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sputnik monroe

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Everything posted by sputnik monroe

  1. sputnik monroe

    Tutorial problem question

    I think I see what I may have done wrong. I put the textures on the geometry LOD. I'll try putting them on the 0.0 LOD and report back.
  2. sputnik monroe

    Tutorial problem question

    Alright everything appears correctly now, I had to go into F2 mode and select everything then all the textures showed up in the viewer. Â However in the game it appears with no textures at all. I messed with the config some and tried a few path changes, yet it still appears with out textures in the game. Could some one take a look at it for me and tell me what I've done wrong? Here is the download link http://files.filefront.com/boxprojectpbo/;8065120;;/fileinfo.html
  3. sputnik monroe

    Do I suck at leading?

    I have not bought ARMA yet however I will offer this major point of advice I learned years ago in Operation Flashpoint. Once you have located the enemy do not have your men in formation with you.Instead order them to where they need to go and have them in combat mode. In this way they will move slowly to their waypoint and once there they will concentrate more on fighting. When they are in keep formation mode with your self they will concentrate %100 on keeping formation with you as you move rather than shooting. I have downloaded the ARMA demo and I do have one question as I am having trouble leading AI in the demo. When you use 9.9.X you can assign your troops to color coded teams. However unlike flashpoint I have not found a way to select the color coded teams. For example in the bigger demo mission you unlock in the demo I end up with more than 12 men. I put 13 through 15 as team blue, yet there seems no way to just select team blue, to select them again I have to push F12 then F1,F2,F3, to select those three men. In flashpoint if I wanted to say select team red I would push 9.1 what is the new way to select a color coded group?
  4. sputnik monroe

    Unable to open external viewer

    Thanks shadow, -noland , seemed to do the trick. No error message this time and the viewer shows blue sky with clouds and a brown bottom half of the sky like all the wip screenshots I've seen. Now to start going through some tutorials. :-) Thanks for your help guys.
  5. sputnik monroe

    Unable to open external viewer

    Yeah it is just a plain install, I have not even tried to open anything yet, just trying to open the program with out any errors first.
  6. sputnik monroe


    A few weeks ago a group that has a B17 and the last flying B24 were flying around my hamlet and I took a few pictures. (There is another flying B24 but it's a transport version) Sorry it's a bit of speck, I had to shrink the photo size to post. That and my camera doesn't have the worlds best zoom. Here is a croped version from original size of the photo. Later that day flying back from his bombing mission. Here is the B17 Once again cropped from the original size of the photo. On his way home later in the day. It was very surprising when it happened. I heard those distinct Prat & Whitney engines and knew a vintage warbird had to be flying over, those old planes just have a soul to their sound that new turbo props don't have. I ran out on the balcony and there it was B17. I didn't have my camera on that first pass which is too bad as he flew very close. Later I heard motors again and this time had the camera ready and ran out and saw the B24 and then shortly later the B17 passed by again.
  7. sputnik monroe

    Unable to open external viewer

    Hmm I just read through there and also got some help from Sanctuary and now the viewer seems to start up but I still get an error. When it starts up I get this Here is what my options look like now...
  8. sputnik monroe

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    Exactly and not just that but have them speaking with absurd exaggerated accents and wearing cowboy hats while drinking whiskey and talking about porn. It's just unrealistic and disrespectful. Â Â Once again I whole heartedly agree. Like I said in the old games it was an Opfor order of battle you fought. A professional opponent to be taken seriously. The enemy force didn't fart and pick their noses and act like the three stooges on an alcohol binge. Also why not include an OMOH or SOBR campaign or mission for example? The problem is if they did I'm sure they would just depict OMOH as not having enough weapons to go around "When comrade Boris dies pick up his gun!" and being a bunch of vodkaholic stooges that just do stupid scripted human wave attacks.
  9. sputnik monroe


    Yeah I'm pretty sure they must be from the airshow in Arlington. Thanks to the two links scorpion posted I found out they have an airshow starting today and ending on the 14th. I've seen the Chevrolet dealers Czech MiG-21 a few times to heh heh. So you left the "left" coast or just Seattle?
  10. sputnik monroe

