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Everything posted by Skul
Maybe it has something to do with the third }; ? Try removing that, as the error window which comes up never gives you accurate information. I know your pain. You're so close to campaign completion, but then something stands in its way! Thanks to RED, mine is alright and is ready for beta testing. Anyway, I hope what I suggested helps you out. What's your campaign about? [Gareth Gates must die]
Good idea! But radio silence would be real good to have! [Gareth Gates must die]
You know what I'd like? If you were the commander of a squad, you could tell them to keep radio silence and break radio silence. Why? Well because it really gets on my nerves when the AI report every single individual soldier in the area. It's constant: "1 o'clock enemy soldier, 100" "1 o'clock enemy soldier, 100" "2 o'clock enemy AT soldier, 500" "4 o'clock enemy Officer, 300" Even worse with a chopper! Every 10 seconds they report the bugger! And if they have that annoying, high-pitched hill-billy voice... ooooh boy... "EElivin a'clack, sowjur! Wuuun hundrid!" GOD! Add radio silence and/or sort out enemy reports! PLEASE! [Gareth Gates must die]
They indicate how well you've done in a mission. If you do a mission well on Cadet mode, you can get 1 to 5 pearls. If you do a mission well in Veteran mode, you can get 1 to 5 gold stars. If you do piss poor in a mission on either Cadet or Veteran mode, you can get 1 to.... a helluva lot of red Xs. But I don't understand why you wouldn't be getting anything at all for your missions, Derek... [Gareth Gates must die]
You must have the perfect balance between doing things good and doing things bad! [Gareth Gates must die]
It would help, wouldn't it? Â You'll get command of your own squad soon enough. [Gareth Gates must die]
World War I; also known as 'The Great War'. World War II; also known as 'The Pretty Great, But Not As Good As The Last One War'. Sorry, no disrespect meant. I just thought that up... .....For some reason, my college class never did the silence... [Gareth Gates must die]
Finally found this post. Shadow, you're a fucking moron (yes, I remember it was you who edited it). Instead of removing the "And" from that sentence, and capitalising the "W", you just removed the first line of my post. Why the fuck would I write a post like that, you shitfaced motherfucking cunt? Now then, what I said before it was deleted for no reason whatsoever was something akin to this: If you update your game to version 1.96, you don't need the CD. And welcome to the wonderful world of Operation Flashpoint! [Gareth Gates must die] There! Repaired after all these goddamn years! Oh yeah, and "Shadow". That's a real fucking original name, you stupid prick. The game DOES skip the CD check if you update it, so I don't see what the fuck the problem is, retard.
That's odd this exec "camera.sqs" should work. You sure you spelled it right? No offense meant. [Gareth Gates must die]
Don't you mean 9... or 1... that's the most emotional sounding of the Resistance tracks, I think. [Gareth Gates must die]
OFP Moment: I was playing the 'Incursion' (steal the documents) mission. I managed to sneak up to the General's house and kill the guard at the door. I was about to sneak in, when another soldier ran out. He was heading straight for me, so I blasted him with the HK. He fell down, but then his buddies ran out, too. They couldn't see me because I was hiding in a bush, but they tripped the alarm. I turned to my left to see a whole group of Russians materialise out of thin air and kill me! What orders did Guba give his men? "If any spies are found, camcreate more men!" Speaking of Guba... where the heck is he? Probably down by the beach with Angelina, eh? [Gareth Gates must die]
...This guy sounds like me... [Gareth Gates must die]
TEh crap cammpagin  Sorry, couldn't resist it! [Gareth Gates must die]
19, in college and want to become a games creator and/or famous writer. 'Nuff said! [Gareth Gates must die]
19, in college and want to become a games creator and/or famous writer. 'Nuff said! [Gareth Gates must die]
Since when did you become a mod, Milkman? [Gareth Gates must die]
See this thread. Thanks, Avon [Gareth Gates must die]
I've downloaded the Winter CWC campaign for the run-up to Christmas. And also 'cause it's winter! Helluva lot of addons for it. And I'm getting an addon error....a missing MP5 or something... Anyhoo... the winter campaign... it'll give the old campaign a fresh look. And has anyone noticed that the pictures for the WCWC have nothing to do with the actual missions? I mean, there's a picture of a tank for a helicopter mission! [Gareth Gates must die]
(Happy music comes on) That was it, RED! Thanks a million!!! It no longer plays the intro et infinitum! Â Â For a second there, I was afraid Operation: GARGAT wasn't going to get a release. Now I know it will! Did you hear that, BAD ASS JACK? O:GG will be out for a beta run soon! (He's been askin' me ever since July about when O:GG will be out on 'public release' ) Anyhoo, thanks again, RED. That's another project of mine you've gotten a special thanks in! < Skul is very happy > Later! [Gareth Gates must die and will soon ]
