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sputnik monroe

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Everything posted by sputnik monroe

  1. sputnik monroe

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Looking great. As a matter of fact these and the BOH infantry are the "best" of the "best" as far as I'm concerned as far as infantry and textures go. However, you can still see your goggles when riding in a vehicle in first person view.
  2. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I took nearly the exact same screenshot. Only I didn't have my night vision on. That and I was about 5 meters to the left.
  3. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Screenshot from yesterday. Kind of a eerie red haze from the sunrise. Too bad the game was crashed when I took the screenshot.
  4. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I just sent the download link for my newest mission to Post and Balschoiw. I hope both of them and more show up tonight so we can play it and my other mission. Â Any how since I get the feeling no one will read the entire briefing I made here is an excerpt from the Background section in my briefing. It is the back story to the series of missions I'm making of which this mission is the first.
  5. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Variable... I guess CiA can no longer be a volunteer server. I guess we have to institute the draft. Tion3r Balschoiw Tony Post Congradulations you've been drafted Â
  6. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I hope we have an admin. I'm finishing up the briefing on my second mission and will have it ready by game time. Plus I have a bit of a surprise.
  7. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Â All that remains of Sputnik Monroe after firing a RPG7 point blank into a wall. He was looking through the optics and didn't realize that the end of the warhead was pressed right against the lip of the wall.
  8. sputnik monroe

    Getting Rid of Partly Empty Mags

    Yeah that's the one I guess I didn't have a TOW. I remeber that mission now because I used a glock for the first half and killed a lot of guys. I've never before or since used a pistol as much as I did on that mission. I remember we defeated the mission as well. Was excellent team work.
  9. sputnik monroe

    Getting Rid of Partly Empty Mags

    I have a bad habit of reloading after every single engagement no matter how small. It's a bad habit I formed years ago playing Rogue Spear and have kept the habit even after I graduated to Flashpoint in early 2002. That said I'm getting much better at actually using up my magazines before reloading now. Still if I'm going into an engagement with less than 3/4ths of a magazine I reload. Thanks for the answer to variables post Metal Heart. I had the same question to variable a week ago or so during a co op mission. If I recall correctly I was packing ammo for a TOW launcher and only had room for 4 mags for my RK95 rifle. Well I had 6 or 7 mags on me but half of them only had about 5 to 8 shots remaining in them. Basically I wanted to make sure I dropped the empty mags and kept the four fullest mags.
  10. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I just finished up 1.1 of my Chromatic Ghost mission. It's a major improvement and a lot has been added and fixed. It even includes my first attempt at camera scripting an intro. Should I PM the dl link to post or tony?
  11. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

  12. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Alright actually I just uploaded it somewhere. Variable do I send you the download link? And hey Balschoiw hope to see you tonight ;-)
  13. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I just finished my mission for co op night. Where can I upload it and who do I send it to so we can maybe try it out? I can't remember where I use to upload my missions it's been so long.
  14. sputnik monroe

