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Everything posted by Skul

  1. Skul

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    I'd like to be able to crawl under a vehicle and hide there without my guy jumping up and down in a prone position. Makes me nauseous after a while...
  2. I'd like to be able to crawl under a vehicle and hide there without my guy jumping up and down in a prone position. Makes me nauseous after a while...
  3. Skul

    Becoming a leader

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">when he enters a 5t Truck, he becomes that squad's leader, or when he enters an M113 he becomes THAT squad's leader.<span id='postcolor'> I know the movein command. Read the quote.
  4. Skul

    How to convince people that ofp is the best?

    How old was this guy? 12? Another idiot with a 12-year-old punk mind! It's blatantly obvious that you don't want to be shot at. If it was me in the M2A2, then I would apologise and stop shooting. With no assholes on it, OFP really comes into it's own when on MP. Just grab some friends and play a co-op/deathmatch with them. But if you haven't got any friends , then the computer gives a real mean challenge!
  5. Skul

    Jurassic park mod

  6. Skul

    Jurassic park mod

    Barney hater's dream! There was Barney DOOM out for DOOM. It turned perfectly nice demons into rampaging Barneys! They had a tendency to sing off-key and when there was a room full of them, the effect was gut-wrenching! I would put god-mode on and blast them to smithereens with my rocket launcher! Ahh, fun days! Now, the question is this... is there a Barney addon out there?
  7. Skul

    Multiplayer annoyances

    Why are there assholes everywhere on MP games? Why can't we all just get along? ( 'Cept with the enemy, heh heh heh ) I'm with you, Winters. People should just ask you to leave (politely), instead of kicking you out with a rude comment!
  8. Skul

    Time deceleration

    What kind of stupid game would lock you out permanently? There would be no point in buying it, then! Reinstall it? Sure! Ah!! But what if the system detects that it has already been on the system and it STILL locks the game out! That would be so cool! (rolls eyes) Well, time to use the old trick of 'tell them to do something completely different in the hopes that it will satisfy them'! Here goes... I have a better idea! Join the army!
  9. Skul

    Will upgrade 1.91 delete my progress?

    I upgraded and it never deleted anything... but here's my advice: Make a backup of your user and save files and upgrade. If the files are deleted, then put the backup files into their places. That should work (I hope).
  10. Skul

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    I will definitely buy OFP2! If the first one is anything to go by, then the second one should... WILL be even better! I hope the mission editor will still be as easy to use in the second one as it is just now
  11. Skul

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    I will definitely buy OFP2! If the first one is anything to go by, then the second one should... WILL be even better! I hope the mission editor will still be as easy to use in the second one as it is just now
  12. Skul

    Jurassic park mod

    Screw 100000% realism! IT - IS - A - GAME!!! We've had a drill, UFO, T800, even an alien trooper model... now we are gonna get DINOSAURS! They would be good for something like a weird occurence on an island, where time has been displaced ( ) and... you can guess the rest
  13. Skul

    Multiplayer annoyances

    I think there should be a patch or something that makes players invincible when inside the spawn area on certain maps (like CTF), to stop spawn rapers from killing everybody with a LAW or something like that.
  14. Skul

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    While I'm all for realism, I don't want a game to be too realistic. For example, I don't want the enemy soldiers to be able to 'sense' my presence. There are only so many senses the player can have in a game (sight and sound). Please remember that Operation Flashpoint is a game, so I don't want things like 'Remove the aiming crosshair'; 'Get rid of the command bar for squad leaders'; 'Permanently disable the Command View'; 'Remove the 3rd person view', you know, stuff like that. That's me done.
  15. While I'm all for realism, I don't want a game to be too realistic. For example, I don't want the enemy soldiers to be able to 'sense' my presence. There are only so many senses the player can have in a game (sight and sound). Please remember that Operation Flashpoint is a game, so I don't want things like 'Remove the aiming crosshair'; 'Get rid of the command bar for squad leaders'; 'Permanently disable the Command View'; 'Remove the 3rd person view', you know, stuff like that. That's me done.
  16. I've searched around for some good radar buildings, but all the ones I have found are.. well not bad models.. just not suited to what I need. I'd like to see something like a huge radar dish or something which can be used and/or attacked by both sides. If Col. Klink changed his radar building slightly, then that would do great. P.S. Would everyoe stop making stuff for NATO? I mean, there's only one addon I have got which gives the Reds even a hint of a chance, which is the awesome Mammoth Tank. And then Colonel Dick responds with "Such as?" I assume you mean "Changes such as?", you retarded prick! Well fuck, I don't know! You fucking tell me! YOU make mods, so YOU should know how to change them to work for both sides! GOD! Are you really that fucking stupid? Do people need to spell things out for you using exact wording? I'd tell you to throw yourself off a cliff, but you'd ask "And how exactly would I go about that?" (or maybe "Such as?") Ask someone else. That is, if you understand HOW to ask someone else, you retard!
  17. Skul

