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sniper pilot

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Everything posted by sniper pilot

  1. sniper pilot

    Post Processing setting is not working

    I wonder how many other options reset themselfs invisbly, it would explain why I only have the preformance I desire AFTER I tweak the settings...
  2. Its a shame the beta did a 180 and totally flew in the wrong direction... but the whole point of a beta is so that this can happen here and not in the final versions.... :cheers: to BIS because if anyone can do it, its them.
  3. Yup this is an issue of gameplay as well as Frame-rate, becuase when ever a new object pops into view it lags my pc for a couple of seconds...
  4. sniper pilot

    Why dont you use the ingame voice chat ?

    Because Ive blown over $200 on replacing mic's in the last year and half.
  5. sniper pilot

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Never was an issue if you ask my fanboy-ism....
  6. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/sniperpilot/HHG12.jpg edit: Damn windows giving conflicting file sizes and Damn bad quality :(
  7. Yeah Im not gonna upgrade to the new beta, I don't want to experience any more AI intelligence reductions...
  8. sniper pilot

    T-72 too vulnerable

    So just so I don't have to start a new topic; Since this and other bugs show up on the "community bug tracker" does BIS check that? I mean it would be a shame if all the work that has been put into the tracker went to waste. Reason I'm asking is because you said it has already been aknowleged - Did BIS aknowlege it?
  9. Don't forget the different ways to fail a mission which turns out some funny or interesting dialog at the end. If OA was to release without a campaign then it would only be worth 1/4th of what it's worth now. (Well maybe half because I love the US Army)
  10. Woa easy there capadre, we're your friends out here, let the devs decide what issues are more important over another.
  11. sniper pilot

    Something wrong with gamespy today?

    Didn't realize Bis is still using Gamespy... Looks like you already checked if you were running the proper version.
  12. What I do before an ambush is- I set up my guys in the postions that would make the best use of their abilities, tell the to hold fire and stealth. Here's the tricky part; as soon as we have first visual I start giving out QUICKLY targets (eg: 2 target man[not attack mind you])which results with the units replying with a satisfiying "ready to fire". Why is it satisfying? Because that means all my AT have their AT launchers out and are tracking the target. When everythings set I give the order to Fire/Engage at will/Danger, and the convoy is reduced to smothering ruins, any survivors having been picked off by my snipers. Works 98% of the time. (Ill try making a vid)
  13. Well the weird thing is that I installed the patch saw an increase in FPS no LOD issues or stuttering pop ins, then now it's back to bleh... Hence the what did I do wrong :P Edit: Ooh there's a new beta? sweet! Will try it out when I get back home. Edit2: Eh, the changelog wasn't changed
  14. As long as the voice acting is as priceless as it is in A2, I'll be happy!
  15. Thanks man! I was trying really hard to figure out how to select the damn color coded teams...
  16. Yup I've started to get those now too, man I hate the LOD issues and pop INS that stutter the game what am I doing wrong? :P
  17. Ive been working on something like this, not a whole lot of progress but I think ive almost got something to show soon...
  18. But I love the distant sounds they all sound better! Especially when your on the a couple of miles of a town thats being bombarded.... Just eliminate the cut offs and it will be great!
  19. sniper pilot

    Best Ways to Optimize Game

    Haha, the weird thing is that turning up AA in ArmA2 actually boosts performance for me. Needless to say, I was awe struck by that! Great Info tho Walker....
  20. Yeah Maddmatt's right, I forgot to mention that.... Its a little bit weird.
  21. I was using it and may of seen a small boost in preformance, but other than that yeah it pretty much just deals with the mouse. It will be great if we get another release so soon.
  22. LOL I for one don't see my self as complaining, I see it as voicing what I would like to get out of this engine. And of course we'd be able to use A2 content as W0lle said, I just was wishing we would see the FLIR implemented completely with A2's content, but I'm sure if not, we will have some talented modders who will rise to the task. Don't get me wrong I'm buying OA even if it just was a addon pack (but don't tell Bis that!)
  23. While some are complaining about the features not being able to work with A2 without having OA, others like my self would like to see the OA features work with A2 content if you have purchased OA just like what Resistance did for OFP. Man I feel like I'm repeating my self over again... Sorry if I am.
  24. Yeah I feel your pain. You know we were able to equip OFP content with the Resistance features such as Pistols when they were revolutionary at the time. I know FLIR probabaly requires an extra texture layer to be implemented but couldn't BI just copy and paste the OA's Infantry's FLIR signature(texture) and rebundle the A2's Infantry, I mean that take cares of the infantry, leaving only the vehicles and other objcects (still a hefty task)