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Everything posted by SKULLS_Viper

  1. SKULLS_Viper

    The power

    hehe, lighthouse.
  2. SKULLS_Viper

    Put on or off a silencer...

    hehe, when jets fly faster then the speed of sound, it makes a loud BANG!And it is not spinning like a bullet.
  3. SKULLS_Viper


    Or what ever thoses T-72 125mm rounds, i cant remeber.
  4. SKULLS_Viper


    Or what ever thoses T-72 125mm rounds, i cant remeber.
  5. SKULLS_Viper


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">GAU8 can penetrate ANY MBT EASILY. EASILY. <span id='postcolor'> Well, no one actually tryied it on the M1A1 -A2 so so you cant be so shure.I mean, look at a iraq 125mm heat round, it didnt do nothing to a M1A1, so i dont think a 30mm would peirce the M1A1-A2 easily, all though i havent tryed it, nor have you, nor the US.
  6. SKULLS_Viper


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">GAU8 can penetrate ANY MBT EASILY. EASILY. <span id='postcolor'> Well, no one actually tryied it on the M1A1 -A2 so so you cant be so shure.I mean, look at a iraq 125mm heat round, it didnt do nothing to a M1A1, so i dont think a 30mm would peirce the M1A1-A2 easily, all though i havent tryed it, nor have you, nor the US.
  7. SKULLS_Viper

    Anyone here works at best buy?

    I like the Best Buy hear in Westminster Colorado.Really sweat.I really like the bigass 4x 200 inch monitors on top of the X boxe and the Nintendo Gamecube etc.(not shure exactly how big the TV's are but they are huge).All though i havent been there in a while so im not shure if it is gone, cause i heard they remodeled, and im mostly going to CompUSA.
  8. SKULLS_Viper

    Why will my ofp minimize so much?

    The only time Operation Flashpoint minamizes on me is when my battery on my wireless optical mouse are low, OFP minamizes then i get a messege.Also, other messeges, also if you hit Alt-Tab, it minamizes OFP, so make shure you are not hitting those keys while playing. But other then that, OFP doesnt minamize on me, while im running XP Home upgrde.
  9. SKULLS_Viper


    man is rotten.com really disgusting?Are they real life disgusting things?Or just use special effects?I dont plan on goin to that web site though.
  10. SKULLS_Viper

    Adding map markers in briefing

    Oh ok, i was talking about, you know when you get to briefing, and you see the map, and the notebook, and you double click any where on the map places a marker, then you type in something then hit enter, so if i want to place a marker that only my side can see, just select side channel(. key) and then double click on map, then only my side will be able to see it?Same with Vehicle channel to?I'll give it a try.Thanks.
  11. SKULLS_Viper

    Adding map markers in briefing

    When playing online, and you double click on the map, you add a marker, but i was wondering, does ever one see it?What i mean is, your on the West, so does the East see the markers you put on the map?I like adding markers to show where to drop me off at, or where im at, or where the enemy is, but then the enemy sees the marker, and know where to wait to kill you, or they know they need to find a new area. Later
  12. SKULLS_Viper

    How to get a girlfriend?

    Just go straight and you'll be fine.
  13. SKULLS_Viper

    Slow loading after multiplayer

    It takes me awhile to load.
  14. SKULLS_Viper


    The rudder, seems to be bugged, or has it been fixed?
  15. SKULLS_Viper


    The rudder, seems to be bugged, or has it been fixed?
  16. SKULLS_Viper

    Anyone ever completed "convoy"?

    I've never been able to complete that mission.
  17. SKULLS_Viper

    1.60 beta version for mp

    When unzipping it, just have the folder zipped to your desktop, then double click the unzipped folder, and double click the OFP icon in that folder, then it should run.It works on Windows XP home edition, on mine. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Aldega I tried that, but it didn't work. I ran the program outside codemasters/ofp/... and it gave me the same message, and I copy: "Verifying Operation Flashpoint, version 1.46... Warning: No CRC information about version 1.46. Operation Flashpoint: Updating version 1.46 to version 1.60... Operation Flashpoint patch 1.60 has been applied successfully." Ok, but it installs automatically the OFPMPTEST into this path: Codemaster/ofp/ofpmptest and a folder named OFPMPTEST with a BIN file in it. So, if I try to run OFPMPTEST outside this path (and I tried that too in a separate folder with the IFC22.DLL and is3Dfx.dll files) the same problem occurs: it creates an erro report telling me that it will be sent to Microsoft. When I open the report I see this: "AppName: ofpmptest.exe AppVer: ModName: ofpmptest.exe ModVer: Offset: 00131a39" <span id='postcolor'> You might have to reinstall OFP, but correct me if im wrong, and dont try it yet till some one confirms!
  18. SKULLS_Viper

    1.60 beta version for mp

    When unzipping it, just have the folder zipped to your desktop, then double click the unzipped folder, and double click the OFP icon in that folder, then it should run.It works on Windows XP home edition, on mine. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Aldega I tried that, but it didn't work. I ran the program outside codemasters/ofp/... and it gave me the same message, and I copy: "Verifying Operation Flashpoint, version 1.46... Warning: No CRC information about version 1.46. Operation Flashpoint: Updating version 1.46 to version 1.60... Operation Flashpoint patch 1.60 has been applied successfully." Ok, but it installs automatically the OFPMPTEST into this path: Codemaster/ofp/ofpmptest and a folder named OFPMPTEST with a BIN file in it. So, if I try to run OFPMPTEST outside this path (and I tried that too in a separate folder with the IFC22.DLL and is3Dfx.dll files) the same problem occurs: it creates an erro report telling me that it will be sent to Microsoft. When I open the report I see this: "AppName: ofpmptest.exe AppVer: ModName: ofpmptest.exe ModVer: Offset: 00131a39" <span id='postcolor'> You might have to reinstall OFP, but correct me if im wrong, and dont try it yet till some one confirms!
  19. SKULLS_Viper

    Upgrade 1.46 and windows xp

    If i remeber right, the 'Gold edition is bugged', im not shure if that is the case though, but im using 1.46 with XP home edition upgrade, and it works fine, and i have the normal Operation Flashpoint, not the Gold edition.So it might be the Gold edition thats causing those problems, but correct me if im wrong.
  20. SKULLS_Viper


    hehe, i could use it online, since it is small, it would probably be hard to hit. Now... where is my spray paint, that makes every thing invisible.
  21. Plus Gunslingers also messes up the tanks, i cant see no hud, so i just had to get rid of it.But i like the buildings you can place on the map, but thats probably all i think i like about it.
  22. SKULLS_Viper


    Resistance will probably support Geforce 4, so youll get full benifet of the card.But now, Geforce 3 will give YOU the most benifiet, except Geforce 4 will probably give you better frame rates.
  23. SKULLS_Viper


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Doesn't support" is a poor choice of words -- I would prefer "Doesn't take advantage of".<span id='postcolor'> Sounds alittle better.
  24. SKULLS_Viper

    Where be everyone from?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The list of places I've "visited" would be longer <span id='postcolor'> Well then, your REALLY havent seen nothing yet.
  25. SKULLS_Viper


    Operation Flashpoint doesnt even support Geforce 4, so you probably wont see not diffrents, and your best bet is a Geforce 3.