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sputnik monroe

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Everything posted by sputnik monroe

  1. sputnik monroe

    ASR AI 3

    Would it be possible to add functionality that will force the AI to pick up AT weapons if there are any present and no one in the AI squad has any AT?
  2. sputnik monroe

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    I am making a mission where I don't want the squad leader to have a long range radio. You use to be able to put "tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;" in your mission init file to prevent the squad leaders having their backpack replaced and spawned with a LR radio. However it doesn't seem to work anymore. Has it changed, am I doing anything wrong?
  3. I've been playing the East Wind Campaign and I've been running across AFF soldiers that have helmets that are not in the Virtual Arsenal. MICH and MICHcamo. Neither of these are in the Virtual Arsenal view regardless of if I get into VA by right click a unit in 3den editor to get to the VA or if I just go straight there from the title screen via the tutorial menu. The only AAF Helmet I see in VA is "Modular Helmet." which is the old PASGT type. Why are these two helmets not showing in VA and is there a way to get them to show? Also is there other content hidden from the VA and 3den?
  4. sputnik monroe

    Trouble with group trigger

    That is good news, the mission I'm working on has many way points synced to triggers using "any group member" as an activation. I can't wait until this becomes the official patch release now. Thanks for Kylania, you've rebuilt my spirits :-)
  5. sputnik monroe

    Trouble with group trigger

    This feels hopeless, I cannot find any evidence that this issue has been officially noticed and is being worked on. I went to the feedback page to post this bug, but the page confused me. In addition I searched around because i wanted to see if someone had brought the bug up already, as i didn't want to double post; in my search I found nothing. I'm going to suspend development on my missions until this bug is fixed, if ever. On the same subject, do people just not use trigger grouping? I can't understand how this isn't getting any attention unless people just don't use this feature.
  6. sputnik monroe

    Trouble with group trigger

    I am also curious, I just got back into ARMA since a long absence (played OFP for 8 years missed out on armed assault and amra 2) I've been trying to get back into mission editing and came perusing the forums to find an answer to my problems in the editor. The "any member" not working correctly bug has basically made me tear all my hair out. I couldn't figure out why my triggers were not working and finally found the answer here. How do you go about reporting bugs to BIS these days? Cause this is a major bug and the more people that report it the more likely they are to notice and fix it.
  7. sputnik monroe

    Next VBS competitor- SAGE from LM?

    Do you guys all drink Kool Aid or something here? It looked fine to me, and has potential. Will it be good in the end, probably not but maybe. I give it the exact same odds as AMRIII at this point.
  8. sputnik monroe

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Whatever, seems they take more steps at killing their fellow countrymen than so called "invaders". The United States has pulled out and now they slaughter each other even more. That entire country seems to have no focus other than murdering one another and blaming the west for it. They need another Saddam Hussein type in charge of them. It's what they deserve. They've been given the opportunity to be civilized but they'd rather all just murder, intimidate and blackmail one another and scapegoat the United States for their actions. At some point they have to admit that they are killing one another for their own lust for power and revenge against their neighbors. As for Abu Gharib, they didn't seem to mind Saddam's torture and killings. None of them raised a fuss and tried to kill his troops. Plus remember Abu Gharib wasn't SOP, torture and intimidation was SOP under Saddam. So maybe the answer to make peace in their crazy land was more Abu Gharibs not less? Besides you're whole Abu Gharib argument is moot. I know if an "invader" started up a torture facility in my neighborhood and I was really against it, my answer wouldn't be suicide bombings and kidnappings of my neighbors (of course I'm being devils advocate here, Abu Gharib was reprehensible)
  9. sputnik monroe

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Oh... poor, poor walker. I remember during the last election how you drooled and fawned over Obama like a horny school girl, and now four years later you have the comical timing to say things about Paul like "He never has been and never will be a maverick"... blah blah. Coming from some one who was one of the "second coming!" crowd for a Chicago political establishment dweeb like Obama a few years ago, it just rings hollow. I love how your post read as just %110 hyper charged political propaganda. You're writing style is so grating, you begin to make people like Michael Moore and Michael Savage look liked reasoned debatable open individuals. That's creepy, but I honestly think I could have a more coherent balanced conversation with those two mad men than I could you. You're a flaming politico neo-commissar. I use to find your post at least mildly amusing to read, now they just make me shake my head and utter softly aloud, one word... "pathetic". The condescending smarmy tone you take in every post, spouting off your musings as if they are some sort of mutually agreed truth or conventional wisdom it's really very disturbing. Example of your tone: "Hello all, every one is coming around to my way of thinking after an article pertaining to X was released today. Even now many are taking to the streets over Y and Z." Fill XYZ with any combination of Neo-con haliburton, bleeding-heart libertatian, ponzi, austerity, capitalism is broken blah blah blah. You are so easily parodied that in my eye's you are nothing more than parody living incarnate. You've replaced The Onion and the Colbert Report, congratulations.
  10. sputnik monroe

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    That is the biggest most stupid pile of shit I have ever witnessed. You shouldn't allow an eight year old to design a game. I've been waiting since Hells Highway for them to finally go to the Bulge and wrap up the story as it was an alright game with an alright story. My fear was that being UBI Soft the third one would have their infamous online only copy protection. Now I just don't care ate all. The sad thing is you know people are going to buy this shite in droves. Especially when it's dropped to $10 on steam eventually. Piss off.
  11. sputnik monroe

    Paul Hardcastle | Boys To War, 25th Anniversary Edition

    The repetitive "19!" and the little chirp sound effect made me feel like I was watching an old Sesame Street segment. I kept expecting the count to pop up at any moment. Kind of reminded me of the "12" song back in the day.
  12. sputnik monroe

    Why ArmA/ArmA 2 tanks "dance"..

