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Everything posted by strango

  1. strango

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    A password has been added to the server. It is: wglgetin
  2. strango

    WGL Missions of the Month

    Sorry for not submitting one, but I've been busy converting old stuff and working through my list of new ideas. Unfortunately none of the mission topics overlapped with your theme. If they do, I'll be sure to upload it.
  3. You would need to unPBO the campaign, edit the missions and add the appropriate WGL gamelogics to disable the features you don't want. Then recombine them back into a single PBO again and play through the campaign.
  4. It's working now. We played it a bit last night, but only had 8 people so it was just 4 v 4. I'm just hoping to get more people so we can test it with all the player slots filled and then make the appropriate gameplay changes to the mission design.
  5. strango

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    The Citadel is going to start having official play nights. They will be Wednesdays at 8:00pm CDT (-5 GMT). We're still playing other nights, but now hoping to have larger turn-outs on Wednesday. A few new adveserial no-respawn missions are in development and in active testing on the server. Come join in on the fun!
  6. On the Citadel we are currently testing a new game play type. It's inspired by the Pilot Down co-op. The adveserial version plays in a similar order of events. A helicopter wreck site is randomly placed in the AO. 1 player on West starts in the wrecked helicopter with a M4 and a single magazine. He also is bleeding (I init the WGL hit effects for this player slot from the start). A medic in the rescue squad can stop the bleeding. A squad of rangers is randomly placed around the wreck site. They must link up with the pilot and then extract. The area they must extract to is pre-determined by a green area marker. They may call for a helicopter extraction anywhere in the green marker. When they call for extraction they will be asked to click inside the green marker to pinpoint the LZ and an AI flown helicopter will perform the pick-up. The east sides also spawns around the wreck site, but on the opposite side of the rangers. The green marker area the west soldiers must extract to is also on the opposite side from the Rangers. No Respawn. All players leave footprints that will not fade away. Only squad leaders have access to the map. On West side only players with a radio have access to the map and may call for extraction. East does not know where the green marker for extraction is at. That's a basic summary, there are a few more details to it. We're still shaping the mission as this is just what I've come up with so far. We could use more players to help test, most of the time we only end up with around 8. The more we test we find out which features work well and which don't. From there I modify the design a bit and we evolve. We're going to start having official play nights every wednesday night at 8:00pm CDT (Central Daylights Savings Time) on the Citadel. We do however play other nights, we're just hoping to have the big turn-out on Wednesday nights. Come join us and help make the mission better. BTW I've also dug up "The Mark" (another adveserial no-respawn mission) that I made back in the 412 days and we're finding ways to make it better with WGL5's new features.
  7. I've finally got the WGL port of Pilot Down to a state where I'm ready to release it. I have started a thread in the OFP / User Missions forum on the subject. Pilot Down Thread Link Enjoy!
  8. I've seen this happen without WGL loaded so I don't think it's a WGL issue. It was with another add-on compass though.
  9. Here's a list of bugs we've found: -40mm Smoke Shells aren't multiplayer friendly. They only show up for the person firing them, all other players can not see it. Although it's already been mentioned I'll go ahead and do it again, when throwing smoke shells the smoke goes normal for the player who threw it, but all other players see the smoke at the exact location of the player throwing the smoke. -Spet Natz medic has regular uniform and not a spet natz uniform -I haven't narrowed this one down exactly yet, but when removing a ruck magazine and adding a ruck satchel through scripting I am sometimes unable to reload the ruck satchel in order to use it. This isn't a bug, but more my needing some help. I'm having difficulties with the mortars. Here's what I've done so far. I've added a WGL Gamelogic for Enable Mortars and put it outside the AO. I've added mortar carrying soldiers and a manned mortar hummer next to the game logic. I've placed an empty mortar hummer in the AO and a few mortar soldiers (same number as placed around the game logic. I don't receive any errors, but when I place the tube on the base the whole thing disappears. Any ideas on what I've forgotten? I've also put the include statement in description.ext for the wglmortar hpp.
  10. strango

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    We're still in the process of testing them, but once I feel confident they are in good shape I'll release a pack. The only required add-ons will be WGL5, WGL_IslandPack and Samak Hills. If you want to play the latest betas you can hop on the server and grab them. Right now the only two islands being used are Samak Hills and Occasus.
  11. strango

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    First you'd have to get Chaos to play; I haven't seen him play in nearly a year.
  12. strango

