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Everything posted by StorDuff

  1. StorDuff

    Final game thoughts *spolier*

    Kind of a glum game they put out. Victor Troska - Dead Liz -Dead Tasmanian Devil - Dead The AT guy that was always around w/ the cool glasses - Dead 3 4ths of the blackops - Dead Guba - Lived Would have been a bit better had not so many main characters died, but kudos to BIS for bringing people like me that play a lot of army games, but don't plan on fighting, the reality of war Also, to make it a bit more realistic, I would have liked to see a few women in combat. Most guerilla groups around the country have men and women fighting side by side. Nogova looked great. Guba has some personality. And I like how the campiagn revolves around one player, such as in Red Hammer, but without the impossible missions. At the end of the game though I see the credits scroll by, and get a long black screen. I hit esc and a picture of James flashed by in civilian clothes, is there something hgidden back there or is it just a glitch?
  2. How do I add cutscenes such as in the OFP/Redhammer campaigns? Is it in the editor or do I need to d/l another program, and where?
  3. Will check it out, thx. Never done OFP scripting, but I do know HTML