Okay, I've tried everything, but my campaign keeps screwing up! Every time I compress it into a pbo file, it just keeps playing the intro cutscene forever! I have to press Alt-F4 to get out! Anyone know why this is? Is it because I have 2 cutscene missions at the beginning of my campaign? There's nothing wrong with the description.ext's and the campaign description.ext has been properly set up.... I don't get it... I really want to get this out. It's ready for a beta run, but it just refuses to do anything! [Gareth Gates must die]
Hmm, probably. I'll go try that out now. [Gareth Gates must die]
By end in the editor, I assume you mean if they have ending triggers. The answer is yes. Anyway, if they didn't I could just press space and skip it, but it keeps repeating. OK, here's the description.ext for my campaign. I did what a tutorial told me and named missions certain things so I could remember what they contained: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgIdentities { class Alex { name = "Alex Player"; face = "Face25"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Rob"; pitch = 1.05; }; class Blake { name = "David Blake"; face = "Face16"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Greg"; pitch = 0.85; }; class Barney { name = "Barney Dalton"; face = "Face1"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Jonah"; pitch = 1.00; }; }; class MissionDefault { lives = -1; lost =; end1 =; end2 =; end3 =; end4 =; end5 =; end6 =; }; class Campaign {   name = "Operation: GARGAT";   firstBattle = thecampaign;   class thecampaign   {     name = "Whole Campaign";     cutscene =;     firstMission = intro1;     end1 =;     end2 =;     end3 =;     end4 =;     end5 =;     end6 =;     lost =;         class intro1: MissionDefault { end1 = intro2; end2 = intro2; end3 = intro2; end4 = intro2; end5 = intro2; end6 = intro2; lost = intro1; template = gargatintro0.Noe; }; class intro2: MissionDefault { end1 = talk; end2 = talk; end3 = talk; end4 = talk; end5 = talk; end6 = talk; lost = intro2; template = gargat00.Noe; }; class talk: MissionDefault { end1 = walk; end2 = walk; lost = talk; template = gargat01.noe;         }; class walk: MissionDefault { end1 = flyout; lost = walk; template = gargat02.Noe;         }; class flyout: MissionDefault { end1 = onmalden; end2 = onmalden; lost = flyout; template = gargat03.Noe;         }; class onmalden: MissionDefault { end1 = kolgsneak; end2 = kolgsneak; end3 = kolgsneak; end4 = kolgsneak; end5 = kolgsneak; end6 = kolgsneak; lost = onmalden; template = gargat04.Abel;         }; class kolgsneak: MissionDefault { end1 = attack; lost = kolgsneak; template = gargat05.Cain; }; class attack: MissionDefault { end1 = desert; lost = attack; template = gargat06.Cain; }; class desert: MissionDefault { end1 = plane; end2 = plane; end3 = desert; lost = desert; template = gargat07.Intro; }; class plane: MissionDefault { end1 = onmalden2; end2 = onmalden2; end3 = onmalden2; end4 = onmalden2; end5 = onmalden2; end6 = onmalden2; lost = plane; template = gargat08.noe; }; class onmalden2: MissionDefault { end1 = daymission; lost = onmalden; template = gargat09.Abel; }; class daymission: MissionDefault { end1 = nightmission; lost = daymission; template = gargat10.Eden; }; class nightmission: MissionDefault { end1 = morning; lost = nightmission; template = gargat11.eden; }; class morning: MissionDefault { end1 = lamentin; end2 = lamentin; end3 = lamentin; lost = morning; template = gargat12.eden; }; class lamentin: MissionDefault { end1 = onkolgjuev; lost = lamentin; template = gargat13.Eden; }; class onkolgujev: MissionDefault { end1 = cleaningup; end2 = onkolgujev; end3 = onkolgujev; lost = onkolgujev; template = gargat14.cain; }; class cleaningup: MissionDefault { end1 = gargat; end2 = cleaninup; lost = cleaningup; template = gargat15.Cain; }; class gargat: MissionDefault { end1 = ending; end2 = ending; end3 = ending; end4 = ending; end5 = ending; end6 = ending; lost = ending; template = gargat16.Cain; }; class ending: MissionDefault { end1 =; lost =; template = gargat17.Noe; }; }; That's the whole thing. Strange, my 'crap campaign' worked fine, why doesn't this...? [Gareth Gates must die]
Johnny the OFP Messiah has just finished his second video! It took longer than expected, as I had some script difficulties, but they were taken care of. It's finally done and has a link: Johnny II -------------------------------------------------------- And before you ask, Ace: No, it's not been submitted to opflashpoint.org! It's over 6 megs and your website only allows a maximum upload of 2 megs! -------------------------------------------------------- This one is bigger and longer than the first and uses two music tracks. I hope this video get better reviews than the first. [Gareth Gates must die] EDIT: Cool! 555 posts!
Another mission! I'm throwin' these things out like... like... um... ... like things that are thrown out a lot! Anyway. The mission is: TEH CRAP MISHUN II!!! Â Â NOT! It's actually a serious mission this time (there must be something wrong with me! ) It's called Healing Hands. And I've made two versions of it. So here's the links! Healing Hands Healing Hands - BAS Ranger Conversion I always planned on converting it using BAS units. I don't know why I made a BAS conversion... guess I just wanted to make a mission using BAS units (shrugs). Anyhoo, enjoy! [Gareth Gates must die]
Alright, I'll try to make it a little more difficult. I didn't intend it to be so easy... And Avon...? !!!DON'T STEAL MY QUOTE!!! [Gareth Gates must die] EDIT ADD: Hey, I just noticed the BAS version is the Feature Mission of the Week! Why, though? It's pretty... well... pish, ain't it? It only got 4/10!