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sputnik monroe

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Everything posted by sputnik monroe

  1. sputnik monroe

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Check out at the one minute mark how fast he switches from the rifle to the pistol, it's instantaneous. He's running around non stop like 20mph even when moving sideways and backwards, the player seems to glide just like every other game. The jets flying over remind me of a cartoon, the score numbers popping up over enemies when they are killed reminds me of old 8bit Mario brothers games. Looks like crap, I'm sorry guys but this game is worse than games from 10 years ago. When is a development company going to try and actually make a game with real improvements? This junk that's released bi weekly any more is like a regression to the old contra and ikari warriors days only they are first person and even more spastic.
  2. sputnik monroe

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    *cough* I don't know, I just find some irony in all that. Well I need to get going, I disagree with Big Mac, so I suppose I should log out now and get back to my inbreeding, that and I don't want to be late to my militia meeting later so I can further work on my right wing terrorist attack plot . :j:
  3. sputnik monroe

    Ubisoft's Draconian DRM

    "ts a double edged sword unfortunately. We stop buying because of retarded DRM, the management of companies like UBI and EA see the dwindling sales as "the death of the platform" and use it as an excuse to switch exclusively to console development." Personally I'd like to see EA and UBI soft leave the PC publishing scene altogether. I don't buy their games or have any interest in them what so ever to begin with, any I might show a glimmer of interest in will be on the consoles any way. If the two of them and Activision would just go away to consoles it will create a vacuum which independent developers and publishers can fill.. This of course means less shelf space in your local store but who cares. I work in a electronics department for a living, the PC game aisle is just an entire aisle of garbage, I'd sacrifice that for a smaller selection of interesting titles. Quantity is not quality. I believe it's time for the PC to become a niche market for simulations, strategy and art house games again instead of being the 'also ran' 4th game console after Wii,PS3 and the 360.
  4. Does any one know where to get some more Tonal Redux Co op Missions?
  5. OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Version 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001 System Manufacturer Acer System Model Aspire X3200 System Type x64-based PC Processor AMD Phenom 8400 Triple-Core Processor, 2100 Mhz, 3 Core(s), 3 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB Will it run on my PC if I buy this card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814162016
  6. sputnik monroe

    Ross Kemp: Return to Afghanistan

    Does any one know where to get the original Ross Kemp in Afghanistan on DVD? I've been quite interested in seeing it to be honest and would also like to share it with some friends.
  7. sputnik monroe

    New Rambo Movie

    Go fuck off, wannabe moderators are pathetic. As for the newest Rambo movie, I actually thought it was alright. I hated First Blood part II and Rambo III as they were just out and out stupid in my opinion. The original First Blood was actually a good movie but then again it was based on a novel. When I found out there was a new Rambo movie I thought, oh great another retarded summer action movie. However when I saw it I was actually quite surprised. All that being said it's not a feel good movie that's for sure. As for this being "too off topic for offtopic". Since when is discussing a war movie or action movie forbiden here? Also sense when has MehMan become a moderator. Just some food for thought. Sorry some people would like to discuss other things in offtopic than just the same old junk about computer hardware and games by EA, UBI and Valve.
  8. sputnik monroe

    Tutorial problem question

    I'm going through brsseb's first tutorial, the one where you make a crate. I'm up to the part where you start applying textures. Now I can apply a texture but when I apply the next texture the previous one dissapears. For example I place the door texture on the front of the box and it shows up in the viewer just fine. However when I apply a texture to any other side of the box the new texture appears fine how ever the previous texture dissapears, in this case the door. What am I doing wrong?
  9. sputnik monroe

    International Politics Thread

    Â Wow, talk about the kettle calling the pot black. I didn't realize mid western Americans could be categorized. Â It's a good system unless you are some one like me. See I don't want to pay for other people's children, it was their choice to have children not mine I want to keep my money for my self. Â The problem with these types of "tax payer" funded programs is that people who don't pay taxes for example can benifit and take advatage, which is unfair to those who paid for it. For example I can go up to Canada and get cheap prescription drugs that the Canadians have paid for with their tax dollars, how is it fair to them that I can come from another country and get the medicine for that price when I have not even paid into their system? Â As for you Spokeperson I guess between you and I it all comes down to this, the fruits of my labor are mine and not yours, if you ask nicely I might share, perhaps I'll even sell for the right price. In the end it is mine though, and if you were to say try and seize it and put me in a "labor camp for counter revolutionaries" well I guess it would just be a fight to the death. See you might win and "kill the counter revolutionary" or I might win and you'd be dealt with. What ever the case I would rather die than surrender what is mine and you would have to kill me if it came down to your gulag solution as I would not be taken alive. Â Spokesperson reading your post has really made me understand and subscribe to the principal of "better dead than red".
  10. sputnik monroe

