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Shadow NX

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Everything posted by Shadow NX

  1. Shadow NX

    Berlin1945 op mod thread

    One thing... its "Schweres wurfgerät" not surfgerat ( that sounds like some surf board to me  @Shashman As you see on some of the pics its something like a bomb/rocket launcher, you can use it alone or mount it to an Sdkfz halftrack as mobile launcher. I would translate it as "heavy throwing device"
  2. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Atm its that way: 2 versions of summer pattern, 1 desert pattern, 1 winter pattern ( different crew model ), the export tanks have the BIS crew with a new weapon. there are many export versions, i think it would cost far too much time make crew for all those versions.
  3. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Yes it supports this feature DDR variant ( GDR ) is included
  4. Shadow NX

    Gummi's landtexture pack released

    indeed jpg is not a very good solution... it takes much more time to load jpg files, for example if you have a gun with hires jpg textures and take it out of a crate it makes your game sometimes stops for a sec cause ofp needs to load the textures...
  5. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    If we have anything to report we will post it... no need for others to push the tread if there are no news. After all we are very carefull with showing pics atm cause it just tends to the endless when will it be released questions. But we update this tread soon...
  6. Shadow NX

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    RES animation switchmove"FXinHand"
  7. Shadow NX


    Arent they operating in 2 men teams normally? One with a silenced rifle who spots targets and the other one engages them with his sniper rifle.
  8. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    There wont be any crews with googles
  9. Shadow NX

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Hmm this pic reminds me of some other pic ive seen...
  10. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    well it wasnt aimed at you personal donnervogel...
  11. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    If the community could be patience we wouldnt have to make any announcements, and well if you want unfinished stuff then you wont get it not from us... You wont hear anymore release dates not even a "soon" in future...
  12. Shadow NX

    Sad news

    I must say i didnt know him very much but one thing i know this is a big loss for all the WW2 fans and sure its always sad if a young one has to die so early Rest in peace
  13. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Soon n/k
  14. Shadow NX

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Nope, no setpos command, i just placed the rescaled BMP too near to the crew and well you see the pic
  15. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Yes right there were some statements like this, and well... we learn. But back then the release was relly planned next weeks but we found some bugs and then decided to make  a new crew thats why the release has to be delayed.
  16. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    If we show pics of the work its hyping, if we dont show anything people say we are lazy... bah  Think of the fact that we have more than one project, many many more and they all need their time, at the end the releases will be as perfect and bugfree as possible cause they are tested as often as possible and we want every bug out before we release and with many many scripts and fetures you often find lil bugs.
  17. Shadow NX

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Damn banana peel! http://www.sga-clan.de/bisforums/combat/banana.JPG >100kb
  18. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    As far as i know it was only a joke that this is a RHS project but if so many need a flying bus we will see what we can do
  19. Read the tread and gain knowledge
  20. When it comes to converting stuff for OFP youre the man King Homer Nice, i would suggest some model changes, like making the helmet flatter
  21. Shadow NX

    Uaz and ural with mg

    well mate atm were working our asses off to get the damn crew done, the version we had didnt please us cause it has some problems so we decided to remodel parts of it and put a much better skin on it, the crew weapon will also have a custom ironsight... i think thats worth to wait some more days...
  22. Shadow NX

    Uaz and ural with mg

    See that happens if you rush things and dont care about the lil details... Better wait for the BAS UAZ and maybe later some RHS variants of the UAZ and URAL...
  23. Projekt Super Soldat
  24. Maybe they used a imperial pilot helmet to make this panzercops mask, on the pic it looks pretty different from the helmets you see in the mangas or movie.