    Long time no see

    Hey I don't know if any of you remember me, I contributed to Facetex2 and use to play on CiA co op nights. Well in late May I moved 3,000 miles and have been stuck with dial up ever since. However at the moment I'm looking into getting DSL as it's availible in my area. So the question is this, is 1.5MB download fast enough for online playing? If I'm unable to afford that is 256 fast enough? I sure would like to get back into co op nights, if neither of those speeds are fast enough I'll still get DSL just so I can download addons and missions again. I can't stand missing out on all the cool stuff that's come out since May, especially all the new troops that use Facetex2. I did the US type faces for the addon yet I've never go to use an addon that uses them as everything is way too big to download on this crap dial up line I'm on. Well I guess that's it for now. Hope to be playing online again soon.
  15. Where can I get an default game config in ccp? I have Cpp to bin but I can't find a bin to cpp. I just want to make my own personal config for playing CWC and resistance missions with different models.
  16. This thread is for the project to convert Ghost Recon Faces over to Llauma's head. Here is the link to the RAR file containing the Ghost Recon faces. http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=25294 The .rar contains 349 faces all saved as 256X128 TGA files. Within the .rar I've sorted the faces into folders labeled... ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.Allied Asian (7 Faces) Finished by The KMan 3000 2.Allied Black (15 Faces) Finished by The KMan 3000 3.Allied Hispanic (8 Faces) Finished by The KMan 3000 4.Allied White (20 Faces) Finished by Sputnik Monroe 5.Civilians (7 Faces) 6.Cubans (37 Faces) 7.Ethiopian (27 Faces) Finished by Sputnik Monroe 8.Georgian (22 Faces) 9.Hostage (7 Faces) Finished by The KMan 3000 10.Marines (4 Faces) 11.Russian (39 Faces) Finished by Shadow NX 12.Specialist (11 Faces) 13.US Pilots (3 Faces) Finished by The KMan 3000 14.US Sniper (31 Faces) Finished by Registered Felon   Total (238 Faces)   Done (157 Faces)   %65.96 Complete ------------------------------------------------------------  Personally I would suggest that every one who downloads the rar should co ordinate with one another to decide who will convert which folders. For example person A: agrees to convert the Cuban and Ethiopian faces while person B: agrees to convert Georgians and Russians. This will greatly speed up the process. If you download the rar please do not simply convert them for personal use only. The end goal is to work together to create a single comprehensive Ghost Recon Faces PBO to supplement Llauma's head model.  I'll edit this first post from time to time to reflect any progress made.
  17. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    I've finished up the Ethiopian faces and sent them along with the Allied caucasian faces to Agent Smith. Â How goes it with the Russian faces Shadow? *Edit* I have updated the progress report in the first post of this thread. The project is %65 complete.
  18. sputnik monroe

    Operation Flashpoint: secrets and oddities

    I've been playing Flashpoint for 3 or 4 years now. I completed the original CWC campaign again today for the second time, and still there are a few things that remain a mystery to me. Â Â The first is an alternate missions. If you use the shift alt minus campaign cheat there is a mission that shows up titled 05b.Strange Meeting. I haven't played the mission as I would like to unlock it the legit way. The mission appears to be an alternate for the famous 05a.After Montignac mission. How do you get this mission in the campaign normaly with out cheating? Â Â Â The other one that springs to mind for me is combined arms. I saw in a post once some where that a guy claimed to have repelled the tank attack instead of retreating and that you would get a different ending for the mission that way. Playing through the campaign again I tried as hard as I could to take out the tanks but I just couldn't find enough AT weapons. Eventually the mission just ended anyway and went to a cut scene with General Blake yelling at me for not following orders. Â Â The last thing I shall mention that is a Flashpoint mystery to me still is the house with an accessible attic. Like I said I've been playing for 3 or 4 years now. I know about the monolithic stones, the cannons in the mountains of Everon, Lenin in the sweat box and the slightly raunchy graffiti in the elevator shaft access on Nogova. How ever one thing eludes me as I have never found it. I've heard it mentioned that those buildings on the CWC islands that have attics, well I've heard that there is one that actually has access to the attic. I'm guessing a ladder through the chute in the ceiling. If you don't know which building type I'm talking about here are two shots. This is a shot of the type of building from the outside This is a shot inside of one where there is a hole to the attic. My guess is that the one I can't find has a ladder? Â Â Â Â Ok one more, I thought of while I was typing that up, (this is the last one for real). Many of the user made islands such as Winter Nogojev feature a enterable barracks building that is a BIS default. You know the one I'm talking about, you can walk inside of it and there is a bulletin board in the hallway with soviet pictures and what not on it. It's used a lot on the SEB nam pack island's SF base but with the bulletin board replaced with a texture less white. My question about this building is simple, where in the world does it exist on the stock BIS islands? It looks like a resistance expansion addition, though I can't find it on Nogova, not that there are any military bases on Nogova to begin with. In addition to perhaps answering my questions, feel free to post any questions you might have or other mysteries or easter eggs you know of.
  19. sputnik monroe

    Best of First-Person Tactical/Wargaming

    People play Falcon and it's instrucitons are over 600 pages long. Not to mention people play steel beast and I'm sure it's not a sloutch when it comes to realism either. If people can't learn to fly or operate any of the vehicles they can just play as infantry or something.
  20. sputnik monroe

