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Everything posted by SPQR
I'd love to see the Warhammer WHM-6R model (using Macross's Tomahawk design. I called mine "Krasny Oktyabr", a real walking death on map), being an old school fan of the 3025 era (1987 edition), as well as my other favorite mech the HCT-3F Hatchetman, which I used, paired with a heavy mech. While the heavy mech was charging towards the target, firing all its weapons, the Hatchetman was following behind, ready to jump behind the target, as soon as being in range. AC/10 and hatchet were then doing their dirty job Desert-Rat, I love your mechs, and I'm eager to see them roaming through OFP maps
I'm curious. Have you got a link, please ?
Part One... If you want to know how every country fight the terrorism, you'll fight this interesting (if not been given before here) : Country Reports on Terrorism 2004 (April 2005) from the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism - US Department of State
US also radically create new carreers, terrorist for some, mujhadeen for the others. I admit that it's not the sole reason, it would be too easy. But it doesn't neither help a lot.
Justice or Revenge ? There's some people who prefer to charge muslims with keeping silence about terrorist groups and their acts and non-action if not full support, swankly waving the flag of Freedom and Liberty, shouting "In God we Trust" or "God,love and save my ass" and arguing with a two cents' philosophy. How funny and easy is putting the charge on the others, while refusing to see barbaric events made by his own side. What are we answered, we puny and ignorant europeans, when we talk about thousands of deads, woundeds, limb-severed men, women and CHILDREN from LGB, artillery, submunitions,... Is there any real excuse or will to better things but "Oh sorry, did it again, but as they are free now, they'd better take a life insurrance" ? Thus, why should the peaceful muslims, far from being a minority, have to excuse themselves for crimes being done by criminals ? Do the US excuse themselves for not having wipe out every urban gangs ? Do the light arms industries excuse when children use them to make a gory carnage in their high school ? With their "freedom flag", they threaten muslims for not giving the names of those criminals, as if they all knew themselves. Do these freedom thinkers even know the names of the criminals in their own town ? I'll add that there's no need to say "speak or I'll slap your face" to threaten somebody. "Whatever and no matter how compelling the justifications or reasons or conditions for terrorist acts are, a massacre in the name of Allah had been committed on innocents" is enough to threathen. But it seems in some clever minds that it's better to die butchered by a Freedom bomb than being slaughtered by a improvized explosive device. For me, it's all the same. Just BLOOD, GORE, GUTS, SHIT, SUFFERING, TEARS, and as consequence thanks to simple minds HATRED. It's cowardly easy to put the stress on a supposed silence from a community, but some seem to have forgotten that AQ currently have killed more muslims than any other kinds. While I won't drop a tear for any killed terrorist 'or Mujhadeen as they love to call themselves), between a so-called pacifist boasting hotshot and a pious muslim, I have no doubt about the one I'll kick the ass. Better have an unstructured open-minded opinion than a structured emotional subjective one (W do it pretty well)  A few figures : - since the end of the offensive if March-April 2003, the USA have lost more than 1.600 killed and around 10.000 wounded (from scratch to severed limbs and worse). - from the US Department State who finall decided to  publish them : * 175 terrorist acts in 2003 * 655 terrorist acts in 2004 * 1907 killed and more than 7000 woundeds * nearly 10% of these acts targeted US interests
YeeeeAAh, let's preemptively strike Middle Eastern world and Mecca with Nukes !!! ... First the historical conditions aren't the sames. Germany shortly after being defeated during WW1 lived in a near civil war, nationalists on a side, communists on the other. Neither side could be called peace-lovers. The Peace treaty costed also a lot to Germany, even if everything ordered to pay was paid back. Later, was the great economic crisis of 1929, wrecking Germany's economy so much while democrats weren't able to resolve these problems. Hitler also recieved a real huge support from great industry captains, fearing for their benefits and of a possible communist revolution. The Army also supported Hitler, while they ask him for their support the elimination of Ernst Röhm praying for a nationalist revolution the others didn't want to happen. Should the economic and political situation be different, Hitler's band would have never gain power. They just had the greatest luck of the world, seeing every door opened. Stalin wasn't either an angel, hoping that Hitler with his war will weaken himself and other occidental countries so that he could send his troops to roam through Europa in order to create a great red soviet empire. However, occidental countries fell too fast, and Barbarossa happened too soon. Excluding the Pacific War, do you really think the USA alone destroyed the Nazi regime ? Yes, they helped to keep the West Europ free from a soviet domination, which would have surely happened if the US war machine didn't fight in the West. Western front was a small skirmish compared to the gory fights happening on the eastern front... I'm sure someone as harley 3 1185, mastering Shakespear's tongue, would be able to explain it really better and more precisely than me There's so much to tell about this era. On the other hand, Middle East isn't a sole country, different branches of Islam exist there, and they are already able to gore themselves without Occident's help. The only time "AQ and brothers" had a country in hand, using conventionnal means, they got smashed by occidental warmachine. Afghanistan liberation didn't much make a fuss in the muslim world, which is not the cas for Iraq. While