    Amazing I felt like I was playing ARMA and had just ordered three tanks to drive straight down a road :-P
  13. sputnik monroe

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

    I remember paragraph look ups and code wheels. The difference was you owned the game. Didn't have an internet connection or maybe your connection is just temporarily dropped? No problem you're are still allowed to play your game you paid for, your code wheel and instruction book with the paragraph checks inside work just fine with out an online connection. Y I wish nothing but bad things for UBI Soft, EA and Activision. The sooner they leave the PC game industry the sooner we'll start to see games tailored for the PC again instead of just a bunch of crappy cross platform ports of FPS's and RTS's
  14. That's awesome, have you seen this one that's been making the rounds lately. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/base
  15. sputnik monroe


    Auto loaders are traditionally much slower than a human. At least they were in the 80s and early 90s. I'm not so sure on newer tanks like the Leclerc or if the T90 has a substantially better auto loader than the T72. I remember reading an article in something once where it mentioned US and UK tank crews having a six shot for every one shot lead over Soviet tanks.
  16. sputnik monroe

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    No one has ever been murdered by a .50 cal sniper rifle. It's too expensive and the ammo is over a $1 a round. Any one who has one is an enthusiast or hobbyist. To my knowledge no one has ever been murdered with an M60 either. I get the feeling that if some one is willing to spend several thousand dollars in order to kill some one than it obviously was a crime of passion and the other person probably had it coming. :-P They were tested and were on prozac or some other mind fuck drug. They had the guns illegally anyway. They broke so many laws on their path to their final massacre that it begs the question, do you really think any more laws would have stopped them? There comes a point when no amount of laws are going to stop a psycho from committing their violent act. Also back off on calling people freaks, especially people who have never hurt you or any one else for that matter. Your the delusional one with all the paranoia and phobias.
  17. sputnik monroe

    Army Surplus and stuff

    So today I was checking out army surplus shops online and came across some "Austrian Cargo Pants" not sure if they are actually authentic or not but whatever. The thing is they look Khaki and are sold for the cheap price of $20 for two pairs. Coincidentally I happen to need a lot of khaki pants for work all the sudden and was thinking of ordering some. The only issue I have is that they describe them as "Olive Drab" to me that suggest green. I was wondering, assuming these might actually be authentic, did Austrians use or still use BDU pants like this and if so are they actually more green or actually khacki as they appear on the site? I couldn't find many pictures of modern Austrian military uniforms and was hoping maybe some one on the forums has experience with this particular BDU and could comment? Here's the site http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/2-used-austrian-cargo-pants-olive-drab.aspx?a=644942 Any one else know any good army surplus shops online? I figure there's a pretty good chance a lot of others on the boards collect military stuff and what not so why not make a thread about it?
  18. sputnik monroe

    Army Surplus and stuff

    Thanks Rellekki, good to hear a first hand account on the pants. Despite the colours being all different, are they pretty good pants? I mean for the price heck I might by the 2 pairs for $15 just to use for hiking and camping.
  19. sputnik monroe

    Army Surplus and stuff

  20. sputnik monroe

    the war that killed the women

    Isn't China already sort of doing this to themselves. Some of these plot ideas sounds like Hell comes to Frogtown.
  21. sputnik monroe

    U.S. States and countries with similar GDPs

    I just had spaghetti i made. It's the fucking bomb. It's great and the sauce is awesome. I live in Washington also knowm as gdp=Turkey maybe I shoud have eaten something no spaghetti. but that's not the point. the point is orcs and the lord of the rings. Yeah orcs aint real, but neither is uh fuck it I give it up. I'm drunk. Continue your gdp debate.
  22. sputnik monroe

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    So once again there is no innocence and neither side is good or bad. Why do you care then? It confounds me how people argue about how the coalition are the bad guys in one breath then argue that there are no good guys or bad guys in the next breath in response to any accusation that the Taliban are not good. If there are truly no good or bad guys then stop complaining about NATO forces and the USA as they are not bad or good either.
  23. sputnik monroe

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    And no one asked for you original argument against Baff1, your point? Perhaps you should have Private messaged your race baiting attacks to Baff1 instead of posting them in the public area, if you didn't want outside opinion on your slander. I am merely a man that's true. I simply gave an observation that was unbiased in as far as I knew neither of you or your backgrounds. It can easily be argued that nothing you said needed to be said. As for letting it be, you did not. You continued race baiting and attacking Baff1's character for several more post. Why waste your breath mouthing an opinion in this world if your self admittedly bull headed and believe all others are as well? I believe Celery summed it up better than I have. Dully noted and quickly scoffed at. I don't think I'll be following any of your "examples". I've read around a few other post today in the offtopic area. You seem to dabble in the art the ad hominem attack quite frequently. Baff1 don't start thinking I'm your comrade all the sudden. I disagree with you quite often. I just find the silly race baiting and ad hominem style of debate that Big Mac sunk too quite tiresome. So as far I'm concerned, towards you I'm neutral, neither in agreement or disagreement generally speaking.
  24. sputnik monroe

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    There is no good or bad you just said. So stop complaining, what ever is supposedly being covered up isn't bad as there is no good or bad. As for Big Mac vs Baff1, I read through both your arguments and as a unbiased third party I can say Baff1 made a better argument. Big Mac accept you are wrong and quit with the race bating. Baff1 is not racist.
  25. sputnik monroe

    One issue with OA...

    The pistol bug has been around since they introduced pistols with Resistance nine or ten years ago, it'll never ever get fixed. The AI driving I don't understand, it was completely broken in Vanilla OFP fixed within a few patches and near perfect in Resistance, then went down hill with Arma onwards. One step forward, two back?