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Everything posted by Sharia

  1. Sharia

    New bas thread

    Isn't it the MH-53?
  2. I can't access their site at all... ever. I don't even know what it looks like. I just get a "<insert their url here> cannot be found" error.
  3. Sharia

    Do you have the fdf mod?

    Downloading now! ...On a 56k connection, 'babeh. Edit: Holy christmas, batman! 194mb for v1.0, and an added 150mb for the patch... ...I'll wait for the full version of 1.1 to come out. O_O
  4. Someone should make a hind with all the bells and whistles, akin to a BAS Blackhawk or DKM Commache... Retracting landing gear, several loadouts, openable cockpits, countermeasures...
  5. Press "R" for reload. Why doesn't anyone press "R" for reload? It saves valuable seconds.
  6. Sharia

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Suicide bomber on a pushbike...? I've seen stranger thing-- no, wait... I haven't.
  7. Oh dear, that sounds insane. "My eyes, ze goggles do--" *puts on goggles* "...actually, it's rather comfortable."
  8. the kmarns international soldiers have the "add camoflage facepaint" and "remove helmet" (the remove helmet has one of those nifty wooly hat things.) They look very cool with the helmet off (which goes onto the unit's belt) and facepaint on.
  9. Edit: after alot of searching, I found out I had made a mistake somewhere. Sorry.
  10. Tried finding this on the forum, but couldn't. What I need, is for the pilot of Eight-Two (MH60k Blackhawk) to inform the leader of the ranger squad (you) that you must mark an LZ with one of the smoke shells you have. (Colour isn't a factor here.) So when you find a suitable LZ, and chuck the shell, how do you make the MH60 come in, take in your squad and move them to the next position?
  11. Sharia

    Troops bogged down playing at marines

    I don't think jumping down from that landing boat was really a well thought out idea. The way the soldier to (our) far left is all tangled up in his inflatable vest. Soldier 1: Hmm, the shore seems to be consuming my legs. Soldier 2: Oh, I am sorry. Soldier 1: Oh it's quite all right, I've grown quite tired of living. Soldier 2: Very well then. Is it raining again?
  12. Sharia

    Freedom fighters

    Um... I don't recall it ever being realistic, and they weren't MAKING it to be realistic, so why SHOULD it be realistic? Honestly, some people...
  13. Sharia

    Freedom fighters

    Freedom fighters is a very good game. The only way to win it properly is to use your team mates effectively. When I first played it in the easiest setting, I was thinking; "God, this game is so easy... bleh." So I tried it on the "Freedom Fighter" setting. EEP. Difficult. I got mowed down by PKM emplacements so often. I had to take out the bridges before I could get anywhere... It's so good the way that if you do something in one area, it will affect the other areas. (For instance: Blowing up the helipad = no Hinds. Blowing up bridges = no troops) Oh, and I like the way the AK74's grips seem to be made out of polymer or something. It'd be likely that the Soviet army would do that with the resources they have in this alternate reality. PS: RPG launcher = FUN.
  14. Sharia


    Gah, I'm seeing a reccuring theme around here... "IF IT'S NOT REALISTIC IT IS SHIT!!1!one!!" Honestly guys, don't take games/movies too seriously. I enjoy lots of films, games and anime... and more than 50% of which can't really be considered 'realistic'. Anyway, I'm going to go see this. Would rather watch something like this than something as boring looking as Matrix Revolutions.
  15. Sharia

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    If it were CNN, there would be at least 2 spelling mistakes in the headlines.
  16. Sharia

    1.94beta is out

    I did exactly that the last time i played. My helicopter was hit, engine went dead, i crash-landed it and got out. I then asked my teammates to bring a repair truck and took off again. Same here. I was clipped by a few rounds from a squad of infantry and I hit the deck. Barely survived.
  17. Sharia

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    *me looks at Lee's image* ... *Stargate theme fades into the background* It's the Goa'uld! Get that AH-6 out of there! *death gliders destroy AH-6* Anyway, take a look at this. Russian/NATO held checkpoint, defending a bridge on a vital supply line. I'm making a campaign based on an alliance between NATO and Russia vs Guba's men.
  18. Sharia

    Ecp released!

    Yay! Now it's fixed, I can reconfig the missions I made. (It was so funny watching the BAS Rangers intro... with the convoy. The AA and AT soldiers dissapeared into the rocks they were standing on.)
  19. Sharia

    [SP] Pulakov Beach

    Here's an idea - make it dynamic. If they player has 12 on the team, make it an empty M113. If they player has 11 on the team, add the M113 with a driver only. If the player has 10 or less on the team add the M113 with both a driver and a gunner. If the player has 12 on the team, make an M113 drive up and run over two of your best soldiers who are extremely vital to the mission objective and THEN join your squad. This sounds like a cool mission, downloading.
  20. Sharia

    Game looks different

    1.6/7 ghz processor and at least 384mb of Double Data Rate RAM will get you somewhere.
  21. Sharia

    Game looks different

    1.6/7 ghz processor and at least 384mb of Double Data Rate RAM will get you somewhere.
  22. Okay, hi. Right, In a mission I am making, I want to have a trigger make certain units go into combat mode (and tank crews jump into their tanks) Now, I've already done that stuff, but I'm just stuck on how to make them carry out the actions when anyone (or thing) is dead/destroyed/disabled. Here's how I have the condition right now, but I think it's clogging up the mission some. (I'm getting poor frame rates.) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">NOT (alive soldier1) OR NOT (alive soldier2) OR NOT (alive soldier3) OR NOT (alive soldier4) OR NOT (alive soldier5) OR NOT (alive soldier6) OR NOT (alive soldier7) OR NOT (alive soldier8) OR NOT (alive soldier9) OR (not canmove shilka1 or not canfire shilka1) OR (not canmove T801 or not canfire T801)
  23. Sharia


    I'm going to try this with an army of General Guba's and surround them with Spetsnaz.
  24. Sharia

    Resistance requirements?

    You'll be able to install it, yes... but the performance will be questionable. What amount of ram do you have? RAM is a pretty important factor. My 256mb DDR struggles quite a bit with nogova at anything past 700 distance.