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

     Ugh I don't even want to watch this crap at all now. I am American and I must say that I am sick of the stereotype of the drunk, mustached, Russian. I've been making missions for OFP and I've made both US and Russian missions, I view both nations with respect and try to avoid the stereotypes. When I make a mission that is against Russia or the US I always portray them as professional dangerous armies and take them serious. However most missions I see against he Russians are always depicting them as wildly drunk on vodka and absurd like a Laurel and Hardy sketch. At the same time the missions against US troops always portray them as Imperial Storm troopers that talk with southern drawl and oppress and occupy. It's pathetic and to top it off the main stream for profit games portray these same stupid stereotypes. I guess I like to make serious BluefFor vs OpFor missions. This likely comes from my playing of much more mature strategy games and simulations back in the early 90s. Today's games are all made by and for the MTV generation who just watch stupid mindless Hollywood productions and play games like Battlefield and Doom. The result is these games that are "let’s go kill those goofy Ushanka wearing dumbos from the east" instead of “Lets simulate a what if scenario in the Fulda gapâ€. I miss games like the Tank and Flight simulations and turn based strategies of the past where the Russians were treated as a respectable enemy. Then again those games were about abstract concepts like tactics and puzzles like "How do I secure this bridge head against a massed armor attack from two directions. Today’s games are concepts that can hardly be dignified with the name tactics and puzzles. Hell do they have any puzzles any more? I can't call running a straight line a puzzle, and in the case of “simulating†a endless horde of enemies who run head long at the player, well I wouldn’t call running headlong into the said horde a respectable strategy. Some will argue that oh these games are just good quick fun. Well ok no problem but in the end I don't think a game about warfare or military action should be mindless, that is what games like sports or Mario Brothers are for. War is a mature subject and should be treated as such.
  11. sputnik monroe


    Fairchild is on the other end of the state from me and across a mountain range heh heh. Â Thanks for the airshow links I'll check through them. Â I thought you guys still flew some in Finland? Have you completely replaced them now? Â Yeah you are probably right, I was a bit excited at the time. Â Perhaps a moderator could rename the thread to "The Airshow thread" or "MiG 21 thread"? Edit*Thanks Scorpy thanks to the site with the calendar it would seem there is a airshow in Arlington starting today and ending Sunday. That's about 100 mile drive but I might try to check it out. There is supposed to also be a large classic military vehicle gathering as well so it could be fun. I haven't been to an airshow in years I miss them.*
  12. sputnik monroe

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    I tried to watch the sniper video but only made it about 15 or 20 seconds before I couldn't take it any more. I'm sick of the Wolfenstein gun view. Who holds a gun like that while they run? That and I’m tired of FPS games where you pull a gun out of thin air. The worst part is the other sniper running out front you can see his rifle is parallel to him as he sprints. Now obviously your character uses that animation and appears that way to every one else or from the third person yet on your screen your arms are bolted to the screen with your POV centered as if your eyes are in you chest. I hate that it's been that way since Wolfenstein 3D and only a handful of games since then have broken that stupid trend (our very own OFP being one of them). Then sense of floating rather than running over real terrain makes me motion sick and it just looks tacky and amateur. I bet if you look down %90 odds you don’t even see your body, though a trend does finally seem to be taking hold where you sometimes see your feet. Of course this suggest your POV is not centered in your chest but rather in you pelvis (when I look down in real life I see my torso). I think I just hate first person shooters with a passion now. They really are all the same and they just wont die and go away. I wish I had %100 tyrannical control over the game industry. I’d simply ban all first person shooters unless they followed a few graphical guidelines and offered something new to the table. I’m sorry guys but DOOM and Wolfenstein are over 15 years old, if you can’t offer a substantial upgrade other than stupid shaders and lighting effects then just do every one a favor and do something else for a living.
  13. sputnik monroe

    Multi-National Force Iraq YouTube Channel

    I just watched a handful of videos from there now. They are rather interesting in a way. Â A little offtopic but I have to say, to post a comment on youtube do you have to pass a test that proves your IQ is no higher than your shoe size? No matter what the video is on youtube if you scroll through the comments it's idiots on both sides of the spectrum who can't come up with a better rebuttal than "you suck", or "no you suck". That and there are millions of those stupid "Please don't read this, some chick you admire is going to ask you out on the nearest friday, however if you do not copy and post this message 50 times you will die this sunday of something lame and uncreative." Â I swear it doesn't matter what the video you get that crap. Mr Bean, Iraq war video. transformers trailer, Jihadist porn, Pink Floyd videos. Every single one has those stupid "please don't read this blah blah blah" post followed by a bunch of idiots calling one another "fag" or "you suck!". Â GRRR! sorry had to rant. Â Thanks for the video link it's kind of interesting. Sorry I'm a bit cynical from time to time in my post, I can't help it.
  14. sputnik monroe

    This list question

    Thank's Sanctuary, you da man! That works perfectly. I might finish this stinking mission yet thanks to you guys and your help.
  15. sputnik monroe