    International Politics Thread

    Georgia didn't invade any one. South Ossestia is Georgia. Russia on the other hand helped secessionist in hopes of destroying Georgia so it could be divided up. Georgia had the right to try and restore contol of it's own land. Talking about a Georgian invasion of South Ossetia sounds as absurd as a Russian invasion of Moscow or a US invasion of New York. For the last time South Ossetia is Georgian. Maybe we should just give European and US passports to a dissatisfied minority in Russia and play by the same rules?
  11. sputnik monroe

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    It's funny how brainwashed people are into hating fox news. I'm not a fan of their's as a matter of fact I find them to be amateurish and sensational and too focused on celebrity gossip. However by that respect they are no different than any other American news outlet. Â Where I work there's this guy that if you even say the word fox he starts flipping out and going on about conspiracies and how fox is some how behind everything. I mean he really gets emotional about it, but it's so ridiculous it's funny. I mention fox news when ever we are in the break room at the same time just because the conniption fits he has about it are so hilarious. He once remarked to me how he wished he could kill every Australian on earth as punishment for Rupert Murdoch (great coming from a supposed peacenik and pacifist). I mean come on people, come off it, it's just another news network. Â It's funny but at the same time so sad. How can so many people be that brainwashed. How any one in their right mind can go off on fox news and then in the same breath say NBC, BBC, CNN, or ABC are better is beyond me. They are all the same. Â PS.. and sorry walker but he calls it "faux" news as well so I can't help but snicker a little after reading your post because It makes me think of him.
  12. sputnik monroe

    International Politics Thread

    I can't believe people are turning on Georgia and saying they started this because they "attacked" South Ossetia. South Ossetia is Georgia and it is well within their right to reclaim territory that belongs to them. The Georgia/South Ossetia situation is exactly the same as the Russia/Chechnya situation  In the past I supported Russia's claim to Chechnya and it was well within their right to keep the province from seceding from them. However after Russia's hypocritical response to Georgia I have completely changed my opinion. If Chechnya were to declare independence now and Russia were to move in to restore order, well I can honestly say that Russia would deserve from the rest of the world the same response as it gave to Georgia.  In short if Georgia truly deserved to be "punished" for trying to control South Ossetia, then Russia deserves to be "punished" for Chechnya.  For the past 18 years I've been a Russian apologist. I nearly always would take Russia's side in most debates, I would argue that the west unfairly judges Russia with the stigma from a cold war era mind set. The Invasion of Georgia showed me to be a fool for all these years. I wont make the mistake of trusting Russia or it’s intentions again.
  13. sputnik monroe

    International Politics Thread

    I've read enough information over the past couple years and can honestly say that the world would be a better place with out Spokesperson.
  14. sputnik monroe

    International Politics Thread

    Â Perfect question. Game set and match.
  15. sputnik monroe

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    Out of the heat waves Formation Under attack Got one Got another
  16. sputnik monroe

    International Politics Thread

    I don't really see eye to eye with you most of the time. But on this it seems we are in %100 agreement.
  17. sputnik monroe

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    Actually my father took them. I couldn't make it to the air show because I had to work. My father took lots of pictures and I got to check them out later. I wish I could of seen the mock Japanese attack with pyrotechnics. Â I haven't been to an airshow in probably eight or nine years now. I've yet to actually see a F22 with my own eyes Â
  18. sputnik monroe

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    Rip in the sky B2 Spirit F22 Raptor MiG17 Fresco, Polish markings
  19. sputnik monroe

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    The only B18 Bolo left in existance. Under restoration work. Chin Machine gun Rear Machine gun Top turret Top gun turret seen from below.
  20. sputnik monroe

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    F15 Eagle, such a cool looking plane. F15's 20MM vulcan F15, reverse the 15 and you get 51. P51
  21. sputnik monroe

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    A1 Sky Raider, unfolding wings sequence.
  22. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I'll see what I can do. I don't have the original RAR archives any more but some how have the addons installed. I'll need to put a RAR together from my addon folder and make a new read me. I'll see about doing it on my days off this week or next week.
  23. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    A huge amount of AI Guerillas A crap load of Russian MVD holding a castle which the Guerillas soon charged against with a human wave assault. The walls are clear now. Ian? Takes out two MVD soldiers manning an AA gun on the roof of the central keep of the castle.
  24. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Blood Bath A failed take off attempt. At least I lived to walk away. A T72 took a shot at me, luckilly for me a barn blocked the shot. Unluckilly for my squad they were all in the barn.
  25. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I was the only CiA person there again.