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Everything posted by Skul

  1. Skul

    I'm a dragunov

    Wait untill Avon takes this test. Imposter! I always thought Avon was more man than we believed! [Gareth Gates must die]
  2. Skul

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    , and . are the same as < and >. Just hold Shift to get the arrows. As for my OFP moment...er... ...I killed an enemy soldier! [Gareth Gates must die]
  3. Skul

    Gotta be kidding me

    Hmmm....I see.... I liked the old one better... So what you think about this weird cult of jedis? [Gareth Gates must die]
  4. Skul

    Gotta be kidding me

    And in Australia as well. Hehehehe I thought it was a fun idea, so I did it. Apparently if it reaches a certain level of participation in a census then it had to be recognised officially as a religion. Good ol' wholesome ****ing with the system   Oh for God's sake! lol They can't be serious! Also, FS, what the hell is that avatar about? Where'd the pilot with Bush's face on it go? [Gareth Gates must die]
  5. Skul

    Gotta be kidding me

    What in the name of heck is THAT? [Gareth Gates must die]
  6. Skul

    What servers do all the people on the forumsplay

    I don't really have any server I particularly play on. I just choose one that has many people playing a map I like. On a side note: I wonder who would win in of an all-out deathmatch game between all the moderators? The losers leave the forum forever and the winner....also leaves the forum forever........yes....... [Gareth Gates must die]
  7. Skul

    Whats your nick name

    Look out for me as my 'full-nickname': Skulkrusha I've had that nick since I was 12, but I can't remember where I got it from... kinda lame nick, huh? [Gareth Gates must die]
  8. Skul

    I'm a dragunov

    HAHAHAHA! Â OMG! Who makes those 'result' answers up? LOL! [Gareth Gates must die]
  9. Skul

    Starting prone

    Sorry, that only works on AI units, but it's okay now. I got it to work (why do things only figure things out after you ask for help? Â ) Anyhoo, for those who want to know, put a trigger, set it's Activation (West - Present, for example) Then in the On Activation, type: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player switchmove "LyingCrawlL" Although this causes the player to shuffle sideways left once, it's not as bad as LyingCrawlF, which makes the soldier crawl forward and is a little annoying. Now that the question has been answered... well, I'll let the mods do the favourite part of their job! (Thinks)...Hmm...another ME FAQ question? [Gareth Gates must die]
  10. I have searched through every post to this and tried all the suggested switchmoves and such, but none of them work! I would really like to have my soldier start the mission prone. I've tried LyingCrawlF, but that doesn't do anything. I've even tried that along with removing all their weapons and setting different behaviour levels. Will setting the player's position be easier in V1.92? This is something I'd like for that patch... [Gareth Gates must die]
  11. Skul

    Mars closer than ever

    The storm has well over a month to clear up, so I shouldn't worry about that... EDIT ADD: Just read the article... wow! Can't wait to see ol' Mars Bar show up! [Gareth Gates must die]
  12. Skul

    I'm a dragunov

    Who makes these tests up? And how do they consider the 'credentials' for each type of gun? What's next? Which putrid smell are you? What electric wave-current are you? What form of pseudo-dynamic double-reverse tryphytron pulse are you? [Gareth Gates must die]
  13. Skul

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    The day I 'became' Jonny! A few minutes ago (at the time of writing this), I 'became' Jonny! This is in a test of a SP Mission I am making... Anyhoo, there we were, me and my squad. 1 was ordering us about in Petrovice. To our left was squad of Ruskies, and up ahead were two tanks, a Shilka and a T72. 1 tells me to target the Shilka, which I already had in my sights. Fired and the Shilka exploded marvelously, lagging me with black smoke. No sooner had I reloaded my LAW and brought my G36 back out than somene cried "Damn! 1 is down!" Shit. "This is 2 taking command." (I was 2, by the way, 17 years ago, but this time, I was number 2 in the game! ) I ordered everyone to be on Danger mode. Soon, they started dropping like flies. The Russians were cutting them up, the sneaky swines. Soon, 4 and 5 were all that remained. 5 was killed and 4 followed soon after. I was alone, and that T72 was still around! I dropped prone and looked around. I saw the Russian officer on the opposite side of the road. I didn't have enough time to adjust my sights, so I gritted my teeth and waited for him to fire, but then, the T72 casually rolled between us, blocking me from his view. I took the chance and aimed towards where he was. The T72 passed and I fired as soon as I saw his black hat. Then it was onto the tank. I ran around, hiding until the T72 itself hid behind a building (or got stuck there, somehow). I went to sneak up behind it, but when I turned to go there, two soldiers were standing there, turning to face me. I quickly blasted them, thinking "I'm dead...", but I survived. By now, adrenaline was pumping through me and I was sweating slightly (I'm tellin' ya, all alone against a squad of Russians with tank support is a rush!) I snuck behind the T72, brought out my LAW Launcher and fired a LAW up its butt. I took cover on the opposite side of the building of the T72. I reloaded and carefully went behind it again. For some reason, it hadn't moved. Taking this advantage, I destroyed it with one more LAW. Hmm...no call from HQ. Must be some enemy still in the town. I looked around again. 180 degrees later, the Russian medic was rounding the building. He saw me, dropped to the ground and got some lead upside his head. I called in, telling HQ that Petrovice was clear and the mission ended. And that's my courageous story... From now on, call me 'Jonny'! (Strikes a smug and heroic pose, then gets shot in the head) [Gareth Gates must die]
  14. Skul