    This list question

    I'm working on a co op mission where the players have to prevent the enemy from moving into a town. I have a trigger covering a 120 Meter by 120 Meter square, it is set to east present and then that will set off the mission failure process. Â Here is the problem. I've added in four east helicopters. They are going to attack the town, however I do not want the mission to end when they are detected as present in the town, I only want mission failure to be aknowledged when enemy ground troops are in the town. Â I have named every single one of the enemies other than the choppers (they are named t1 through t40 helicopters are not named). I've never really used the various this list commands. How would I go about making a failure trigger that goes something like "if this list t1 through t40 present, on activation you failed. Â A second question, this one isn't that important. I have an extra trigger that is condition... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">({alive _x} count [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19,t20,t21,t22,t23,t24, t25,t26,t27,t28,t29,t30,t31,t32,t33,t34,t35,t36,t37,t38,t39,t40]==0) and on activation... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint "The entire tank battalion has been destroyed. You have gone above and beyond what was expected of you. Congradulations!"; and then I have another trigger that's going to follow up with an alternate outro. The problem with this trigger is that T1 through T40 represent tanks. The problem is that for this trigger to work all 40 tanks have got to be completey destroyed. I'd rather use the not canmove function instead of not alive as that would set the trigger if all the tanks were basically taken out of action , though not neccassarly destroyed. However the only way I can get the not canmove funtion to work is if I place an empty tank and name it, the command will not work for a already crewed tank that is placed. I believe this is because not alive t1 for a placed east T80 is checking for the commander instead of the actuall tank as if I had placed an empty t80 named t1? Can any one think of a solution short of placing 40 empty tanks and nameing them T1 through t40 and then placing 120 east crew and painstakingly placing "this moveingunner Tx" for 40 of them and "this moveincommander Tx" for another 40 and finally "this moveindrver Tx" for the last 40? I hope some one can understand all this. It's a bit hard to explain,
  16. sputnik monroe

    This list question

    Another problem I am having is the four enemy chopper pilots still. I have a trigger for each pilot that is like this for example condition <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">not alive evilcopter1 on activation <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">evilpilot1 setdamage 1 This is to keep the pilot from ejecting over the town and setting off the failure trigger if they land within the trigger. It works in theory with one problem, through my testing I've found that there is the chance that the pilot could eject and touch the ground before the helicopter explodes, in this case if he lands on the ground within the town trigger he'll set off the mission failure. My solution is to change the condition of the trigger from notalive evilcopter1 to not evilpilot1 in evilcopter1. The problem is that is not the correct syntax or what ever. The OFPEC comreference gives an example <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? player in jeepOne : jeepOne setfuel 1 However that example is for checking if the person is in the vehicle. How do I use this command to check if the pilot is not in the vehicle? This would work perfect as the condition for the pilot setdamage1 activation because in this way the pilot will die if he leave the helicopter at all and thus he'll never touch the ground alive and set off the mission failed trigger.
  17. sputnik monroe

    This list question

    Thank again. My test trigger with the set damage .8 is nearly working now. The T80s, T72s and BMP2s damage to .8 when I use the trigger. For some reason the shilkas do not. I tried adding in zsu into the array on the trigger that adds all the enemy armor to the list allet. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">allET=[]; {if(typeOf _x in["T80","T72","BMP2","zsu"])then{allET=allET+[_x]}} forEach thislist But the damage to .8 test trigger still does not damage the shilkas. Could the OFPEC class list have their class name listed wrong? I also tried shilka instead of zsu but no luck.
  18. sputnik monroe

    Multi-National Force Iraq YouTube Channel

    Could be interesting I suppose. Â What is wrong with the principle of it? Because it's not jihad videos? Every one loves jihad videos and snuff films (hundreds of websites deidicated to them) yet every one objects to videos showing the losing side's exploits. Though people seem to like a few torture pictures as torture is worse than murder, heck one case of torture by the crusaders is worth 20 murders by the Mujahadeen. At the same time no one seems to care about torture by the Mujahadeen, I suppose it's because those crusaders and uncle sugars lap dogs have it coming. Â This you tube channel could be quite interesting however. If it shows videos of other coalition armies in action. Mostly all I ever see are US videos (%80 of them are usually negative spin by jihad sympathizers from the west) and lots and lots of jihadist videos of Hummers getting blown up or a markets getting blown up. I have seen quite a few British videos on Discovery and History channel on their modern marvels and future weapon shows,their archival footage seems to be mostly stock British footage. Though those military tech shows do show the same footage over and over again, I think I've seen the British soldier using the sledge hammer on a padlock on a gate about a million times.
  19. sputnik monroe

