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Everything posted by SPQR
(Increbible work by Shard, and help from Archangel) One view of O'shovah a.k.a. Commander Farsight with his troops.
I guess you miss the point : I am the one who wrote Spad's Space Marines config.cpp, as well as : - Rhino, Vindicator, Whirlwind, Predator,... - bike and attack bike - Eldars troops & weapons - Falcon, Fire Prism - Scorpion - jetbike and Vyper Even if they are still not fully complete/perfect, this is my job, work, salt, pain, labour, joy, headache,... and there's lot more witing for me on my HD
Hey, you are going to make me push my limits in cpp writing : Well, it's more like copy-'n-paste
With their new colors, the Space Marines look greater But, while the Dark Angels basic Space Marine is dark green colored, the DA Ravenwing's SM is black colored, like the old version of DA SM.
I am currently working on several cpp, and chosen values for armor and damages aren't actually canon law, until tested and approved. The TT's armor save is equal to a value of armor, and Thoughness is added to this value. I'd to test later the Thoughness value as modified armorStructural, but until then, more important things need to be done first. So many things have to be done first that hand to hand combat isn't at the present time the priority, even if it won't be a luxuary for assault troops, added to a full load of grenades. For ranged weapons, dispersion is also now being tested, not fixed yet. About Morale, I haven't tried yet to implement it in the cpp. Maybe later. Morale, Command and Initiative can also be displayed inside the mission editor, playing with rank (morale) and experience (initiative). Folgore, things sounds good
... against the Eldars, the mysterious xeno race...
The Adeptus Astartes on the way to Hell... Â
Nice job, Ironsight, Kooky, Cribban, Arne and CanadianTerror And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays , for shocking nobody
I don't think Spad felt hurted. There is so much job to do for so few to do it and I gave him a helping hand for the Eldars Config.cpp and Space Marines awaits me
The eldars, players as AIs, are already able within this addon to throw two types of grenades (plasma against personnel and light AFVs, OFP grenades, smokeshells - and Krak or Melta bomb against all AFVs). It is rather simple : you have to define two throws as weapons, each specialized in a kind of grenade. It's just a farthest developpement of KyleSarnik' and OFrP's works (if I made no mistake,as the idea's owner deserves all glory ).
All this seems nice for the Damocles Gulf Crusade Â
Can we expect Tanith riflemen, who could rather be easily made using the Cadian sniper's p3d from the old IG beta for exemple ? Nevertheless, I'm impressed by all the work done since the first beta, and I'm eager to play with them By the way, have a nice sleep, you deserves it
Just hope you don't impoverish the european new comer countries in order to save your rebate...
Yes, we should strike hard'n fast, sending main battle tanks in the streets, snipers on the roof, and ATGW fired into enemy learders' home... For sure, we have a lot to learn about peace keeping in urban areas from our israeli friends Is this shit really representative of all young suburban rioting inabitants ? Do you negociate about social politics with bunch of 12-16 years old kids ? Would it be representative of french public opinion if he braindead white complexion nazi boy though and wrote in his own stenching blog : I'd rather tell you that he's deadly mad and should be arrested immediatly... as some of those arson bloggers already got arrested.
Tayyip Erdogan 'b take care of his own tolerant shit with the kurds, the armenians, Chypra.... Moreover, as arsons kept going last night in spite of all the religious leaders' soothing words and the UOIF's fatwa, it would rather tend to proove that the riots aren't related to Islam. Even the third boy, the one survivor of the power pylon area incident, from his hospital bed, asked for things calmed down...