    I'm a dragunov

    My top 3... My number One match My number Two match My number Three match So, I'm most like a tiny little pistol? Then I'm a Russian sniper rifle?? And then a sub-machinegun??? What a diverse personality I have! P.S. Can anyone tell me what a Vektor pistol is like? I've never heard of it... [Gareth Gates must die]
  15. Skul

    Astronomers find oldest planet yet

    Young upstart! You're thinking of trees! You don't count a planet's age by it's rings! You do it thorough intense and inexplicable formulas which include...... (rambles on in the incoherent language of scientists...) (Many hours later...) ...and that, in turn leads us to know that 1+1=2... Hold on... I've lost the thread now... .................Ah yes! That's it!... I believe it was... Closing [Gareth Gates must die]
  16. Skul

    Astronomers find oldest planet yet

    I'd like to add another question to this... How do they know how old a planet is? "Excuse me, Mr./Mrs. Planet... if you don't mind telling us... how old are you?" "I'm very young. Only 180 billion years old..." [Gareth Gates must die]
  17. Skul

    2 cutscenes

    Thanks for that! Now the cutscenes work! And also, this gets released on my birthday! Thanks for the present, Berghoff! [Gareth Gates must die]
  18. Wow! I never knew OFP could set the days of the week for other years! [Gareth Gates must die]
  19. Skul

    Time travel

    (...Head shakes then explodes...) Note: I fixed the spelling mistakes before I died. How? Well, someone from the future knows about my head exploding and goes back in time to stop me from reading that quoted post, therefore stopping me from dying and allowing me to get on with my life and stop a war from happening (apparently). I won't say anymore. P.S. If I fixed the spelling mistakes before I died, yet my death was prevented, then the spelling wasn't fixed before my death, it was fixed when I quoted it...and...then it's.... ...what the hell am I talking about? Time travel gives me a headache.... the past is the future, the future is the past.... Damn the person who thought of time travel! I'll have to go back in time and kill him! But then, if I kill him, then time travel probably won't have been conceived, and so I haven't killed him and he thinks of time travel, causing me to again go back in time and kill him, yet not killing him because time travel hasn't been thought of, yet it has while not.... I'll stop now, before I give anybody else a headache... [Gareth Gates must die] (But if I go back in time and kill Gareth, then.......)
  20. Skul

    Completed resistance

    lol! Oh please! Let's not start this again! There's already been a totally mental thread like this in the OFP2 section! And guys, what's with not wanting Viki to die? He died...er...honourably, I suppose. Do you all love him or something? Â Let it be... [Gareth Gates must die]
  21. Skul

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    -Nonny Jonny story- I was playing the SP mission Ambush. We had reached the second town with only about 2 or 3 casualties. We advanced into the town. Some of my buddies got gunned down, so I hit the deck. After a while, I hear no sounds. So I get up and run into the street of Dourdan, getting ready to shoot anything. I looked left, saw nothing. Immediately duck back. No gunfire. Pop out looking right. Nobody. So I sit there, wondering where all the enemies have buggered off to. I turn around and see this Russian RPG soldier crawling towards me. He was like 5m away. For some reason, he didn't fire at me. I heard some gunshots then "Damn, 6, is down!". Meanwhile, this ruskie is crawling past me, rudely pushing me out of the way. He must've been blind and lost his sense of touch. Bang! "I've got him!" says one of my team. This commie keeps crawling past me. I stare at him, dumbfounded for a moment, then bring my M16 up and pump a burst shot into him. A couple of seconds later, I get shot in the back by one of his buddies. And by the time the camera swings around to my killer, he's already dead himself! I cursed the guy who killed the Russian. Why? Well he could've killed the bastard quicker, you know! How many times have YOU been 'killed by a corpse'? A thousand times I've played through the campaigns, get killed, then see that a dead body has killed me! The eerie powers of the dead... [Gareth Gates must die]
  22. Skul

    Making a campaign

    Keeping men's status uses the save variable thingummy. I'm not sure how it works, though... I'll have to research that... [Gareth Gates must die]
  23. Skul

    Music video

    I didn't notice any abrupt jumping... to me, it was just cameras cutting to different things... [Gareth Gates must die]
  24. Skul

    Music video

    Downloaded it. Watched it... The verdict: Great effort! Just remember the fade in/out bits and release version 2 when everything's all fixed up! [Gareth Gates must die]
  25. Skul

    Good music

    Tried deleting the bugger then creating a new BMP? On topic......... How about..... (thinks)....... The Telletubbies theme! It's just right for an....right for...umm... for a.......thing.....y'know? (...Slips off quietly into the night...) [Gareth Gates must die]