    Brightening effect

    Do you mean the effect you get when you move your view to a nearby light source? Well, I don't think there is any way to keep it there, unless you stare at the source all day!
  18. Skul

    Why ofp is great

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1. The ability to command an entire company (of soldiers, armor, etc). Divided into 3 platoons, each platoons into 2 sections, etc. This would add a great strategic element to OFP without subtracting anything! 2. Larger, more detailed maps with actual villages. As it is, most of the maps in OFP are the size of a single village, and most of villages and "towns" in the game are nothing more than 5-6 houses. 5. Artilliery (sp?) without having to resort to shell spawning scripts. Artilliery is one of the most important aspects of combat. 6. APCs that are a bit more resistant to RPGs. As it is now, my APCs and more of a liability than an asset in combat. Ok, a RPG should disable it, but not kill everyone inside. <span id='postcolor'> Don't you think that these apply more to 'What would you like to see in OFP2?' I mean, you sound like you are suggesting stuff that would make it better more than saying what DOES make it better.
  19. Skul

    Why i'd hate to be a sniper

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">think about this I wonder how many Guardians I have killed in my computer I never understood the user in Reboot, you'd think the guy would give up playing games since he lost to Bob every time. <span id='postcolor'> My god!! It's been donkey's-years since I've seen that! And, yeah. This 'user' should have quit playing games, since he was so shit at them ( it was probably some 5-year-old kid )! Anyhoo, back on topic... When it gets to the point that you are worrying over killing a bunch of computer sprites, then I suggest that you stop playing until you think rationally. I mean, they are NOT real, never will be and it's highly unlikely you are going to be asked to bugger off to Africa and shoot some teenagers for real!
  20. I've been thinking... what if we had C&C addons or mods. The C&C Red Alert Mammoth Tank has already been made, which is a great addon. But with a C&C addon pack, it would be even better, IMO. Now let's wait for the asshole who will come along and say it's crap!...
  21. Okay, I have tried to put a picture on my overview, but the system is so stupid, it can't find the file it is specifying EVEN THOUGH IT IS RIGHT THERE! It shows up when I open the document externally, but it doesn't in the game! I have tried de-pboing a mission and putting THAT as my overview... BUT EVEN THAT DOESN'T WORK!!! I have searched for solutions and they don't help much, either! I don't think my computer likes the overviews I make..
  22. It's 74x74, small enough, right? It doesn't make any sense!
  23. Skul

    Command & conquer

    *bump* Come on, I think this would be a pretty good MOD...
  24. Okay, simple question which I have searched the answer to, but I can't find it for some reason. I could have sworn I saw a post about this. Here's what I am trying to do: Make the 'End 1' (or w/e trigger I want) to activate only once I have activated another trigger (or two). And I don't mean synchronising, because I would just make a timed trigger in the same area that would be set to activate a few seconds after the other triggers. I have tried putting t1 in the Condition field, but no... I have also put the following codes in the Condition field of the End trigger. (t1 is the name of the trigger which is supposed to cause Mr. End Trigger to wake up) </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">t1=true<span id='postcolor'> and </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">t1="true"<span id='postcolor'> Anyone?
  25. Skul

    Command & conquer

    I think it was at Operation Flashpoint CZ. If you can't find it, pm me with ur email and I'll send you a zip file with it, no strings attatched.