One of these is not like the other: What a funny text written by somebody who never visit the grounds  I asked myself who is this famous expert I’ve never seen in top-notch debatting TV broadcasts in France. Amir Taheri belongs to Benador Associates, founded by : this point of view is also debattable, as many sources just copy-and-paste the same text, like Fox New with Associated Press, whom works seem to me suddenly more serious than Benador’s band trash work... While some Taheri’s use some trivial past real events, his perception and conclusions are pretty silly, except for far right winged. Here are some extracts easy to refute : Very few shots were fired, a couple from pistols (I guess, inquiries may tell it better than me), and recently small lead pellets from shotguns. No AK-47, no RPG, it’s not Gaza’s strip ! News : last night, shotgun fired at a group of 30 policemen, approached by a group of around 200 people - 2 policemen wounded. Apparently, as things seem not to be clear and many things are told from what look like a new urban rumour, the Police was called for a buglary. A group of youth was going to have their papers controled when they separated and flee (they get used to flee from, or spit to or insult the Police, some say because they fear policemen’s flawed acts). Then things become unclear as some tell they were pursued, some tell not... 3 boys entered in the power pylon area. 2 got killed, the third was badly wounded, but had enough strength to come back one victim’s family home to tell what happened (according to him). The riots started not when the new come to the others ears, but when the authorities said that the boys were not pursued. Other riots look like today more as copycats than a growing and organized global riot leading to a civil war, apparently dreamed by extrem minds. As I wrote earlier in a previous post, those rioters don’t act for a religion, and often don’t know the slightest thing about their parents’ own religion. They shout “God is greatâ€, not because they are faithfull, but because it’s fashion, cool and make them feel as if they were palestinians, thanks to some long term peaceful politics from a well known state. The UOIF (Union des Organisations Islamiques de France i.e. Islamic Organizations of France Union) have just today broadcated a fatwa/ condemning the current criminal acts,  and ordering to cease those activities unrelated with faith. We’ll see if this fatwa gives some results. If not, it will definitively proove that Islam in not related to these riots. Post Scriptum : Policemen fighting those riots don’t flee, they are ordered to retreat. Give them orders, and you’ll see some boys running faster than light, give them orders and they be able to stand firm under a rain of stones. But you must have work with the Police to know these facts and who they really are. Everybody has not Merkavas to hide behind its armour... The CRS, or the Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (Security Republican Companies), are policemen trained for area securing and riots control (even fighting if needed), not an unknown and secret special force acting undr the command of a black cabinet. Among those policemen, some of them worked on french beaches during summer as watchmen and life savers. Nice buddies, even if they are not as charming as Pamela Anderson/C.J. Parker  in “Baywatch†TV serie  Reading that, one could imagine that our suburbs are only inhabited by foreigners, regrouped in isolated community inside France. But if many of their parents have another nationality, those young rioters were born in France, thus being immediatly french citizens (often having both, french and their parents’ nationality). They were raise in french nursery schools, and so on, so they speak french as fluently as the small vocabulary can help them (for those who quit school early). These bullshit aslo hide the fact that many of them work hard and try to better their own and their parents living standards, and while unrelated to this violence may suffer from the image casted by a few scums. Something happened once and is here exaggerated. Unless making a mistake, as it is an old story, a “french†shopkeeper retired, and a new one of north africa origin decided, while opening his shop, not to sell alcohols and porks. That’s all. As I wrote earlier, suburb cities haven’t usually dancing halls, cinemas and theaters, and other social places are often destroyed by riot than closed by radicals. Mosques are often managed by associations where only the iman wear a beard While one or two individuals may seek to place themselves as “negociators, the people trying to calm down things, prosecuted by the author of the upper sh.t, are mostly parents, local imans, french highest religious leaders and young adults, called “big brothers†by their younger kins. Another story, illustrating the fact that arsoning and riots can hardly be related to religious war and israeli-palestinian conflict, several months ago, 3 girls wanted to get a revenge against a fourth one, set  postal boxes afire, resulting to an arson that killed many people. No scarf in the story So, I know somebody who’d better post nothing Or maybe she’s bothering, as the topic about her messy land interest nobody no more, tired to knock their head against the same wall  Even if there is a strong feud between thunderbird84, as many can remember, I currently do agree with him at 300%  With Whisper too  Â