    Track ir

    It's not a 3rd party tool, look in the directory where you installed TrackIR and there will be a file called TIRMouse.exe. Be sure to run the regular .exe first as this program works in addition to it. While TIRMouse is running your TrackIR will control your mouse (even in the OS).
  13. strango

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    The IP for the server is: the-citadel.us I'd rather keep the ventrilo information out of the thread. You can PM me for it though. No Crosshair, No 3rd person.
  14. strango

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    heh, we'll take a little bit of your load.
  15. Also be sure you are not installing over any of the older betas. In other words delete the @wgl5 directory before installing the new one.
  16. strango

    Movement -> Stop

    Well the way strafing works in this game you can do that already. I'd be happy if the strafing speeds were lowered to a more realistic level. With TrackIR finially making it's way into the FPS genre you don't need the fast strafe speeds to emulate looking around (i.e. you turn 90 degrees and start strafing the direction you were previously going so you can look around and still travel in the intended direction).
  17. strango

    weapon handling

    I suggest you check out WGL or FDF to see what OFP is capable of when the configs are written with realism in mind. It would be great if stock ArmA would behave like either of the above mentioned, but if it doesn't we can always modify it. EDIT: Non-ArmA related, you should also check out Red Orchestra. They do an excellent job with realistic weapon handling.
  18. strango

    Movement -> Stop

    I also like it the way it is. You just need some practice to judge your stopping distances a little better.
  19. This is simulating shooting with both eyes open. Since you have two eyes you see things from a slightly different perspective out of each of them. When you shoot with both eyes open you kind of get an overlay of both views. The transparent effect is trying to simulate this. EDIT: phaeden is on the ball today and beat me to it.
  20. strango

    Track ir

    When the video starts it says he is using a TrackIR-3. His next video is suppose to show what the Vector Expansion will be able to do in the game.
  21. strango

    Track ir

    Well he says that, but if you look at gameplay in the video he's always looking straight ahead and the crosshair for where the gun is going to hit is always in the middle of the screen.
  22. strango

    Track ir

    I haven't used the eMagin so I can't comment on it other than what's in the video. It appears to be an aiming device that you use in place of your mouse which is totally different from what TrackIR is. With TrackIR the first question is what other games are you going to use this with? If you are only going to use it for ArmA I'd suggest just getting the TrackIR-3-PRO. You won't get vectoring with the TrackIR-3-PRO unless you also buy the Vector PRO upgrade. As of right now I don't know how much the vector expansion will add to ArmA. We need to wait for Shins to release his next video. If you are leaning toward getting the Vector expansion it's best to pay the little extra money and just buy a TrackIR4-PRO which already comes with Vector support. For the extra money you get a larger sensor that can read in a larger area. With the other you need to take more care when you center your view in the software. Due to the limited area you need to insure that your chair is centered with the sensor that you'll place (most likely) on your monitor.
  23. strango

    Track ir

    With TrackIR you use a hat. There's 3 reflectors on the hat (for the ones that support vectoring). So as long as you don't have a problem wearing a hat then you shouldn't have any secondary effects. Without vectoring you just need one reflector. They will give you a bunch of stickies you can use and stick them anywhere that will move with your head. You can also use the hat if you like.
  24. strango

    Track ir

    TrackIR for infantry use in ArmA will be about the same as it is for racing games. It's not going to make you a better player and give you an advantage over people who don't have it, but it will add to the immersion factor a ton. In racing games you have your look left and look right keys to survey your sides. In OFP you have keys to look around. TrackIR just lets you have a floating view of looking around which adds to the feeling of being in the game. Now where TrackIR will give players an advantage is with aircraft. Yes you can use the HAT to look around, but it's not smooth. When you're in a fast moving vehicle having an independent smooth view adds another level of awareness that you just can't get any other way. Does everyone need to go out and buy a TrackIR? No. Do you have some extra cash and want to add to your ArmA experience? If Yes I suggest you buy one. You won't regret it.
  25. strango

    Realism, Teamwork and Enjoyment.

    As I stated above, I don't see the harm in letting a few insurgents leave the village. If you're striving for realism then not allowing anyone to leave the village is a step in the wrong direction. As for the removal of AI, the best way to do that would be to check if the positions are local to the server. If they are then do a deletevehicle on it. Players will not be local to the server, but the AI that takes them over after a disconnect will be. You could also do a blind deletevehicle as the server won't allow you to delete a player, but then you run into the situation of when to perform it.