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Everything posted by Scud

  1. Scud

    No shadow on vehicle

    Yep it is Dont worry bout that I am still thinking bout the other
  2. Scud

    No shadow on vehicle

    All (numbered) lods from 0.75, 1  down with more then say 300 points in them. do this open them 1 at a time then press  Alt-P this will bring up window at bottom of screen. In property name put lodnoshadow In the value put  1 Alt-p again to close window
  3. Scud

    Gyro horizon ??

    well it isn't bar the fact that it only spins on a horizonat axis. The problem is once I have the horizont setup and working I would like to get the gyro horizon going aswell but I can not figure out how (as yet) have tried horizont2 aswell as other methods- did not work.
  4. Scud

    0-2a cessna (vietnam era)

    I had actually started on the Bird Dog before this one - so if I haven't deleted it I will look at finishing the 01.
  5. Scud

    Gyro horizon ??

    . Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
  6. Scud

    0-2a cessna (vietnam era)

    In answer to that - Check this site out                   Just HE. I don't know how to do the WP but if someone can help out with that would be much appreciated.
  7. Scud

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    This script is Bratty's or Trenchfeet's not mine.
  8. can I detect where a plane has been hit? I know you can with choppers but haven't seen it on planes.
  9. Bugger - I must of misunderstood what I saw. I assume then that you can't detect where a plane has been hit? edited ------ dammageHalf[]={}; dammageFull[]={}; how do I make use of these ?
  10. in a sqs file I need a method of counting this is a basic sample of what I have got so far " _n = 0 #loop _n = _n+1 if _n >= 10: exit goto "loop" " In game I keep getting 'unknown operator' err. re: "if _n >= 10: exit" line. I have tried many variants of this code ie: if (_n >= 10): exit do I have to define _n as an interger? if so how?
  11. Scud

    Cant count ??

    doh - thanx you made me realize another dumn typo I keep getting flashbacks to DOS and basic years. used the old if instead of ? - dah Thanx
  12. Scud

    Fuel gauge problemo

    doh - lol problem fixed
  13. this is what I have in cpp, it works but the problem is the speed indicated on the dial is only bout half of the actual speed. I have tried increasing and decreasing the angle and the max settings but nothing works. I have tried mph as selection but had the same effect - only indicated bout half of actual speed. How can I fix it ??
  14. Can some1 clear this up for me? ?(_player in _plane) - does this mean player is in the plane ?!(_player in _plane) - and this player is not in plane or do they mean the same thing or visa versa?
  15. Scud

    ?(_player in _plane)

    Great thanks for help
  16. when the player is not in plane I would like the AI to turn the nav lights on. (uno same as AI do when they get in a jeep) can some1 help with the lightsOn command plz? I have done a search and got everything but what I was looking for. (I know I saw it recently)
  17. works a treat Thanx Bullz_eye_on_my_back
  18. I will give it ago and let uno if it works
  19. Scud

    Script help

    All sorted out now, thanx
  20. Scud

    Script help

    I have model plane which I would like the door to shut (if player hasn't already done so) when the plane is taxiing - say over 10 km/h. I have tried a few variations to this code sample from event handlers { Engine = "if (_this Select 1) then {[_this select 0] exec ""\02a\shutdoor.sqs""}"; }; but keep getting an ERR " ' encountered instead of "=" " on game startup. Anybody able to help me with this?
  21. Scud

    Statistics tracking

    There was a script written ages ago by God knows who anyway it kept track of hits etc - even how many bullets you fired. I will have a look down in the cellar and see if I can find it.
  22. Scud

    Landing gear problem

    Doh just had a look - had the rear left as left rear etc. Thanx again
  23. "class EventHandlers engine ="[_this select 0] exec ""\ etc" as engine detects when engine has started I need to detect when the gear has been raised or lowered by player using the "gear up or down command. I have tried "Gear" with no success. Can some1 hlp on this plz.
  24. Scud

    Landing gear problem

    thanx mate I have tried the first code sample but must have typo in there somewhere. will go back over it and see.
  25. Scud

    Textures ?

    This is good site. Thanx for directions. Did metal surface as 1 suggested, looked good in psp so saved as gif and put on model. When viewed in bulldozer and game it was all chunky uno big squares all over da place. This is not good. Where/how did I screw up? gif was 512x512 256 colours.