    Ask a mod

    I have problem with a situation going down in the USA politics thread. It's my belief that Ralph Wiggum is being a bit unscrupulous with his moderator position. Being a bit of a bully if you will.  So you are threatening him because he has a view point that you disagree with? Perhaps you shouldn’t be moderating this thread any longer, it seems as if you are letting your bias get in the way of your moderating position.  I disagree with Walker’s conspiracy theories a lot. However if I were a moderator would it not be wrong for me to say “Walker I’m getting tired of your “Neo Con entryist†group angle.†And then threaten to “punish†him if he continued to do so? The answer is yes it would be wrong. I disagree with Walker but it is well within his right to add his opinion to a political thread in the offtopic section just as much so as it’s Nemisis6’s right to add his.  I pose this question directly to you Ralph Wiggum: if Nemisis6’s “media bias angle†is unacceptable, how come the “Fox news is biased†angle is acceptable? Regularly people make their opinion on Fox news bias known and you do not bat an eye, yet when Nemisis has a media bias opinion you do.  Correct me if I’m wrong but it could be construed that since you agree with the Fox news is biased angle that you do nothing, yet you disagree with the bias angle Nemisis puts forward and abuse your moderator position to silence his opinion.  In any event silencing some ones opinion you disagree with by using your moderator privileges is bad form. Either debate his opinion with him fairly like the rest of us must do (as we can’t simply ban people we disagree with) or bite your tongue. Don’t take the cheap route and use your moderator abilities to silence those you disagree with.
  21. sputnik monroe

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    Keep in mind you can probably store more skinny Cobras on a Tarawa class than you could Apache's.
  22. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Thanks guys, it was fun while it lasted. If I knew earlier that my lag gave me an unfair advantage against the AI I would have quit sooner. It sure didn't feel any easier, quite the opposite really. I guess that means I suck Oh well, thanks for having me while you did it was a lot of fun.
  23. sputnik monroe

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    Interesting, I'm looking for information in case I'm wrong and did find this... I did also read the bailing out of the Mi28 is possible if it is flying high enough. However it mentioned that the Mi28 pilots would only be assigned parachutes if the mission they were flying involved altitudes high enough to bail out.
  24. sputnik monroe

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

     I'm sorry but there is not possible way that could be a true story. Helicopter pilots do not carry parachutes, the only exception is the Hokum which has an ejection system and it hasn't even entered service.  The pictures people show of Ukrainian soldiers parachuting out the back Hips are training shots. They just fly up real high hover in spot and let the trainee jump. Helicopters will never ever be used to paradrop troops in battle. Why? 1. If the chopper has the range to make it to the paradrop zone, then they will land. 2. Ground too obstructed to land you say? Then they'll fast rope them in. 3. Choppers fly too low for safely paradroping troops. 4. Choppers don't carry enough troops. One transport plane can carry the amount of troops and equipment that would take several choppers.  You say  a Hind pilot bailed out over Chechnya? I'm sorry but that is just incredibly hard to swallow. Do you know how high you have to be to safely parachute? It's over 500 feet if I remember correctly. No helicopter is going to fly that high in a warzone. The reason being the higher a chopper flies the more eyes can see it, the more eyes that see it the more MANPADs that see it. So they fly low and follow the terrain.  There is no ejection seat in a Hind, to bail out the pilot would have to bail out old school style, basically open the canopy and jump free. At the altitude a chopper flies the pilot would have no time between taking a critical hit and hitting the ground to open the canopy and jump. Even in a hypothetical where a chopper is flying 1,000 feet or more the pilot would kill himself trying to jump out of a helicopter, the canopy is not made to opened in flight and if the pilot managed to jump out there would be the slight inconvenience of the main rotor spinning over head.  If a chopper is critically hit the pilots have two options, either make a controlled crash or an autorotation if possible. I guess they could try to bail out but the fact remains they'd be dead and spread across the terrain with the rest of the chopper before they could ever open the canopy.  Finally, a pilot wearing a parachute likely will not fit in the pilot or weapons officer seats of a Hind or any chopper for that matter.
  25. sputnik monroe

    Operation Flashpoint: secrets and oddities

    If you don't like it THEN DON"T READ IT!!! I'm sick to death of people complaining about threads they don't like. Kyle did some one hold a gun to your head and force you click on the thread title? Most likely not so it's your own damn fault for reading this. Every time I see post that says "this thread is pointless lock it" or "this is ancient how dare you dig it up" I want to scream. If a thread doesn't interest you then don't click on it.