Just to explain before everybody inflame himself... The current "riots" are neither related to religion, nor the rioters are muslims wanting to spread a civil war. They may call themselves muslim like their parents and shout "Allah Akbar" to the Police, but they are ignorants of their parents' religion, unfaithfull, and shout such sentences because it's in fashion since the GW2. These lads are uneducated, only speaking with not more than 500 words of vocabulary, and many are known criminals for drug affairs, thefts,... ABSOLUTLY nothing related to nauseous and ignorant journalism from FOX News , for example, wanting us to believe France is becoming a new Bagdad, because of the spread of Jihad : In France, we don't speak of muslims (except extreme-right politics), but youth or scums The main problem is that a minority of brainless boys, organized or not, through juvenile delinquency, violence, drug dealing,... are harmful to a majority who just would like to live peacefully, after seriously hard working and studying, as everybody. Those lads should just have be spanked earlier and harder
I know the tracks won't give massive protection, but with some high ArmorStructural values, light AT rocketlaunchers might need too many ammos to make a mobility kill. Against light AFVs, it would be great if heavy sniper rifles could disable the track with one or two shots. I was thinking about using side armor value for tracked AFVs. For wheels, I thought about a constant value, depending of the type of the tire (classic, protected,...). When the side armor value would not be available, we could guess a value from similar AFVs. Also, with an unique file as JAM3 vehicles, we could easily and faster chosen figures and correct them through tests
With coeffcients like 2-3 for the gun and tracks, it is pretty obvious. Currently, with those figures, the tracks give a huge protection to the hull against direct impacts. For the heavy AFVs, with the current chosen track (0.6) and engine (0.8) values, added with high Armorstructural value, infantry would need countless RPG just in order to make a simple mobility kill... Moreover, tracks are usually a vulnerable part of the AFV, turning it into a simple bunker. Maybe, as we chose as armor values the front turret and hull protection levels, we could use the CE value of the side hull armor (or the KE value if the chosen CE protection level doesn’t help for a mobility kill) Within the same logic, the gun may have the protection level of the AFV’s gun mantlet (CE, or KE if we want it to have a slighlty increased vulnerability). About the protection level of the light AFV, as you intend to make CAVS work with JAM3, instead of using OfrP ammunition damage values, you’d better replace them with JAM3 values, and define with Cornhelium the damage level of the .50 and 14.5mm ammunitions (for the AP type, apply damage (ball) x 1.2, as any AP round). Simulnateously, the JAM3’s JAM_Vehicles.pbo.cpp file could be modified in order to propose and test basic OFP AFVs, according to the prototype CAVS rules. I also see that in the Armor Structural calculations, you remove points, some I consider critical, like the heavy ammunition protection level. I modified some coefficients, in order to prevent AS to increase too high... HP/tons is the Engine Power (Hp)/Combat Weight (tons). WHEELED VEHICLES : On-Road Speed : known max road speed Off-Road Speed  : calculate Terraincoeff (config.cpp), according to its model :      Combat AFV =         Engine Type                                                 MODW           Diesel                                                    50.0           Petrol                                                    45.0           Diesel Turbo/Supercharged/Direct Injection                       40.0 HP/tons is the Engine Power (Hp)/Combat Weight (tons).      Military class (trucks) = 3      Civilian road vehicles = 4
I never said all Muslims are bad people, I just said they worship a false god. Â I believe that to be true. After the concept a superior race, here comes the concept of superior religion. Afterall, all those asians, animist africans, hindus are also complety wrong, the rest of the world is completly wrong, while the sun is still orbiting around the earth... For your information, Jericho didn't waited for God's trump to fall, as the city fell into ruins centurys before hebrew's arrival. Also, egyptians never had slaves in their history, they just threw out a people happy to be fed for free while refusing to work for the country. And there's many more historical errors or plots. I'd better convert as muslim and ask refuge to Scorpio, Acecombat and Python than accepting this upper kind of bulls... ...