needing no lie to attack Afghanistan and chop talibans, TBA utterly lied for Iraq, with supposed WMD and links with AQ. Most muslims in the world would just like to leave in peace, and are neither really fond of being killed of so-called faithfull jihadists nor considered as potential terrorist by people considering themselves as blessed by God, being in the side of Good, Freedom and Democracy (Oups, collateral damage, sorry  It's for Democracy... after all, they died... FREE  ). And in order to conclude, before yelling History is happening again and how they will happen, we'd better understand why things happened. "I'm the good, they the ugly" is not really an understanding of the occurring situation. What happened today is a terrible and unforgiven drama. But don't forget it's happens every day in the world. This war needs cool-headed strategy, not hot-headed one, which would only fuel more this unconventionnal conflict and serve at their own hope and pleasure our enemy. If Violence and retaliation were known as means to fix problems and assure peace, Israel conflict with Palestine would have been set for a long long time... Â
I do agree that ME should be left, but while still oil be found, oil that brings wealth and curse, problems won't disappear soon. And disappearance of oil may not fix all the problems. US bombs, firefights, and collateral damages only fuel more and more this unconventionnal war. And unconventionnal wars were never won through conventionnal means... The Bin Laden's truce may have been more a diversion than a true proposal. Right before the scarf affair, and without being implied in Iraq, France, for exemple, is still threatened by bomb attacks. What is called AQ is just a conglomerate of franchised nearly independant cells, plotting attacks. Some are found before they act, some not : For exemple, the GSPC ("Groupement salafiste pour la prédication et le combat" or Salafi Groupment for the Preaching and Combat) which prepared bomb attacks in 1998 during the Football World Cup and in 2000 against the Christmas Market in Strasbourg. I'll add that Bin laden's friends in Iraq do currently kill more iraqi people than Coalition soldiers. Were they bad and perverted muslims ? I should have post this answer in the "War on Terror" topic, but your post, python3 should have its answer near. However, as the opinions of people from Muslim world is also important, I invite you to continue on the right topic (or copy and paste your post) with all of us. Thank you
I do agree that ME should be left, but while still oil be found, oil that brings wealth and curse, problems won't disappear soon. And disappearance of oil may not fix all the problems. US bombs, firefights, and collateral damages only fuel more and more this unconventionnal war. And unconventionnal wars were never won through conventionnal means... The Bin Laden's truce may have been more a diversion than a true proposal. Right before the scarf affair, and without being implied in Iraq, France, for exemple, is still threatened by bomb attacks. What is called AQ is just a conglomerate of franchised nearly independant cells, plotting attacks. Some are found before they act, some not : For exemple, the GSPC ("Groupement salafiste pour la prédication et le combat" or Salafi Groupment for the Preaching and Combat) which prepared bomb attacks in 1998 during the Football World Cup and in 2000 against the Christmas Market in Strasbourg. I'll add that Bin laden's friends in Iraq do currently kill more iraqi people than Coalition soldiers. Were they bad and perverted muslims ? I should have post this answer in the "War on Terror" topic, but your post, python3 should have its answer near. However, as the opinions of people from Muslim world is also important, I invite you to continue on the right topic (or copy and paste your post) with all of us. Thank you
What is more seriously bad is that Europe is also becoming an important recruiting ground for AQ. London was an important place for indoctrination, but France is neither spared
Only if france doesn't send Food Aid in the form of Snails. No, we'll send waves of suicide deathsquad snails against terrorist cells, but we'll need a bit of famous british rain to help them to crawl faster to our enemies
France and UK may have many harsh political or sport disagreements, terrorist attacks will only reinforce more our cooperation (and friendship I hope) as ever. In this kind of situation, I have more faith in our political men and people than in the international financiers who care cowardly more for their own benefits than global well-functionning economic system... The global stock market is plundging... Â God saves the Queen, United Kingdom , Europe, and all men and women aspiring in Peace. Today, we are all Londoners ------------------------------- Avonlady, you prefer to fuel fear and hatred than give any confort or kindness, which is rather sad from someone living in a country which has already suffered so much. AQ does not want only to kill non-muslims, but all christians, Jews and all muslims not faithfull towards them and their "Jihad".
Do you naively think it is so easy ? The terrorists cells don't put stickers "I'm a terrorist" on the top of their car and are fully aware of all existing spying devices. They also work as small sized cells, independant from each others, using human messagers, and using standard civilian identites and jobs. Echelon becomes Nuts, human intelligence through infiltration is nowadays the rulen, which is more difficult and dangerous. In order to assassinate somebody, you have to know who and where is your target. Pretty hard to do with hidden terrorist cells. And it is often more efficient to make them prisonner in order to feed international anti-terrorist intelligence than just fire a bullet in their head. Maybe JDAMS are smart, but not enough to find a terrorist cell inside a big city
I'd like to remember you that France had already in the past suffered from terrorist attacks by the algerian GIA, with many deads, wounded and handicaped for life victims...
