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About Stuff

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Stuff

    Ninja Night V1.00

    This maps takes place in a big city, with lots of high buildings. So you can use the ninjas in every way. Is there any1 who can host my mission on a server. Please leave me a message here and I'll send the map 2 ya. Greetz Stuff
  2. Is there a way to make a unit wear handcuffs. And can you add a key to a ammocrate? Please help..
  3. Stuff


    Doh... I did see that allready But I mean something to put in a trigger. Like this: Mine1 deactivated AND Mine2 deactivated
  4. Stuff


    Not really actually. The problem is when you come to a mine, you get the action "Deactivate mine". After you deactivated the mine there should be some kind of line that tells if an mine is active or not?
  5. Stuff


    I'm making a mission where you have to escort a tank true some enemy cp's. The roads are mined any you have to clear those mines. But is there a way to tell an mine is deactivated? I looked allready here at the forum but couldn't found the awnser.
  6. Stuff

    Looking for a mission

    Well it also could be that rts3 mission. It was there before cti was around. Sorry don't know where to get it...
  7. Stuff


    Yeah but it actually has to be stand alone addon. Its for a mission and it's so weird if the read me says, it needs Seb Nam pack and it only needs one tiny flaregun and not any other addons.. The flare gun availble at ofp.info is not downloadble for me. I think it has so do something with those mirrors. But thanx for those replies. [Edit] At the berlin 1945 I found a nice flaregun in the werevolves pack. You should try it, its really nice. Berlin 1945 Werevolves pack.
  8. Stuff


    Is there allready a flaregun in the original ofp, not just a grenade launcher but the same as a hand gun? Don't think so but were can I found a nice flaregun. Please can some1 provide me some links.?
  9. Stuff

    We're can I find Spec Ops missions...

    Can't download it... Maybe you have another url for it?
  10. Stuff

    Lowlands Warrior: Sander's Marines

    What ever happend to the Dutch Mercedes jeep? I liked that one so much...
  11. Stuff

    We're can I find Spec Ops missions...

    Thank you for the tip. There are so much Spec Op missions around, only most of them are really the same and suck sometimes. I'm just looking for the best. S.N.D.N. is a very nice mission btw.
  12. Is there also a script for adding magazines when a mag is empty? Like counting the bullets the player has fired?
  13. Can anyone give me a link to Civillian Clothing by STT. I was hoping to try Cessena Fun but I can't download this addon. Please post the link asap. Thank you.
  14. Does any1 have some good spec op missions for me.... Please attach a link.
  15. Can some1 give me some links to all mp5's for ofp?