most, if not all my worries have been silenced, leaving me feeling rather stupid for ever doubting BIS! I absolutely cannot wait to purchase Operation Arrowhead! I regret that im not home for the release! OH, and ill buy any and all DLC from BiS so long as they keep supporting the mod community too!
  8. :eek: Now that is sick! Thanks for sharing, almost wish i could cut my vacation short and come home early for this lol. :bounce3:
  9. ...Which from what i understand you can easily make your own interiors if you deem it necessary right?
  10. It was night, they didn't have night vision, and he was using a silenced weapon- Maybe they simply didn't see their buddy go down, I know I saw them react after the second or third man went down. If real humans can not notice a dead man for 5 days, I think the AI could not notice some things too. If it were an explosion this would be a different story.
  11. I just want to say thanks to the ACE team, and especially Sickboy for your contributions to this awesome game. The ArmA series wouldn't be the same without ACE, and the developers of this mod. While it may seem like some of us are ungrateful douchers who take and never give, I can safely say that there are those who appreciate all that you have done and more. I would like to know, what can I personally do to repay you guys? Thanks for 3+ years of non stop fun! I can only hope we are blessed with another 3 years!
  12. Nope, ACU is made for all terain types (desert, woodland, etc.) Now whether it's effective is a different debate! Would like to get the server going too...
  13. sniper pilot

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Well Im sure glad it wasn't sinking!! :p :D lol Great videos! Sucks that this thread isn't stickied anymore :(
  14. Wow! Tiscali still have not upgraded their pc's since ArmA1! Fail.
  15. sniper pilot

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    Well it was a long time ago, and that's what I remember. Thanks for correcting me, if im truly wrong that is. @Big Dawg KS: I agree its kinda silly of me comparing the transition of A2 to OA to the much bigger transition of OFP to ArmA. And yes im not pleased enough to get OA from day one. Its hilarious that your getting all worked up over my personal decision! Its really touching! Thats their problem not mine! ROFL- Im glad you think im THAT important to BIS and the integrity of this community! /sarcasm (So what? Am I supposed to censor myself in the name of sales?) Seriously though, like I said, I WILL buy OA, just not on launch day- I voiced my reasons why, whether or not they were valid or correct reasons is for you and others to debate! I do support you on correcting my misinformation though, as I hope I am wrong, I really do! I love the ArmA series as much as you, which is why I come here and waste my time in the first place! New players will love this new game, im just not sure this old veteran-dinosaur will!
  16. sniper pilot

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    Thats what they said about how easy it would be to port over OFP addons to ArmA, not going to believe that one again till i see it. And I'll be the decision maker for myself on how well A2 content integrates into OA. And! Im not stubborn, I will still get OA, its just a matter of when. As well as it should for you maybe! Like I said above, ill make the decision for my self on that. Im gonna wait for the game to come out before I decide how well it integrates... The issue of DLC comes into mind when thinking about future tools. But Im almost with you on this subject, BIS hasn't disappointed us yet in this regard. Watch some of the videos, while not the final version, i can almost guarantee it will still be there. Its like me saying to you in a short-calm voice, "medic". As opposed to the emotion(lol) found in ArmA2's "Mediiiiiic!!" or "I need a medic here". Pfft you get the idea. Now that was just an example of a much bigger problem. While I agree with some of the points you've made, I still think you totaly missed the point of me posting. But besides that, I HAVE done my research, its just whether or not I believe the official statements with the possibility of "business as usual" getting in the way, that has me at an edge. Im happy that YOUR already happy with the product before you have even had a chance to touch it! BIS will get my money if thats truly what your worried about. All I came here to say was to put in my 2cents, I never ONCE, NEVER ONCE, said thats how anyone else should feel. :j:
  17. sniper pilot

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    Agreed! Why piss away one year of mods and addons to start fresh? I'll get OA eventually, but when will depend on where the community goes -How well will A2 integrate with OA? -How easy will it be to port over adddons? -When and more importantly IF, Bis descides to release tools needed to make OA content. Things like OA's lame "medic" call and possibly even worse AI than A2(due to the addons and mods A2 has) is what's keeping me from this game.
  18. sniper pilot

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Now that is sick!
  19. sniper pilot

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Two Thumbs Up Funkman! Loved it! :dancered::cancan::cheers:
  20. sniper pilot

    New Beta Build 70709 is up!

    Nvm I fixed it, it was a problem with my problem solving :D
  21. sniper pilot

    Isla Duala

    Just when your starting to enjoy ArmA2, VBS comes around and bites you in the ass... I dont think the tools are a gift, they are a requirement- without the tools this game would have gotten no where, it would help massive amounts to give us more functionality. Thanks for all the islands and work that you have done IceBreakr!!! Sorry for OT, once again your work is amazing.
  22. Darn, i was afraid of that... Thanks!
  23. Sorry if this has been answered before... How can I give the friendly AI groups the same abilities as the enemy AI groups? (ie. Artillery, Reinforcement Calling, using of flares at night, and smoke?)
  24. sniper pilot

    The Undead Mod

    Yup its awesome, ive been playing MP with my friends for a while now.
  25. Another great release from the ACE team! :D Im really loving the Updater now, it takes a bit to learn it but it really is the way to go!