Whatever happened today, whatever happened between France and UK, You have our kindest support in the terrible drama. I have confidence in british calm and cool-headed behaviour, as they used to be during the WW2 while being bombarded by the nazis
Don't mix up your own problem and rest of the world's ones. Or would you advice UK to built walls around muslim districts, and smash their shop with bulldozers, in the name of Security ? Anyone aware about the international terrorist menace always know it can happen anytime, anywhere. Today London (if it really that, which is higly probable), maybe Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam,... tomorrow ? It's not a reason to invade a new country and spread more and more hatred and fear. You'd better take care of your own colonists and the association which managed to get the adress of the soldiers who will be ordered to move out the colonist in Gaza' band in order to "ask them" to disobey orders...
Well, Tony can continue to fight for his european rebate in order to finance all the works
Go, Go, Go London.... YeeeeeeeAAAAAA Me, a traitor ?? Â About the food, Chirac got pretty funny when you know he got used to eat for more than 150 euros per day per personn (or 600 ? don't remember) Â It's like when he told to new european countries about the lost opportunity to shut it up about Iraq (especially when those countries proposed later to decrease their own budget part)... I don't know finnish food but I liked norvegian's, and english (made by the common people) also. I never found the latter so "disgusting" as being told by so many frenchs... On the other side, I don't like fat liver, seafood, oysters, champagne,... Am I really french ? Â European surely
Greetings UK The last fight was close, 54 voices for UK versus 50 for France. Some frenchs took that as a new Waterloo, but I don't care I hope, they'll give us later a more precise count of the votes.
Happy Independance Day for the first modern Democracy in Human history. Thank you for the good things you've done in the past, and all the kindness you can give when unthreatened. Have a nice holiday
Since when did T-94/72/80/90 models have their driver on the left side of the front hull, inside of, as usual, their driver in the centre of the front hull ? Maxpain[ORCS], TALLA2xlc's T80 was, is and will never be a russian T-80 whatever the model. Also, the side mudguards are typically chinese, not russian. Now, as I'm not expert in chinese armory, it could be a model similar to their Type 80. I leave that to true experts... Or you love joking and pulling others' leg
It is not the russian T-80 but the chinese T80 or Type 80 FAS.Org : Type 80
To be more precise, it's now a War on USA for Terror
You know what ? The more each side pours us with its own propaganda and rewritten history, the more people won't care about your puny land anymore. Your stories (both sides) keep smeeling like african ones, setting political matters with matchets... Leave us alone, that'll be good holidays for the others, the cows will be well guarded Side of Good, side of Evil, come back when you'll grown up Just wish, this summer, that Gaza strip doen't become an israeli-israelian Massada... P.S. : I don't use to ironically make fun of faith (unless talking politics), color, size, weight or sex... but worthless mass human stupidity...
So, but news seem to be always focused on killed troopers. How many wounded, how many being amputed, handicaped, under permanent trauma ? How do the USA care for them and their family ? Can the American people watch them on TV ? What I saw on a french TV report about them wasn't really glorious and responsible from the TBA and Pentagon. But fearing lack of objectivity from them, I'd like to know what is told in the USA (not only from Fox News).
IF YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING IT WASN'T WMDS THAT MADE US GO IN! it was just a lie to get other nations and their public onboard. which didn't work. A lie, JUST A LIE !!  And you dare, YES YOU DARE, present yourself and your "tribe" as symbols of VIRTUE, MORALITY, HONESTY, HONOUR, carrier of the messages of love and peace of Jesus Christ himself  WMD was a lie Saddam Hussein and AQ relationship was a lie How many more ? "Hell is cobbled with good intents" You are pathetic. I also have a bible at home, I received too the teachings of Jesus. NOWHERE was written that Jesus lied to anybody, whatever the cost for him, nor did it ask to spread the war to teach to the others his words. Is your "God" greater than the others', puny human ? I guess, without any risk, that he wouldn't approve anything you may think or say. Trying to wrap yourself in a mantlet of virtue, you are as worthless as the other soab who threw 2 planes into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and a fourth into the ground because fellow americans fought to prevent them from killing more people. You are a shame in front of their boldness, sacrifice and death.  Now TBA decides recently to erase debts of many poor countries and send food in North Korea to prevent famine.... Just now after several years ! That's only a unsubbtle mean to buy you a new virginity. Need help for sewing up again your hymen ? Is North Korea becoming a new land of Freedom and Democracy ? I really fiercely hate half of you as much as I foundly love the other half of the american people, a moderate, intelligent, open-minded, not arrogant half I won't never abandon whatever could happen in the future. You don't even understand that with your lies, your maskirovska, you increase deadly risk chances for your own people. I'll add, to finish, that if Chirac isn't the brightest and most honest president in France, he lived and knows what war and guerrilla means, as he was officer in a fighting unit, in Algeria, during their indepeance war... ... unlike your dear president and his service in a "champagne" air reserve unit.