    This list question

    These ideas seem to be working. I made a small test with a T80,BMP2 and a T72 and used  Pulverizer's example... I then blasted them with ffars from a Hind until they all appeared immobilized and sure enough the canMove vehicle _x} count allET <1 trigger set off and my hint text popped up saying "this trigger works" I've now ported over the two triggers into my main mission with the 40 tanks.  I'm trying to make a test trigger but it is not working.  What is wrong with this trigger... on activation <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"_X setdamage .8" foreach units group allet Also this trigger works as well for the detection of enemy ground units... When I tested it the helicopters did not set it off, only the ground vehicles did which is exactly how I wish it to be. The only problem I discovered with a test is that if the helicopters are shot down and their pilots eject over the objective trigger they'll set if off causing defeat the moment their feet touch the ground. This is because of course the pilots are land class. One idea I'm considering is placeing the four choppers as empty and naming them and their pilots and making a trigger example... condition <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">notalive Kamov1 on activation <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">kamov1pilot setdamage 1 In this way it is hoped that the pilot will be dead before he touches the ground and thus will not set off defeat trigger if he ejects over it. another idea I just thought of as I type this. would this work as well as the town occupied by ground forces but not helicopters or their pilots... condition <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">condition: "Land" countType allet >0 allet is the list of counted tanks. or is my scripting wrong?
  20. sputnik monroe

    This list question

    Thank you guys. I'll give both of these methods a try and post back how it works out. Â Â The best method I've found for getting around that problem is the not canmove function. In this way if the crew is killed or bails out of their disabled tank it will detect it as not canmove. I'm not sure but I think not canmove even will trigger if the tank is just sitting there with a damaged engine just doing the typical shoot exhaust out the back and rotate in place with a damaged barrel. The only problem is that for this method you have to place and name an empty tank, it doesn't work with a crewed tank from under east, west, or resistance. Â The reason on my current mission I didn't place 40 empty tanks is that then I would have to place 140 crew members and get them in their vehicles with the this moveinposition_X command. I've had problems in the past when over using this command however. Sometimes it seems if lots of units were using the movein command at the same time that it wouldn't set off for all of them and thus I'd end up with empty or partially crewed vehicles and some crew just standing out about not in vehicles.
  21. sputnik monroe

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The left will cry and moan but they don't have a leg to stand on. Their boy Bill Clinton commuted over 60 sentences in his 8 years as president. This will be Bush's 6th commuted sentence. Yeah croneyism (<-sp) sucks, however you are either against all cronyism or you are a Biased hypocrite lap dog of the left/right (which ever one you swear fealty to). Â Â Personally I don't care. Democrats and Republicans, I file under the same catergory as Communist, Fascist, Feudalist and Socialist. You all suck, you bitch when the other faction's boy is a criminal but are alright with your boy when he's a criminal. It's not about equal recourse to the law, it's about your guys getting off and the others not. Â I don't like Bush he's a pussy and a retard. However it makes me sick how so many people are against him but were not against Clinton, are against republicans but are not against democrats. At least I'm equal across the board, I hate both sides. Why do you all swear fealty to the socialist or the Feudalist? There are alternatives to the two party system. Â Sheep. Â Good night. (yes I'm in a bad mood)
  22. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Holodoc Variable  I forgot the missions name but we started in a BTR60 convoy that was ambushed by Finnish Reservist. We were all killed. It was a fun mission though.
  23. sputnik monroe

    5 Years in Siberia

    Pffft! How dare you post such rubbish. Never let the truth get in the way of your opinion.
  24. sputnik monroe

    The Middle East part 2

    Yeah, they cut the heads of criminals like Nicholas Berg, (Crime being Jewish and American) or for example women who don't wear a bed sheet over their body or maybe even some one who listens to western rock music. They send their troops every where as well. The Balkans, Philipines, Spain, Indonesia, India the list goes on. Heroic actions like New York 1993 and 2001, Bali, Train Bombings in Spain. Remember that guy in the wheel chair they pushed off the cruise ship in the 80s? I guess he was probably a pedophile, rapist, psychopath as well, or worse yet a jew. I can find warcrimes commited by the allied forces in world war two. However in the end there was a clear cut villian and that was Fascist Germany, Italy and Imperial Japan. The Allies were in the right, though their hands are not %100 clean, horrible shit happens in war. However if the allies would have capitulated because of the actions of a few ass holes or screwed up units, well then we would live in a much worse world today. War is a terrible thing, losing a war to fascism or religious extremism is worse. Sadly I believe the war is lost and I mark this the start of the decline of western civilization. The west is weak and unwilling to fight for anything, the extremist are willing to fight. Winston Churchill once said "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." Well the west may be the biggest dog on the block but they have no fight in them. The west is a castrated mutt, the extremist have the fight in them, they'll win in the end.
  25. sputnik monroe

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Dude why waste your own and my time by posting this? I'm sure the moderators are capable of moderating themselves. Maybe use the "report to moderator" button instead? Precisely. Â Regardless of the method taken, it has been reported and brought to your attention. Yet you've failed to do anything about it. Since it appears you endorse and deem liveleak an acceptable site to link and post images and media from could you perhaps provide a full comprehensive list of other snuff sites we may share links and propaganda from on the BI Boards? I hear Islamic Jihad and Hamas have some great websites with candid interviews with "resistance" fighters as well, plus some kick ass snuff films. Â Perhaps we can create a "Snuff Porn" sticky thread in the offtopic forum?