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Everything posted by SPQR

  1. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    He is a proto-Tanith. I'm just starting to work on the cpp. Tanith first & Only may have, depending on the p3ds done, as troops and Veterans : - Guardsman - Grenadier - Marksman - Medic - Saboteur - Sapper - Officer - Sergeant - Scout - Flamer - plasma gun - Melta gun - Missile launcher - Heavy bolter HQ : - Colonel Commissar Ibram Gaunt - Colonel Colm Corbec - Major Rawne - Chief Medical Officer Dorden - Master sniper 'Mad' Larkin - Brin Milo - 'Try Again' Bragg - Sergeant Mkoll Among the Inperial Infantry pbo are the Cadian Shock Troops and the Armaggedon Steel Legion.
  2. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    When the picture was shot, each pod was independant from the others, carrying 4 SM but maybe they were too close. I also saw the odd effect, but things kept working lovely & nicely
  3. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    I think that Size increasing won't be a problem. But I have no copy of the two Imperial Armour volumes, to my greatest despair. Powerfist is already implemented for both of them. AIs aren't likely to use it, as usual when concerning hand-to-hand combat, but a player will be able to use it with a little training. A Terminator neutralize a T-72 in the strikes, the fourth will make the T-72 explode, killing in the blast the Terminator. The Dreadnought will just need one strike. Two versions of the Terminators will be available : stormbolter/powerfist and assault cannon/powerfist The dreadnought will have, along their main armament (laser cannons or assault cannon) a stormbolter and powerfist. As neither me nor spad have knowledge in animations, the two units are in fact Man class. Thanks to a sort of a trick (similar to grenade throwing), they act as standing weaponless individuals. Thus, as weapons are placed out of the body center, the aiming point is shifted aside, on the right for the Terminator, on the left for the Dreadnought. There are many others limitations, but the current result is rather immersive (sounds help). However, thanks to "irTarget=true", AIs can use AT weapons against them (LAW, RPGs, AT handgrenades,...).
  4. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    The answer is here  It's all Sanctuary's work :
  5. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Assault from the air... May the Emperor bless the Captain Sanctuarius
  6. SPQR

    The Middle East part 2

    False Arab Art Gallery And they are rather skilled
  7. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Thousands warm thanks, Sanctuary It works beyond all my expectations  It just need a final touch (sound,...) but it's really great. Before final implementation, I forgot to make it weaponless, so as an enemy observing AFV, I was destroyed (by 105mm shells, while they were armed with browning MGs ?) while the pods were still in the air. As soon as they became weaponless, it worked perfectly. It's Christmas in February  -------------------------------- Edit : Sometimes, the landing isn't soft but it is an unexpected cool result
  8. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Lucius Pattern Wolf Class Warhound Titan Height : 14m Weight : 412 tons Weapons :       Plasma Blastgun       Vulcan Mega-Bolter
  9. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Bulleyes, it looks like the Dark Angels insignia. It should be a winged skull
  10. SPQR

    The Middle East part 2

    I do agree with Nemesis6 and theavonlady showing us supposed satyrical draws. Rest of the World hasn't shout hatred or shocked manners while discovering those (I'd rather think Medias don't care at all). In France, others monotheistic religions are setting aside groanning muslims, themselves telling such cartoons about them and others are humiliating them, denouncing their kins... Maybe should we offer them yellow crescent to sew on the clothes to help them feel better as victims ? The French France-Soir newspaper' director of Information was sacked (by the french-egyptian owner) because he printed an article about the danish draws. The next day, as defiance, the new director of information printed a new draw and gave his dismissal, boldly defending the freedom of speech. This morning, on the radio, a French satyrical drawer was telling a rather odd story. He went in Iran, visiting local drawers. He saw a draw presenting Jesus with a cellular phone, speaking, and next an iranian telling him not to speak so loudly as they were currently praying... You know what, I had a good laugh hearing that as it was very eccentric while it could also have a part of truth. However, I've never heard about it from an Occidental or Christian world making fuss about it Satyrical drawing exist since a long time in Occident, Japan, and probably else. Nobody is forced to like one or all satyrical cartoons, but in our land nobody can't be forced to shut it up (unless praising criminal activities and so on...). I can understand somebody telling me he doesn't like such cartoons... Until he starts to use this as a policital weapon to praise whatever he wants. I've heard anywhere that the suicide-bomb men are killed themselves and murdering civilians in the name of Mickey Mouse, inch' Disney. On the other side, not all the muslims wave their faith as a flag, like waved the red flag of Mao's red guard. In real life, I undestand than the louder your shout, less pious and wise is your faith. It's always easy to find evil in your neighbour's life than seeing his shit in his own house. Faith and Wisdom can't be measured in decibels but in free and caring acts.
  11. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Dark Angels are currently available with Annihilator pattern Predator and Rhino APC. The Ravenwing 2nd Coy has bike, attack bike and Landspeeders. As none of us are expert in animations or else, thanks to a magic trick within OFP cpp, Terminators and dreadnoughts are currenlty Man class. As they are walking as a weaponless man, and can be declared as IR signatured vehicle thus being targeted by AIs with RPG, LAW and all AT weapons, the result is rather astonishing Ingame, armed with a lasgun, finding a Terminator in front of you is pretty pant-wetting
  12. SPQR

    Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

    Battle of Quatres-bras here it comes Now just the Brunswick and Nassau troops are missing. Your work is still impressive
  13. SPQR

    Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

    I didn't know for the carabiniers, thanks for the info
  14. SPQR

    Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

    They are so many units from this era, it would be true madness or everybody'll have to wait for OFP 4 v1.95 I saw one thing about French Cavalry in your addons : Hussards and Chasseurs belong to the Light Cavalry Dragons and Chevau-Légers Lanciers belong to the Line Cavalry Cuirassiers and Carabiniers belong to the Heavy Cavalry, or Reserve Cavalry I don't know the carabiniers you created (Austerlitz era ?); the only one I know are those ones : Carabinier's painting Things that could be nice : VIPs - Napoleon himself (in order to make pics like Canal+ advertisement ) - Great fighting generals (able to fight on horse) : Massena, Lannes, Lassalle, Espagne, Ney, Murat, Edouard de Colbert,... - Trumpeter cavalrymen - spanish guerilleros. Better adapted for skirmish games like OFP
  15. SPQR

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    I've seen the video, well GAW team, it's trrrrremendouuus I was pretty astonished after seeing on your forum all the clone units that will be available (and else ) Just one thing : I rather see the droids unable to crouch or hit the ground, but always standing up (setposunit or setunitpos, I never remember )
  16. SPQR

    Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

    The units really improved since the first Napoleonic addons, in quality as in playability Waterloo, here we come I'll ask nothing, just hoping Red Lancers will be back
  17. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    I made different because in any case Eldar and Tau would be allies of Chaos. On the other side, Imperial Guard and space Marines (pretty much harder) can be corrupted by Chaos (Later with protected units it will be sensless). The harder to place will be Orks, as they are of nobody side except their own. But I can't create a specific side just for them within OFP core limits Weathering tanks ? Sorry, I seriously don't understand
  18. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Well, we don't have Georges Lucas in our team GAW SP the tiny pixie
  19. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    I wasn't sleeping, still working on the IG's config.cpp
  20. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Currently the Anihilator class Predators don't have those rays, but they already exists on Archangel's Imperial Guard laserguns, and they look nice . Tracers will dissappear from laser guns He also had a very clever idea for the Melta weapons with nice visual effects. About scripts, few small ones are currently implemented in some combat units. For exemple, Blood Angels Death Company's Space Marines are fearless and will stood up. The heavier scripts will be used by multi-turrets and so on. Concerning sides, in the current state : - Eldars and Tau could be West - Space Marines and Imperial Guard could be Resistance - Chaos could be East Later, each army should be available in 3 sides, 2 of them as protected. Thus mission-makers will have to correct the mission.sqm in order, for exemple, to have Dark Angels SM as West fighting Eastern Blood Angels SM.
  21. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    Except the 2 IG pics, all were edited.
  22. SPQR

    Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

    About the horses, have you tried to configure them as tank instead of car ? It could solve a lot the horrible behaviour of AIs trying to turn back to attack. With Tanks, AIs won't really make 180° turn while running at 60 km/h, and at pace or halted, they could turn turn on place as real horses.
  23. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    OFP isn't WH40K Table top game. Some rules can't be applied to OFP, except maybe with tons of scripts which will only allow players to use a few number of troops, and without the help of a ultra-modern gigantic PC... The apothicary is already configurated since a long time, only waiting for Folgore's texturing skills to complete the unit.
  24. SPQR

    Napoleonic Wars Mod 1.0 released

    Working with/for spad, I haven't yet look at each individual unit, but I found the few things I tested wonderful. I found tremendous the hussard having a rifle in hand to shoot and a sword appearing when selecting hand to hand combat I have to study your work in order to implement a h2h combat system as good as yours. However I also see the cannons crewmen leaving their guns after the first shot, trying unsuccesfully to get in therafter
  25. SPQR

    FOR WH40K fan

    ULTRAMARINES : Sergeant leading... BLACK TEMPLARS : Assault !! BLOOD ANGELS : Dreams of Blood... DARK ANGELS : Last Defense