Hi TermiPete  I had a look on your bin, as I currently don’t have ECP on my PC, unable to test them in “Liveâ€. Well, you stroke pretty hard while giving as opponent a T-72BM having Kontakt-5 ERA. It’s nearly as strong as a T-80U or a low grade T-90. There’s no more huge difference between your T-72B and T-80UE, as it used to be between the T-72A (M1) and the T-80BV in the original game. Maybe a Kontakt-1 ERA equiped T-72BV could be enough for second line troops ?  I saw some points puzzling me : - T-54 Guerrilla : while all tanks have Engine 0.8 and Tracks 0.6, the T-54 has 0.45 and 0.25. With 200 points of Armor, it is more vulnerable than a M2A2, and even maybe the M113A3 (thanks to its Armor Structural). Also, using “Combat Weight (tons) x10 or Best CE Armor value = armorâ€, the T-54 Armor should be 360 (Hull 0.53, Turret 0.56)  - Why does the M113A3, an APC, use Gun, Engine and Tracks values (2, 0.8, 0.6) while the BMPs, IFVs like the M2A2, use 3, 3 and 3 ? - Currently, unless I made a mistake), the AIs will fire their .50 ball M2 HMG upon the BMPs (Armor 125) but not the M113A3. If in the reality those two AFVS are vulnerable to HMG fire against their side armor, actually BMP frontal armor (34-40mm) is imprevious to .50 AP rounds (and 20mm over 1500m) while the M113 (the A3 has spall liner and improved mine resistance) has 38-44mm aluminium frontal armor (grossly 22.8-26.4mm RHA equivalent). For OFrP, using Bobmoran damage rules and ammo modifiers I have as draft : Light AFVs ARMOR PROTECTION LEVELS Ammunition               DIRDMG                      ARMOR 7.62mm Ball                 11                        110+ 7.62mm AP                   13                        130+ 12.7mm Ball                 16                        160+ 12.7mm AP                  19                        190+ 14.5mm Ball                 19                        190+ 14.5mm AP                  23                        230+ Exemples : VBL (7.62 ball) = 110 VAB (7.62 AP) = 150 Uparmoured VAB (12.7mm AP) = 200 BRDM-2 (7.62 ball) = 120 BTR-60 (7.62 AP) = 150 BTR-80 (12.7 ball) = 180 M2A1 Bradley (14.5 AP) = 250 BMP-1 (12.7 AP) = 200 M113A3 (7.62 AP) = 150 AIs will fire with their rifles and MGs upon a targeted light AFV unless the latter has more than tenfold the bullets direct damage value as Armor value. A twisted trick to simulate the inefficiency of light ammos against some armor. As you work with JAM values, the reference ARMOR values would have to be corrected accordingly. - You should also correct the soviet shells initial speeds. 2000m/s is rather odd, as velocities can nawadays be found in the net. Later, I’ll give you formulas (from Bobmoran) in order to calculate the signature of the AFV from their size, the value CAMOUFLAGE. To finish, I like the idea that my old buddy birdy-wolfy would use values coming in part from my own work. He’d be obliged to thank me in his readme... Â
Good news. I've been haunting your site everyday in order to have news Yes, it's me who's coming fifty times a day... Vive l'Empereur
The Inner Sphere Warhammer is a 70 tons Battlemech, while Clans' Warhammer IIC is a 80 tons 'mech I used to know every mech of the 3025 Technical Readout, you won't cheat me Even if the WHR-6 really needs 10 tons of armor more. With only 160 armor point, you had to strike fast and really hard, without running hot too fast But what a beast !
See my sig... And don't forget to spare the trees
I make quick missions and play around and I played the current availbale SP missions and campaigns (I'm eagerly waiting for Gettysburg campaign part 2 ). I don't really know the Civil war era and its armaments, so I think you are the ones who know what should be the best choices. However, I'd like to see maps with streams and rivers (as Bullrun map), horses (a must have, I hope, configurated as tanks and not jeeps, pretty hard to manage with driven by AIs). Last week, I saw on TV "Ironclads", telling the story of the Virginia (Merrymack) and Monitor duel. It may be fun on map, but are the possibilities of missions worth the quantity of needed work ? Historic definitively But I feel that skirmish missions would be fairly more adapted, less CPU consuming and giving more tactical freedom to players. Actually, I love the current gameplay, even if it's less adapted for Napoleonic Mod, as muskets during this era were indredibly less accurate than those from Civil war era.