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About Supafly12

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  1. Supafly12

    Geforce fx 5600 problems

    thank you
  2. Supafly12

    Geforce fx 5600 problems

    this is a bit of a newbie question like but where do u actually put it in the shortcut? well i tried that in the flashpointbeta created by 1.94 and all it does is change the file type and then i cant play it at all, where am i going wrong?
  3. Supafly12

    Opf 2 not gonna be released at 2004.

    exactly BBSmith a piece of art takes time, it is defiantley worth the wait, the OFP community is still growing and growing fast, I have a couple of friends that thought when OFP looked really bad, then i showed them and now they are hooked to ofp like me, I have been hooked to OFP since it was released in the UK, I still play it everday for a good few hours.
  4. Supafly12

    Vbs newsrelease

    spending $10.000 on a toilet seat and it still is crap VBS was only created for training purposes, how ever I dont see how a game can make a soldier, pilot, tank crewmember etc etc... any better.
  5. Supafly12

    1.94 problems

    do I add the nomap command into the flashpointbeta.exe created by 1.94?
  6. Supafly12

    Geforce fx 5600 problems

    Well I have a similiar problem erm. I have an geforce fx 5200 and all i get now is that it crashes to desktop, without warning, it does it in 1.91 and 1.92, is thisd the same problem or have i got a complete different problem? and if it is a different problem what do I do to fix it?
  7. Supafly12

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    anyone got aany tissue cos i like..... kinda...... sexwee my pants